内能环境 //www.ludikid.com/category/oil-gas-policy/ 能源、商品和环境法律和政策开发 图族2023年1月19日22:39:11+00 en-US 时钟 一号 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.1.1&lxb_maple_bar_source=lxb_maple_bar_source https://insideenvironmentredesign.covingtonburlingblogs.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/47/2021/06/cropped-cropped-cropped-favicon-3-32x32.png 内能环境 //www.ludikid.com/category/oil-gas-policy/ 32码 32码 监管者和决策者日益关注室内空气质量 //www.ludikid.com/2023/01/a-growing-focus-on-indoor-air-quality-by-regulators-and-policymakers/ Sarah Wilson、Thomas Brugato、Brendan Parets、John Mizerak、Lindsay Brewer和MollyBrown 图族2023年1月19日22:38:29+00 空气污染和温室气体控制 油气策略 空气质量 建构代码 CPSC EPA公司 毒气炉 室内空气质量 天然气 污染 公共卫生 //www.ludikid.com/?p=8407 p对齐=scenter++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Continue Reading…

Congress, the media, and the public have given significant attention to remarks this week by a commissioner of the Consumer Product Safety Commission ("CPSC") indicating that the agency would be considering a federal ban on gas stoves due to their health effects.  The suggestion of a ban on gas stoves has drawn comments from bipartisan policymakers in both chambers, and even the White House has weighed in against the prospect of a potential ban.

The CPSC is unlikely to ban gas stoves in the near future, although it has the authority to ban unreasonably dangerous products that cannot be made safe, and has done so with toxic substances in children's products and other product categories in the past.   A CPSC rulemaking on mandatory safety standards for gas stoves, however, is a possibility, and that process may drive the establishment of voluntary industry standards by a standards-setting body.  Additionally, other federal and state regulators have recently sharpened their focus on indoor air quality and gas-powered appliances, for both health and environmental reasons.  The Environmental Protection Agency ("EPA"), for instance, is undertaking several activities related to indoor air quality.  And the California Air Resources Board ("CARB") recently adopted a plan that would effectively prohibit the sale of gas-powered space and water heaters in California by 2030.

Particularly with regard to federal regulatory activity on gas stoves and other gas-powered appliances, potentially affected parties will have ample opportunities to help shape the outcome of any mandatory or voluntary product standards put in place or accepted by the CPSC, and to engage with other regulators.  This alert provides an overview of recent and emerging legislative and regulatory activity related to indoor air pollution, focusing particularly on activity by the CPSC and EPA.  Companies—both those with interests in gas stoves and those concerned with indoor air quality issues more broadly—should carefully follow indoor air quality developments, including in their interactions with regulators, given the increased focus on this area.

Consumer Product Safety Commission

The Consumer Product Safety Act ("CPSA") tasks the CPSC with regulating the safety of consumer products, which the statute broadly defines as products sold or used by consumers.  The CPSA exempts from CPSC jurisdiction most items subject to regulation by another federal agency, including food, drugs, tobacco, pesticides, motor vehicles and motor vehicle equipment, and firearms.The CPSC has five commissioners and is bipartisan by statute, although one seat is currently vacant.

The CPSC has the power to promulgate product safety standards that are "reasonably necessary to eliminate or reduce an unreasonable risk of injury associated with such product."  The public, including industry, may offer written comments in a CPSC rulemaking on product safety standards, and the CPSC must "give interested persons an opportunity for the oral presentation of data, views, or arguments."  Additionally, if the agency receives a submission of a voluntary safety standard and determines that the standard is "likely to result in the elimination or adequate reduction of the risk of injury" and that "it is likely that there will be substantial compliance with such standard," it must terminate the rulemaking and rely on the voluntary standard. 

The CPSC faces a relatively high bar to implementing a mandatory safety standard, including the requirement that it make a finding that "the rule imposes the least burdensome requirement which prevents or adequately reduces the risk of injury for which the rule is being promulgated."  There is an even higher bar for banning a product, which requires a finding that there is "no feasible consumer product safety standard [that] would adequately protect the public from the unreasonable risk of injury associated with such product."  Both mandatory standards and a ban could be challenged in federal court, and most courts considering CPSC mandatory standards or bans have subjected the agency's required findings to stringent scrutiny.

Although Commissioner Trumka's recent remarks gained attention due to his reference to a potential ban on gas stoves, the adoption of voluntary or mandatory standards is a more likely outcome.  There is a clear CPSC interest in the topic.  The agency's fiscal year 2023 operating plan includes as a priority a focus on "chronic hazards, including hazards associated with ...万博体育app手机登录gas stoves" and sets a target date of March 1, 2023, for agency staff to provide a plan to the commissioners for seeking public input on the topic.  In considering the operating plan, the Commission unanimously accepted, as part of a larger manager's amendment, Commissioner Boyle's addition of "chronic hazards" to the agency's priorities.  During that meeting, Commissioner Trumka offered an amendment to begin rulemaking on standards for gas stoves, but he withdrew that amendment due to lack of support.  The instruction to begin seeking public input on gas stoves was a fallback, which the Commission adopted unanimously.

The agency is also facing congressional pressure to begin promulgating safety standards for gas stoves.  In December, on the same day that a study was published indicating that gas stoves may be a major cause of childhood asthma, a group of House and Senate Democrats wrote the CPSC to urge the agency to begin a rulemaking to address health risks from gas stoves.  The letter included a focus on the impacts of indoor air quality on vulnerable populations, which is consistent with the priority listed in the CPSC fiscal year 2023 operating plan to "enhance agency data collection and analysis of product safety incidents, injuries, and deaths to identify vulnerable populations" and to "allocate safety work to better address any existing safety disparities among such identified vulnerable populations." 

Environmental Protection Agency

The EPA has also shown a growing interest in indoor air quality, including related to emissions from gas-powered appliances.  The EPA has expansive statutory authority to research, but not regulate, indoor air quality issues under the Radon Gas and Indoor Air Quality Research Act of 1986.  Despite lacking authority to regulate in this area, the EPA's research can be authoritative and lead to regulatory and legislative activity and industry scrutiny.  For example, the EPA's 1993 report on the risks of secondhand smoke exposure influenced public understanding of the dangers of secondhand smoke and the subsequent proliferation of smoke-free laws.  A recently published report by the National Academies of Sciences, sponsored in part by the EPA, stressed the importance of issues relating to indoor chemicals, and the effect of these chemicals on air quality and human health.

As part of its efforts on indoor air quality, EPA has also become involved with indoor air quality sensor technology.  Most notably, the EPA recently published guidance on the benefits and limitations of low-cost air quality monitors.  While noting that air quality monitors may be helpful in measuring indoor pollution, the EPA also cautioned consumers that there is limited information as to the accuracy of these monitors and noted that there is "currently no widely accepted air concentration limits for most pollutants indoor."  The guidance also reflects increased concerns about indoor air pollution, including from stoves, stating that "[i]n some instances, you may wish to use one or more monitors to compare pollutant levels or environmental factors before, during, and after an activity like cooking."  The development of indoor air quality monitors may be significant to providing alternatives to simply banning products, by providing consumers with information they can use to respond to indoor air quality issues.  Similarly, enhanced research regarding indoor air pollution may provide greater clarity about pollutant levels of concern indoors.

The EPA also has jurisdiction under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act over air-cleaning devices if device claims include pest or other micro-organism mitigation (e.g., air filters, air purifiers).  The agency has significantly increased its focus on these devices due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and we can expect a continued concern with indoor air quality issues to result in continued EPA engagement regarding this category of products.

As additional evidence of the agency's interest in these issues, the EPA published a request for information in October 2022, seeking input on "actions, strategies, tools and approaches that support ventilation, filtration and air cleaning improvements, and other actions" to promote indoor air quality, with a focus on reducing disease transmission indoors.  The request for information was prompted, in part, by the Biden Administration's Clean Air in Buildings Challenge, which calls on building owners and operators to improve indoor air quality and reduce the spread of COVID-19.

Finally, in exercising its authority to address outdoor air pollution, the EPA may affect indoor appliances and indoor air quality.  For example, in August 2022 environmental groups, including the Sierra Club, petitioned the EPA to list heating appliances (including indoor appliances such as space heaters, gas stoves, and dryers) as a source category under the Clean Air Act and to issue performance standards.

State and Local Legislation

State and local regulators and legislative bodies have also engaged in activity related to gas-powered appliances.In addition to the California Air Resources Board plan that would effectively prohibit the sale of gas-powered space and water heaters in California by 2030,  amendments to the state's building code that strengthened ventilation standards and established requirements for single-family homes to be ready for electric appliances went into effect on January 1.  The Los Angeles prohibition on gas appliances in new buildings will be effective this month, and in November 2022, the largest county in Maryland passed a law requiring all new construction to be fully electric by the end of 2026.  Numerous other local governments have enacted their own gas bans, although there is currently ongoing litigation regarding whether these gas bans may be preempted under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act.  Additionally, these gas bans have prompted backlash from some state governments.  As of June 2022, 20 states have passed legislation prohibiting local communities from enacting gas bans, and legislators in states where such "preemption legislation" failed may try again in the coming year.

Product manufacturers, retailers, and consumers can expect continued state and local legislative activity on gas appliances in 2023.  For example, New York's Climate Action Council plan, passed in December, contains recommendations for implementing New York's 2019 Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act.  The plan calls for making buildings more energy efficient through a mix of adopting zero-emission building codes and standards and providing incentives to transition to energy efficient appliances.  Cities such as Denver and Eugene, Oregon, are also considering bans on natural gas in new residential buildings.

Non-Governmental Organizations

Non-governmental organizations are likely to continue advocating for regulation of gas-fueled appliances and indoor air quality.  For example, a 2022 study conducted by the U.S.公众兴趣研究集团教育基金和Sierra俱乐部发现,消费者在各零售商购物可能无法了解与燃气炉和通风需求相关的健康风险,此外,2022年6月,美国医学协会传递了分辨率..manbext网页版and asthma," and resolving to advocate for programs to encourage the transition from gas stoves to electric stoves.

Opportunities for Companies

Clearly, indoor air quality concerns are not going away, and we expect continued regulatory and policymaking focus on these issues.  Companies selling products that may contribute to indoor air quality issues should consider monitoring these developments, participating in rulemaking and legislative processes, and proactively taking steps to evaluate and mitigate any indoor air quality risks (e.g., enhanced ventilation, monitoring), and develop a legal and regulatory strategy.  Others may want to consider both the benefits and the risks associated with providing air-cleaning and air-monitoring technologies to consumers, which will continue to be an area of significant regulatory and legislative focus. 

If you have any questions concerning the material discussed in this post, please contact the authors.

欧洲天然气危机 //www.ludikid.com/2022/08/europes-gas-crisis/ 托马斯·赖利 弗里2022年8月5日 19:57:44+00 欧洲能源和气候政策 油气策略 欧洲 欧洲联盟委员会 欧洲联盟 加气 天然气价格 北流 俄罗斯 //www.ludikid.com/?p=7876 p对齐=scenter+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++下调确保欧洲继续支付俄国天然气费(无论高价多少)以满足日常需求,Continue Reading… p对齐="centersspans样式表示"文本装饰:下划线;"Gazprom再次减少供应 gsprom7月27日决定通过Nord流1到33msm提供气量表示它现在交付管道容量的五分之一This reduction ensures Europe will continue paying (ever higher prices) for (just enough) Russian gas in order to service its day-to-day needs, whilst leaving insufficient extra to fill storage units before the winter (in late June, the Commission mandated that EU gas storage facilities should be 80% full by 1 November). The Gazprom reductions come against the backdrop of a historically hot summer, where consumer demand, including for air conditioning, is significantly higher than normal.[i]

Ironically, given the IPPC report and COP27 at the end of the year, the major beneficiary of the Russian gas supply crunch appears to be coal: the IEA forecasts a 7% rise in global coal consumption to reach the all-time record set in 2013, with electricity demand for coal likely to increase by as much as 16%.

The EU's Response

The EU responded with the announcement of a plan for a 15% reduction in gas use across the bloc.  Part of the objective of the plan, which will be in force until March 2023, is to reduce gas use now in order to release gas to build up storage in preparation for the winter.初始性排减量由成员国自愿实施,但成员国必须每两个月向欧盟报告节能计划进度,然而,如果俄罗斯命令完全关闭欧盟天然气供应量,目标将成为强制目标 。

关键产品制造商和关闭电源后难以重开电厂免责然而,一些欧盟成员国已经颁布了国内能效计划。计划包括一系列措施:关闭历史遗迹照明关灯广告确定最大和最小空调单元水平介于19-27C禁止手机加热强制商店关上门关闭城喷泉或强制公共游泳池只提供冷水淋浴计划强制所有商业设施 关闭1900计划是否生存德拉吉死后,还有待观察 。

除能效驱动外,欧盟还启动全球能源外交推送以寻找新燃气源承认它无法替换一个供应商所有缺失俄国天然气,它正在推行一种“分片购买策略 ” 。 这种方法发现它在一些新不熟悉门上搜索天然气-尼日利亚、阿尔及利亚和哈萨克斯坦-并返回老供应商-沙特阿拉伯、卡塔尔和伊拉克。



西班牙、葡萄牙和意大利比西北欧洲更快地储存天然气,特别是德国,因为战争爆发后,LNG容量提高(例如Eni计划新FLNG船四年内投入运营)和从阿尔及利亚进口更多天然气自2024后半段起,意大利计划独立于俄罗斯所有天然气供应量,而渡过这个冬天只需要将当前消费削减7%即可。西班牙已同意类似的减值 。

ddex从俄国进口55%的天然气 。到目前为止,国内消费者一直不受天然气价格上涨的影响,因为德国大多数私有家庭都预先支付天然气账单 。然而,支持快结束6月,德国通过了一项紧急能源计划,使公用事业公司能够向客户传递更高的天然气价格,7月28日,德国政府确认计划向客户收取煤气附加费可能比预期高得多。

/p>加速从天然气向电源转换供家庭消费的任何计划都可能因电网缺余容量而受到影响In the UK, developers have been warned it might take more than a decade to develop the necessary grid capacity. This problem is not unique to the UK and is only likely to increase in the years ahead with legislation requiring new homes to support low-carbon technologies such as heat pumps and an increase in electric vehicles, which will place additional strain on grids across Europe.

Is the Plan Enough for a Harsh Winter?

The 15% reduction target, which was predicated on a bitterly cold winter, would reduce EU consumption of Russian gas by 45 bcm.  A number of opt-outs will reduce that figure[ii], but the Commission is confident that even with the opt-outs, the reduction of demand will be sufficient to see the EU through an averagely cold winter. 

However, the real emerging concern is not winter 2022-2023, since European gas storage is at a relatively healthy level (71% full on 2 August), but rather winter 2023-2024: gas storage will be depleted by spring 2023 and replenishing it will be difficult with fewer options and greater competition for gas supply on a tighter market.  Already Asian demand for US LNG cargoes has increased!5月欧洲取67%,7月亚洲占近一半(法国取13批货,NL取11次,日本取9次,南韩和西班牙各取7次)。

sp英国通膨达40年峰值9.4%,英格兰银行将利率调高1995年以来最大单行增长并发布警告说今年晚些时候开始长期衰退,明年初通胀达13%某些报告预测到2023年初将达15% 。

欧区消费者信心在7月降为新低点,预计8月5日发布数字时通胀将创历史新高8.7 % 。 欧洲央行在十年内首次提高7月底利率,这可能加速欧元区家庭和企业贷款减少的新趋势。一些人担心欧洲央行可能为时已晚,因为不断恶化的经济前景缩小了进一步提高利率解决通货膨胀问题的可能性。espan样式表示文本装饰:下划线;下划线;下划线;下划线;下划线


甲烷减排程序:美国努力处理有能温室气体的下一步 //www.ludikid.com/2022/07/methane-emissions-reduction-program-the-next-step-in-the-united-states-efforts-to-tackle-a-potent-greenhouse-gas/ 加里S古兹和马丁列维 卫星2022年7月30日 16:18:27+00 空气污染和温室气体控制 拜顿行政 减通货膨胀法 油气策略 排减量 全球变暖 温室化气体 甲烷 //www.ludikid.com/?p=7839 p对齐='中心''##/p>通缩法(IRA)将在限制和减少甲烷污染方面取得重大进展甲烷证明是气候问题的重要部分联合国环境规划署(环境署)指出,在20年期间,甲烷变暖比二氧化碳强80倍.NationalConceContinue Reading… p对齐="中心点"\p/p>

通缩法(IRA)将大步限制并减少甲烷污染甲烷证明是气候问题的重要部分ips/unep.org/news-andssories/story/are-raistriew-climate-heres-show-redues-thes#:~Text=me%20is%20By implementing a Methane Emissions Reduction Program, the IRA takes a significant step towards reducing methane-related warming.  This program implements a carrot-and-stick regulatory regime, whereby the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) rewards methane reduction efforts with financial assistance, and penalizes excess methane waste with a set fee.

The IRA is the latest in a series of efforts by the United States to reduce methane emissions from the petroleum and natural gas sectors.  Since taking office, the Biden Administration has recognized the challenges posed by methane emissions and prioritized cutting their emissions.  In advance of the 2021 UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow (COP 26), the United States and the European Union jointly launched the Global Methane Pledge, which asked countries to band together and commit to a collective goal of reducing global methane emissions at least 30% from 2020 levels by 2030.  As of this summer, the State Department has announced that 120 countries have joined the pledge.  In November of 2021, the Biden Administration further announced a series of regulatory actions to tackle methane emissions, from the oil and gas sector, landfills, abandoned coal mines, and agriculture.

The Methane Emissions Reduction Program complements each of these efforts and is the next significant step in the country's attempt to tackle methane-related warming.  It would reduce methane emissions through two key mechanisms.  IRA § 60113.First, it would provide $1.5 billion for EPA to support emissions monitoring and methane reduction efforts in petroleum and natural gas systems, through grants, rebates, contracts, loans and other forms of financial support.  Id.  These funds are directed at permanently shutting in and plugging wells on non-federal lands, to improving and deploying equipment that reduces methane emissions, and to supporting innovation in reducing methane emissions.  Id.

Second, these incentives are coupled with a methane waste emissions fee applied to petroleum and natural gas systems emitting more than 25,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent gas.  The fee will be calculated by multiplying the metric tons of methane emissions exceeding waste emissions thresholds by: (a) $900 for emissions in 2024!2025年排放1200元and (c) $1,500 for emissions in 2026 and each year thereafter.  Id.  Fees will only be imposed on emissions above a certain waste emissions threshold, which vary by industry segment and represent the leakage rate from well-designed and maintained systems in that segment, in turn providing an incentive for oil and gas systems to reduce methane leakage.

The Methane Emissions Reduction Program further promotes EPA's regulatory authority under the Clean Air Act, by exempting from the payment requirement any facilities that are in compliance with methane emissions requirements established for new and existing sources, so long as standards and plans have been approved and are in effect in all States and compliance with the requirements imposed by those standards and plans will result in equivalent or greater emissions reductions than can be achieved by EPA's November 2021 proposed rule to reduce methane in the oil and natural gas industry.  This is a powerful floor!EPAss/www.epa.gov/system/files/documents/2021-11/2021-oil-and-gas-subject.-overview-fact-she..大于2019年全美释放的二氧化碳量passenger cars and commercial aircraft combined."  By imposing a tax on emitters that are lagging behind and providing an exemption once all States are enforcing requirements that would achieve equivalent or greater reductions, the IRA's Methane Emissions Reduction Program creates strong incentives for both States and industry to adopt and comply with strong methane emissions standards.

As noted in another blog post, the Rhodium Group has estimated the IRA, if enacted, would cut domestic greenhouse emissions 44% from 2005 levels.  In an earlier study of the emissions reductions associated with a prior iteration of the IRA, Rhodium described the methane emissions fee as one of six "big-ticket items that stand out" for its impact on reducing emissions.  That the Methane Emissions Reduction Program is just one of many, game-changing provisions in the IRA underscores the potential impact of this bill for the energy sector and for achieving our nation's climate objectives.

欧洲联盟通过跨欧能源网络新规则 //www.ludikid.com/2022/06/the-european-union-adopted-new-rules-for-the-trans-european-networks-for-energy/ Johan Ysewyn、Carole Maczkovics和Antoine Espinase Tue 2022年6月14日 欧洲能源和气候政策 氢气 净零能 近海风 油气策略 CEF系统 清洁能源 连通欧洲机制 电工 能源 欧洲 Europe绿色交易 欧洲联盟 加气 基础设施 近海风 油厂 PCI PMI语言 共同利益项目 可再生能源 可再生能源 TEN-E条例2022 跨欧能源网络 //www.ludikid.com/?p=7767 2022年5月30日, 欧洲联盟(EU)通过了关于跨欧能源基础设施指南的订正条例2022/869号规则(TEN-E条例2022号)取代前文规则347/2013 (TEN-E调控2013)旨在提高能源部门供应安全性、市场整合性、竞争和可持续性Continue Reading… s/europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=urserv%3AJ_2022.01.004.01.Eng&toc=OJ%3AL%3A2022%3A152%ATOC2022/869 (TEN-E规范2022)取代前规则s/eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX%3A02013R0347-20200331347/2013 (TEN-E规则2013),旨在提高能源部门供应安全、市场整合、竞争和可持续性TEN-E规则2022寻求更好地支持欧洲跨边界能源基础设施现代化和background p>之后,会员国选择并实施了指定优先通道范围内的PCIsPCI程序从欧盟预算和快速许可程序的具体供资中得益This process helped most EU Member States to reach their 2020 interconnection targets and contributed to energy market integration and security of supply.

The revised TEN-E Regulation 2022 continues to work towards developing better connected energy networks while updating the TEN-E framework to focus on the latest environmental targets and ensuring consistency with the climate neutrality objectives set out in the EU Green Deal.

Towards a better integrated and greener EU energy market

The TEN-E Regulation 2022 reallocates and identifies 11 priority corridors with the purpose of meeting objectives to (i) reduce carbon emissions by 55% by 2030 and (ii) achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.优先通道侧重于更新基础设施类别,如近海电网通道和可再生和低碳气体,如氢解电机天然气基础设施和石油管道将不再有资格获得PCI状态TEN-E条例2022还确定了新的优先专题领域:(一) 采行配有IT技术(“智能电网”)电气网络;(二) 开发跨边界二氧化碳网络。

/p>能源基础设施项目proto侧重于推广绿色清洁能源的项目可获取PCI状态,如近海风能和可再生/低碳氢化注解氢或可混入其他气体(如天然气或生物甲烷)或自成一体的能源源TEN-E第2022号条例也鼓励智能电网和二氧化碳运输存储的PCIs 。



TEN-E规范2022还为欧盟链表中所有项目规定了新义务PCIs和PMI必须满足强制可持续性标准,并依照原则 https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/为此,成员国必须指定国家主管部门负责促进和协调许可发放过程。

启动程序凡涉及欧盟链表上项目的任何争议都必须作为紧急处理 。


举例说,估计耗资8 000亿欧元提高近海可再生能源的摄取量,根据欧盟绿色交易目标,其中三分之二将用于相关电网基础设施。电力传输配电网单实现2030目标每年估计平均投资505亿欧元。


)已分配58.4亿欧元用于能源部门(见 wes/www.insideEnergyandense.com/2021/11/european-commission-opens-内表项目推广者可向欧洲气候、基础设施和环境执行局提交申请资金支持注意从欧盟链表删除并不影响欧盟已经提供的任何资金,但可能阻止未来寻找资金。EU成员国可按国家援助规则提供财政援助hrefs/eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/Energy infrastructure projects could also be funded by EU Member States if they comply with the criteria laid down in the IPCEI Guidelines (see our blog post).
IPCC和乌克兰危机 //www.ludikid.com/2022/03/the-ipcc-and-the-ukraine-crisis/ 托马斯·赖利 网络2022年3月2日 19:20:50+00 COP26 欧洲能源和气候政策 IPCC测试 油气策略 气候变化 COP27 电工 能源 能源过渡 欧洲联盟委员会 欧洲联盟 全球变暖 天然气 可再生能源 可再生能源 俄罗斯 乌克兰 //www.ludikid.com/?p=7705 p对齐表示“中心点 ” ++/p>世界努力适应俄罗斯入侵乌克兰的严酷新现实时,最近一期IPCC第六次报告略去几乎无人注意。 这一点令人担忧,因为报告本节的评估比前几节的评估更加清晰 — — 特别指出按序排序Continue Reading…

As the world struggles to adjust to the harsh new reality of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the most recent instalment of the Sixth IPCC Report slipped out almost unnoticed.  And that is worrying, since the assessment in this section of the Report is even starker than previous assessments – noting in particular that in order to avoid global temperatures increasing by greater than 1.5 degrees C above preindustrial levels, the world needs to halve its emissions this decade: a reduction that the world does not currently appear to be remotely on course to do.

However, whilst the IPCC Report and the Russian invasion of Ukraine are not linked, Russian aggression in Ukraine may serve as a catalyst to speed up the European energy transition and accelerate its retreat from dependency on Russian gas and exposure to volatile international oil markets, which could in turn deliver a more rapid reduction in European emissions.  In the process, perhaps setting the world on a path to achieving an outcome that currently seems unattainable.

What is the IPCC Report?

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is a panel of the world's leading climate scientists.  The Panel publishes regular updates of global knowledge on the climate crisis.更新设计帮助政府决策。更新内容非常全面,每次需要5至7年完成The current Report is the Panel's Sixth Report since its establishment in 1988, and commentators have noted it may be the last to be published while there is still some chance of avoiding the worst impacts from climate change.

This Sixth Report is being released in four parts between August 2021 to October 2022.  The first part examined the physical basis of climate science (how the atmosphere is changing – and will change – and whether human influence is responsible).  The second part, which was released on 28 February, assesses the effects of climate change, such as extreme weather, droughts, floods and temperature rises, and how best to adapt to these changes[i].

What does the Second Part Say?

The conclusions of the most recent instalment of the Sixth Report make for sobering reading:

  • The risks associated with lower levels of warming are greater than the previous 2014 IPCC adaptation assessment had concluded;
  • The window to adapt to climate change is "brief and rapidly closing";
  • The impacts on human systems, natural systems, and ecosystems are more widespread and accelerating;
  • Ecosystems are reaching the limits of their ability to adapt to the changing climate, and the effectiveness of adaptation will decrease with increasing warming;
  • Some losses are already irreversible;
  • Sea-level rise is already inevitable, posing an existential threat for some small islands and increased vulnerability for infrastructure, including ports and energy systems;
  • Up to 1bn people could be at risk from coastal flooding by 2060;
  • Half the world's population live in areas that are "highly vulnerable" to climate change;
  • Even at 1.5 degrees or less, 8% of current farmland will become unproductive.

Given that the world has already warmed by 1.1 degrees since the pre-industrial period and that there is a lag in the world's climate response to emissions, it is likely that the world will warm by 1.5 degrees within 20 years, even if deep greenhouse gas emissions cuts are achieved.COP26多次表示,本十年是决定性的十年:2030年前排放量必须减半,世界才有机会保持在1.5度以下变暖状态。

/p>若不将全球变暖限制在1.5度以下,将触发冰帽和冰川融化的灾难性链反作用增加野火和树死accelerating peatland dry-out and permafrost thaw – all of which would release additional carbon emissions further accelerating global warming.

The Report identifies five areas as priorities for future climate adaptation.  One of those areas is the reform of energy systems, where the Report makes a number of recommendations:

  • Energy generation diversification.
  • Improved demand-side management through better storage, and energy efficiency.
  • Climate responsive energy markets, smart-grids, robust transmission systems, and improved supply-deficits response capacity.

So How is the Russia-Ukraine Crisis Relevant?

A Commission Communication ("Joint European Action on Affordable, Secure and Sustainable Energy") was due for release on 2 March!however, the Commission has announced a delay to the publication in order to revise it in light of the Ukraine crisis.  A leaked draft of the original Communication set out a number of recommendations that were very closely aligned to the IPCC Report recommendations set out above – though the Communication's conclusions were motivated as much by geopolitical and economic, as climate change factors.

It is likely that Putin's aggression in Ukraine will shift the focus of the redrafted Communication to an accelerated switch to renewables, which would also help deliver against the IPCC Report's demands.  In his twitter feed, Commission Vice President Timmermans noted on 28 February: "It's time we tackle our own vulnerabilities.以闪电速度跳入可再生能源我们自己清洁廉价无穷能量越快移动,越快减少对他人依赖度,我们站在一起越强。


EU40%的能源需求依赖俄罗斯燃气并承认迫切需要减少这种依赖度,甚至在俄国入侵乌克兰前都如此。文稿表示:“欧盟仍然高度依赖能源进口发电加热This is the case in particular as regards gas, where we rely on imports for 90% of our consumption… This dependency has aggravated the current situation of high energy prices."

Even before the Ukraine crisis, the draft Communication was crystal clear on the dangers of European "dependence on a single supplier of fossil gas" demanding "diversification of gas supply and using the full potential of green and low carbon energy sources" including increasing the use of LNG to "reduce our dependence on imported Russian gas and strengthen security of supply."

The draft Communication argued that "[s]ustained high energy prices are impacting the entire economy….廉价燃气价格.使可再生清洁能源投资更有利可图,这意味着“快速清洁能源过渡需求从来就没有更强和清晰”,提高燃气价格缩短了“从易变化石燃料向更廉价可再生能源技术过渡的回溯时间.减少对进口依赖并推倒物价”。


通信草案建议多项需求方响应,包括提高能效清除监管屏障加速天然气存储投资The motivation may be different – "to make Europe less vulnerable to fluctuations on the fossil fuel markets" – but the sense of urgency is the same "as soon as possible."

Once again, mirroring the IPCC's conclusions, the draft Communication proposed an "ambitious combination of funding and regulatory measures [to] accelerate the green transition."  Although it does not feature in the original Communication, it would not be a surprise to see the amended version place an expanded role for nuclear power as a green alternative back on the agenda again – not least given the recent announcement by the German Government that they would consider postponing the decommissioning of German nuclear reactors as part of the national response to the Russia-Ukraine crisis.


Although perhaps reached for different reasons, the conclusions of the IPCC Report and the Commission are identical: an accelerated shift away from dependence on hydrocarbons for energy and an increased focus on the rapid deployment of renewable energy is essential.  For the EU, the shift is necessary not only for climate change reasons, but also for its long-term political, economic and social well-being.

The EU was already heading down the renewables path: the Russian invasion of Ukraine will accelerate that process in the medium- to long-term and will force the EU to seek other sources of natural gas in the short-term.  The process of seeking new sources of gas will have an impact on global gas prices, which will in turn further accelerate the global shift to an increasing reliance on renewable energy.

No one should be under any illusion that the energy transition will be rapid, pain-free, or easy, but the EU's experience with dependence on Russian gas demonstrates clearly one of the real geopolitical vulnerabilities of continuing to rely on the existing model.

Covington's mixed teams of regulatory and public policy experts are uniquely placed to advise clients on how to navigate the turbulent geopolitics of international relations and their impact on the energy transition.

We would be happy to discuss with you how these complicated inter-relationships may affect your company and your business.

[i] The report of the third working group, which will examine how to cut emissions, will be released at the end of the second quarter.第四即最后一次工作组报告综合其他三个工作组报告的结论,将于10月在COP27前发布-定于2022年11月举行。

欧盟衡算规则中的天然气和核活动: //www.ludikid.com/2022/02/gas-and-nuclear-activities-in-the-eu-taxonomy-regulation-under-what-conditions-does-the-commission-deem-them-environmentally-sustainable/ Paul MertensketAndrew Jack、Candido García Molyneux和Thomas Reilly Frii,2022年2月18日 00:17:34+00 欧洲能源和气候政策 油气策略 补充气候委托法 环境可持续 欧联 欧洲 欧洲联盟委员会 欧洲联盟 天然气 分类规范 //www.ludikid.com/?p=7695 p对齐='Center'###p>2022年2月2日,欧洲委员会通过了补充气候委托法(“CCDA”),将特定气体和核活动列作欧盟分类规范的“环境可持续性”。仅某些符合严格排放限制和下文详述的其他标准的活动可如此指定。即便如此Continue Reading… s/ec.europa.eu/info/publications/2202-Sustainable-Finance-仅某些符合严格排放限制和下文详述的其他标准的活动可如此指定。即便如此,欧盟委将核天然气活动列作“环境可持续性”的决定颇具争议性,并可能仍受欧盟成员国和欧洲议会阻塞,并可能在欧盟法院接受合法挑战。尽管如此,委员会将所列气体和核活动视为“环境上可持续的”标准很有可能于2023年初生效。This would allow such listed gas and nuclear activities to have access to green investors and ear-marked public funds under the EU's Next Generation EU investment program.

Taxonomy Re-Cap

The Taxonomy Regulation establishes the EU's binary system to distinguish between economic activities that are "environmentally sustainable" and those that are not.

Together with other laws of the EU Sustainable Finance Package such as the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive ("CSRD") and the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation ("SFDR"), the Taxonomy Regulation is designed to channel capital investments to sustainable economic activities.To this end, the Taxonomy Regulation provides criteria to allow companies and financial market participants to label specific economic activities and related investments as "environmentally sustainable," and EU rules require a growing number of companies and investors to report on the degree to which their economic activities and investments comply with the Taxonomy Regulation.

To be environmentally sustainable for purposes of the Taxonomy Regulation, an economic activity must fulfill the following four cumulative requirements:

  1. Substantially contribute to one of six environmental objectives (e.g., climate change mitigation, transition to a circular economy);
  2. Not significantly harm any of the other environmental objectives (e.g., by harming pollution prevention and control due to "a significant increase in the emissions of pollutants" or by harming protection and restoration of biodiversity and ecosystems due to its significant detrimental effects on the good condition and resilience of ecosystems).
  3. Be carried out in compliance with minimum safeguards, which are essentially the core human rights and labor obligations of the OECD, UN Guiding Principles of Business and Human Rights, the International Labor Organization, and those enshrined in the International Bill of Human Rights!和
  4. 兼容技术筛选标准>

技术筛选标准至关重要They set out the specific conditions that a particular economic activity (e.g., electricity generation from natural gas or construction of a nuclear power plant) must meet in order to be deemed environmentally sustainable for purposes of the Taxonomy Regulation.

The European Commission Is the Key Taxonomy Gatekeeper

Under the Taxonomy Regulation, the EU Member States and the European Parliament have delegated the authority to adopt the technical screening criteria to the European Commission, but Member States and Parliament retain the right to scrutinize and object to them.

The Commission has already successfully adopted Commission Delegated Regulation 2021/2139 (the so-called "Climate Delegated Act"), which sets out the technical screening criteria for dozens of economic activities that are deemed to substantially contribute to climate change mitigation or adaptation (ranging from "anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge" to "transport by passenger cars").

On February 2, the Commission complemented this Climate Delegated Act with the CCDA, which will still be subject to scrutiny by Member States and the European Parliament.The CCDA specifies the screening criteria for specific nuclear and gas activities, and also amends the specific disclosure rules established in Commission Delegated Regulation 2021/2178 to allow investors and other stakeholders to distinguish Taxonomy compliant gas and nuclear activities from other Taxonomy compliant activities such as the construction of off-shore wind parks (see Annex III to CCDA).

Gas Activities: The Commission's Sustainability Criteria

The CCDA includes three natural gas activities that can be Taxonomy compliant subject to strict conditions:

  • Construction or operation of electricity generation facilities that produce electricity using fossil gaseous fuels (i.e., natural gas);
  • Construction, refurbishment, and operation of combined heat/cool and power generation facilities using fossil gaseous fuels!
  • 构建、翻新和运行热生成设施,使用与高效区热冷相连接的化石气燃料产生热/cool。

三大活动技术筛选标准大致相似Taking the example of the first activity, electricity generation from natural gas, the key conditions are as follows:

  • The life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions from the electricity generation must not exceed 100g CO2e/kWh (the emissions are to be calculated based on the EU's 2013 life-cycle method or applicable ISO standards).
  • The life-cycle emissions must be verified by an independent third party.
  • For facilities relying on a form of abatement, such as carbon capture or use of low-carbon gases, the abatement activity must itself comply with the applicable technical screening criteria in the Climate Delegated Act.

We note that the life-cycle emission target of 100g CO2e/kWh in practice means that operators seeking to comply with it must rely heavily on abatement activities, such as carbon capture technologies or the blending of fuels.依据>Central研究 绿氢与天然气混合还有可能实现这些生命周期排放目标。

The laxer emission target is:

  • Direct greenhouse gas emissions are lower than 270g CO2e/kWh of the output energy, or annual direct emissions do not exceed an average of 550kg CO2e/kW of the facility's capacity over 20 years.

The additional cumulative requirements are:

  • The gas power plant replaces an existing high emitting electricity generation activity that uses solid or liquid fossil fuels;
  • The power to be replaced cannot be generated from renewable energy sources, based on a comparative assessment with the most cost-effective and technically feasible renewable alternative for the same capacity;
  • The newly installed production capacity does not exceed the capacity of the replaced facility by more than 15%;
  • The gas power plant is designed and constructed to use renewable and/or low-carbon gaseous fuels (e.g., "green" or "blue" hydrogen) and the switch to the full use of such fuels must take place by December 31, 2035.责任公司管理者必须批准并承诺对开关实施可核查计划 。
  • 替换现有电源活动导致在新建燃气厂使用寿命期间温室气体排放减少至少55%
  • /li/p>如果天然气电厂位于使用煤发电的欧盟成员国内,该成员国公开承诺淘汰煤发电。
  • 研究、开发、演示和部署闭合燃料循环先进技术以刺激未来技术在安全标准和废物最小化方面的创新。
  • 新核电厂发电项目构建安全运行这些项目确认至2045年(批准建筑许可日期)。此类工厂的能量可用于生成氢 (即 pinkthy)
  • Such projects will be recognized until 2040 (date of approval by competent authority).
  • The European Commission claims that it has relied on extensive expert advice—including from the Joint Research Centre, the Scientific and Technical Committee under Article 31 of the Euratom Treaty, and the Scientific Committee on Health, Environmental and Emerging Risks ("SCHEER")—to ultimately make the controversial decision that nuclear energy that complies with the regulatory framework in the EU Member States "ensures a high level of protection for the environment and for people," and therefore, can meet the do no significant harm criteria.

    To be Taxonomy compliant, these nuclear activities must meet detailed regulatory conditions that cover requirements beyond the existing EU and national law regulatory frameworks for nuclear power plants.附加条件包括操作处置设施确定日期和禁止输出放射性废物供非欧盟国家处置。





    更多,成员国和欧洲议会也可以向欧盟总法院挑战CCDA私人方,包括非政府组织,如果能证明直接与CCDA相关,也有可能拥有向欧盟普通法院质疑CCDA的法律资格。 2023年1月1日预计CCDA生效,如果议会和理事会不反对它,欧盟法院不中止它时点,符合上述条件的核能和天然气投资将算作分类规则中的“环境可持续性”,从而打开绿化投资者和耳记公共资金的大门,用于欧盟下一代欧盟投资程序。

    特区电路抽取FERCspireSTL管道证书顺序 //www.ludikid.com/2021/07/d-c-circuit-vacates-fercs-spire-stl-pipeline-certificate-order/ 强纳森怀特 01JU202123:07:00+00 油气策略 FERC 天然气法 管道 //www.ludikid.com/?p=7585 p对齐=scenter上诉法院电路发布环境防护基金诉FERC撤销并还押FERC命令发布公共方便和必要性证明Continue Reading… p对齐=scenter上诉法院电路发布决定 FERC 撤销并还押FERC发布公共方便和必要性证书的命令电路卸载FERC证书指令后发现FERC确定拟输油管市场需求是任意和易变的,委员会证书政策说明不支持。因此,FERC如何接近SpireSTL应用向前发展没有明确先例。电路决定也出自FERC考虑修改证书政策声明,包括确定项目需求框架后,在收到利益相关方响应FERC2月18日证书政策查询通知的100多份评文后,spanid=More-7585证书策略声明规定,服务新需求项目可比服务市场为另一管道所服务者略需批准! i+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++确定项目需求的必要证据通常包括市场研究 。

    2017 Spire项目证书应用Louis大都市区输油管交付点项目主办人则称管道会提高可靠性和获取天然气新源,消除高需求期间对丙烷“峰值分层”的依赖SpireSTL主要依赖它与Spire密苏里公司达成的先例协议("Spire Missouri"), an affiliate, for approximately 87.5 percent of the Spire Project's capacity as evidence of need for the project.

    In FERC's August 2018 order granting Spire STL's certificate application, the 3-2 Commission majority found that Spire Missouri's willingness to sign a binding contract to pay for pipeline service showed need or demand for the Spire Project.  The majority rejected protestors' arguments that the precedent agreement was not a sufficient showing of need and that a market study must be undertaken.  The majority noted that, since the issuance of the Certificate Policy Statement,  FERC has relied on precedent agreements for a substantial amount of a proposed project's capacity as adequate evidence of need, even when the agreements are between affiliates, in the absence of anticompetitive or discriminatory behavior.  According to the majority, Spire Missouri's affiliation with Spire STL did not require the Commission to look behind the precedent agreement to evaluate project need, principally relying upon the D.C.电路2014决策Envtl预科安全 v.FERC ,762F3d 97,114Cir市委前委Cheryl LaFleur和RichardGlick对2018证书令表示异议,发现记录没有显示Spire项目的必要性。 双方都认为,鉴于SpireSTL和SpireMeGlick专员(现主席)指出,当各方提出了相当多的可信关切,即先例协议是否可靠显示需要时,推理决策要求委员会做更多工作,而不仅仅是重申其接受表面价值先例协议的政策。2019年11月FERC2-1表决拒绝重审证书令请求Glick专员再次表示异议,辩称证书顺序表示“不合理应用...证书策略语句.电路判定

    FERC证书和重听命令提交法院,法院依据SpireSTL申请抗诉者Environment Defe Fund(“EDF's”)提交审查申请,EDF断言FERC授予Spire项目证书的决定是任意和易变的,因为委员会完全依赖SpireSTL-SpireMeroi创举协议查找项目需求,未能充分证明它的结论,即项目福利大于不良效果。EDF认为,先例协议在FERCSireSTL证书应用评估中应只有有限证明价值,因为SpireSTL和SpireMeroy法院指出,FERC得到了有力的论据,说明SpireSTL和SpireMeroi法院补充道,委员会似乎认为单一先例协议是结论性协议,而不是参与这些论点。The court found that nothing in the Certificate Policy Statement endorses this approach.

    The court distinguished this case from its opinions upholding prior certificate orders by noting that none of those cases involved precedent agreements with one affiliated shipper, and that FERC can put precedent agreements with affiliates on the same footing as non-affiliate precedent agreements only so long as FERC finds "no evidence of self-dealing."  The court found that the Commission ignored record evidence of self-dealing by Spire STL, including that the pipeline was not being built to serve increasing load demand and that there was no indication the new pipeline would lead to cost savings.If it was unnecessary for the Commission to look behind the precedent agreement under these circumstances, the court added, "it is hard to imagine a set of facts for which it would ever be required." In summary, the court said that it found no judicial authority upholding a FERC certificate order when the proposed pipeline was not meant to serve any new load demand, there was no finding that the pipeline would reduce costs, the application was supported by only a single precedent agreement, and the counterparty to such precedent agreement was a corporate affiliate.

    On the day the court issued its decision, FERC issued a statement saying that the Commission is considering what action may be appropriate in light of the court's vacatur.FERC发言中引用Glick主席的一段话,即他想重审委员会评估州际天然气管道需求的方法,作为其2月18日查询通知 的一部分 FERC评估管道项目温室气体排放对气候变化的影响 //www.ludikid.com/2021/03/ferc-assesses-impact-of-pipeline-projects-ghg-emissions-on-climate-change/ 内部能源 Tue,2021年3月23日22:02:55+00 油气策略 ESG系统 温室化气体 可持续性 //www.ludikid.com/?p=7400 p对齐="中心点"++/p>联邦能源管制委员会首次裁定,建设和运营拟议天然气管道期间排放的温室气体是否对气候变化有重大影响,确定是否授权项目符合第7节公共方便和必要性Continue Reading…

    The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has for the first time ruled on whether the greenhouse gases (GHG) emitted during the construction and operation of a proposed natural gas pipeline has a significant impact on climate change in determining whether to authorize a project as consistent with public convenience and necessity under Section 7 of the Natural Gas Act.  In earlier orders, FERC concluded that it was unable to assess the significance of a project's GHG emissions or those emissions' contribution to climate change.  In a recent order approving Northern Natural Gas Company's proposal to replace a pipeline segment, FERC stated that is no longer the case and then assesses the significance of the project's GHG emissions and their contribution to climate change.

    In a press release on the order, FERC Chairman Glick said "(a) proposed pipeline's contribution to climate change is one of its most consequential environmental impacts and we must consider all evidence in the record—both qualitative and quantitative—to assess the significance of that impact.  I look forward to continuing to work with my colleagues as we refine our methods for doing so."

    The Northern Natural order is significant because it reflects a willingness to consider the GHG impact of the construction and operation of a pipeline project on climate change and adopts a method for doing so.  This development must, however, be kept in perspective.  The GHG assessment in this case found no significant impacts and the GHG analysis drew dissents from two commissioners.  It remains to be seen how FERC will address projects with significant GHG impacts that may raise issues of mitigation or even rejection of a project and how FERC will address authorizations for LNG export terminals.

    The Northern Natural order

    The National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) requires FERC to consider whether a proposed natural gas pipeline project will have a significant impact on the environment.  In an apparent pushback to the prior claims of an inability to assess (GHG) emissions or those emissions' contribution to climate change, the order notes that "NEPA does not require that the studies, metrics, and models—scientific and otherwise—on which an agency relies be universally accepted or otherwise uncontested" but instead "permits agencies to rely on the best available evidence, quantitative and qualitative, even where that evidence has certain limitations."

    For the Northern Natural project, FERC compared the project's reasonably foreseeable GHG emissions to the total GHG emissions of the United States as a whole.  The order notes that this comparison  provides "a reasoned basis to consider the significance of the project's GHG emissions and their potential impact on climate change."  Based on the record, the order finds that the project's contribution to climate change would not be significant.

    Going forward, FERC says it will "consider all appropriate evidence regarding the significance of a project's reasonably foreseeable GHG emissions and those emissions' contribution to climate change." If GHG emission impacts are significant, they "would be considered along with many other factors when determining whether a project is required by the public convenience and necessity."


    Commissioners Danly and Christie  both concurred with the order's approval of Northern Natural's project but dissented on the application of the GHG impact analysis.

    Commissioner Danly's lengthy dissent argues that the order violates the Administrative Procedure Act by reversing FERC's longstanding determination that it is unable to assess the significance of a project's greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions or their contribution to climate change without sufficient reasoning.The dissent says the reversal disregards a pending Notice of Inquiry (NOI) that seeks comments on the issue and the order announces a "fragmentary standard that provides no clarity because it fails to establish either a replacement framework or a threshold for when emissions will be deemed ‘significant.'"  Commissioner Danly also argues that the Natural Gas Act does not grant FERC the authority to be an environmental regulator.

    Commissioner Christie issued a short dissent objecting to the analysis of "the purported impact on climate change" of the project's GHG emissions.  His dissent also argues that the GHG impact analysis is a "major question of law" to be considered in a pending NOI and that it "is unfair and premature at best" to decide it "in this order with its limited participation."

    DOE规则严格限值LNG出口环境影响评价 //www.ludikid.com/2020/12/doe-rule-sharply-limits-evaluation-of-environmental-impacts-of-lng-exports/ 内部能源 Thu, 2020年12月10日 22:23:26+00 油气策略 LNG导出 NEPA系统 可持续性 //www.ludikid.com/?p=7372 p对齐='Center'###p>在最近通过的最后规则中,能源部修订了国家环境政策法实施程序,将LNG海容器出口列入NEP审查绝对排除范围Continue Reading… s/www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/FR-2020-12-04/pdf/2020-26459.pdfAccordingly, LNG exports qualify for a categorical exclusion from NEPA review.  The new rule applies to new export authorizations as well as amendments to existing authorizations.

    DOE's new rule is likely to be controversial.  Environmental groups may challenge it in court.  In addition, the incoming Biden administration could seek to undo the rule through either repeal under the Congressional Review Act, if the Democrats have a majority in the Senate, or through a new rulemaking proceeding at DOE.

    This change in DOE policy will be of interest to proposed LNG export projects that seek authorizations or amendments to authorizations from DOE and their counterparties in associated gas sales contracts.


    Under section 3 of the Natural Gas Act (NGA), DOE authorizes exports of natural gas and LNG unless found to not be consistent with the public interest.  Exports to countries with which the U.S.NGA认为自由贸易协定符合公众利益并必须获授权“不修改或延迟 ” 。 但是,对于没有FTA的国家(非FTA国家)出口,DOE进行公众利益审查,包括NEPA评估Accordingly, the new rule affects only authorizations to export LNG to non-FTA countries.

    As reported on this blog, DOE issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NOPR) in May 2020 proposing the categorical exclusion from NEPA review of LNG exports by marine vessel.  DOE received 16 comment letters on its proposal, some in opposition.  The final rule adopts the proposal without change.

    The final rule

    In the notice of the final rule, DOE says that its review of applications for LNG export authorizations is limited to "consideration of effects that are reasonably foreseeable and have a sufficiently close causal connection to the granting of the export authorization." [1]  Thus, according to DOE, the environmental impacts of its export authority under the NGA are limited to those associated with activities occurring at the point of delivery to the export vessel  (i.e., when the LNG is delivered to the flange of the LNG export vessel) and extending to the territorial waters of the receiving country.DOE stated that the new rule is consistent with the court precedent that an agency has no obligation to ‘‘gather or consider environmental information if it has no statutory authority to act on that information.''[2]

    In response to comments that DOE should consider upstream and downstream impacts of exports, DOE says upstream production impacts are not reasonably foreseeable and downstream emissions at the point of consumption are "too attenuated to be reasonably foreseeable and do not have a reasonably close causal relationship to the granting of an export authorization."

    Based on prior NEPA reviews and technical reports, DOE finds the transport of natural gas by marine vessel normally does not pose the potential for significant environmental impacts.[3] Accordingly, such transportation is within the scope of a categorical exclusion from NEPA review in its regulations.

    While the rule appears to effectively eliminate NEPA review of LNG exports, DOE says, in response to comments, that when reviewing an export application it will consider whether there are extraordinary circumstances that require an Environmental Assessment or Environmental Impact Statement.

    The new rule becomes effective January 4, 2021.

    [1] Citing  Dep't of Transp.vunem/Pub公有性 541U.S.752(2004)SierraClub vFed能源规管通信 827F.3d36Cir市2016年)

    unem/em>联邦能源管委会 867F3d1357Cir市2017年)
    DOE扩展LNG导出条件 //www.ludikid.com/2020/07/doe-extends-lng-export-terms/ 内部能源 Frii,31JU202015:06:44+00 油气策略 DOE系统 液化 天然气法 //www.ludikid.com/?p=7334 p对齐='Center'###p>能源局新政策扩展授权标准条件从美国输出天然气和液化天然气下至48国与美国没有自由贸易协定标准术语为20年Continue Reading… p对齐='center'##p>######EDOE新策略扩展授权标准条件从美国输出天然气和液化天然气下至48国与美国没有自由贸易协定to December 31, 2050.  The standard term had been 20 years.  The new standard term will be allowed for current and future export authorizations.

    This change in DOE policy should be of interest to gas and LNG export authorization holders and their counterparties in sales contracts, and to proposed export applicants that are now seeking or will seek such authorizations from DOE.


    Under the Natural Gas Act (NGA), DOE authorizes exports of natural gas and LNG that are consistent with the public interest.  Exports to countries with which the United States has a free trade agreement (FTA) are deemed in the public interest by the NGA and must be authorized "without modification or delay."  However, for exports to countries without an FTA (non-FTA countries), DOE conducts an informal adjudication and authorizes a proposed export unless it is shown to not be consistent with the public interest.

    As discussed in a previous post to this blog, DOE issued a Notice of Proposed Policy Statement in February 2020 proposing to extend the terms of non-FTA export authorizations to December 31, 2050.  The 20-year term was based on studies that evaluated the impact of LNG exports on the U.S.economy and energy markets.  However, a more recent 2018 LNG export study[1] considered unconstrained (or market-determined) levels of LNG exports through the year 2050 and, according to DOE, supports export terms lasting through December 31, 2050.  The notice said authorization holders had indicated that a longer term would better match the operational life of LNG export facilities (designed for 30 to 50 years), provide more security in financing those facilities and maximize the ability to contract for exports.

    The new policy

    In a Notice of the Final Policy Statement (Policy Statement), DOE adopts a term through December 31, 2050 as the standard export term for long-term non-FTA authorizations.  The Policy Statement establishes the following implementation process.

    Existing authorization holders may, on a voluntary opt-in basis, request a term extension by filing an application to amend their authorizations to extend the term through December 31, 2050, with an attendant increase in the total export volume over the life of the authorization.

    Pending non-FTA applicants may, on a voluntary opt-in basis, amend their application to request an export term through December 31, 2050, with an attendant increase in the total requested export volume over the life of the authorization.

    Future long-term non-FTA authorizations will have a standard export term lasting through December 31, 2050, unless a shorter term is requested.

    Applications to amend existing non-FTA orders and pending applications will be noticed in the Federal Register, and DOE will conduct a public interest analysis of them.  The public interest analysis for existing orders will be limited to the application for the term extension.  An intervenor or protestor may challenge the requested extension but not the existing non-FTA order.

    For applications to amend existing non-FTA orders and pending non-FTA applications, the policy statement provides suggested application templates to ensure more consistent, streamlined proceedings.

    The policy statement does not apply to authorizations to export to FTA countries because DOE is required to grant FTA applications ‘‘without modification or delay'' under the NGA.  Applicants for FTA export authorizations were not subject to the standard twenty-year term.  The Policy Statement notes, however, that authorization holders typically prefer to align their FTA and non-FTA exports over the same time period for administrative efficiencies.  DOE expects non-FTA authorization holders to request comparable termination dates for their FTA authorizations and encourages the use of consolidated FTA and non-FTA extension applications.

    DOE found that under the new policy, exports of LNG will generate positive economic benefits in the U.S.2050年全年提高公众兴趣,提供机制提高LNG在整个授权期内出口总量。 DOE拒绝反对拟议政策的评论时说,根据2018LNG输出研究发现的结果,它不认为可信地断言新政策会投放数万亿美元U.S.制造资产和数以百万计的工作风险。此外,DOE没有找到用记录证据支持的国内物价提高的参数 。

    DOE政策说明自发布日期起有效 Federal注册 .
