内部能源环境Covington & Burling法律事务所 //www.ludikid.com/author/insideenergy/ 能源、商品和环境法律和政策开发 Tue 2022年10月18日 17:13:43+00 en-US 时钟 一号 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.1.1&lxb_maple_bar_source=lxb_maple_bar_source https://insideenvironmentredesign.covingtonburlingblogs.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/47/2021/06/cropped-cropped-cropped-favicon-3-32x32.png 内部能源环境Covington & Burling法律事务所 //www.ludikid.com/author/insideenergy/ 32码 32码 FERC未来网格审查规则 //www.ludikid.com/2021/07/ferc-reviewing-rules-for-grid-of-the-future/ 内部能源 wed,21JL2021000114+00 电网 近海风 FERC 互连 净零电 可再生能源 传输 //www.ludikid.com/?p=7613 p对齐='Center'##p>驱动器由可再生能源输入远离负载中心并因特性不同对电网提出新需求,联邦能源监管委员会启动对它区域传输规划、互连和成本分配政策的全面审查。Continue Reading…

Driven by the entry of renewable generation resources locating far from load centers and the new demands placed on the grid by their differing characteristics, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) launched a comprehensive review of its policies regarding regional transmission planning, interconnection and cost-allocation.  In an Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANOPR), the agency requested public comments on its current policies and offered potential areas for reform with a view toward anticipated future generation.  According to FERC Chairman Richard Glick, "(a) piecemeal approach to expanding the transmission system is not going to get the job done.We must take steps today to build the transmission that tomorrow's new generation resources will require."

This initiative is likely to result in specific proposals from FERC and ultimately reform of its rules and policies that could substantially change how the electric grid is planned and paid for.  Accordingly, the ANOPR should be of interest to any company with a current or anticipated interest in, or use of, grid facilities.

This is the second initiative in as many months that FERC has taken a big step toward addressing the kind of grid needed for renewable generation  As discussed in a prior post to the blog, last month FERC established a Joint Federal-State Task Force on Electric Transmission with state and local regulatory agencies to address barriers to transmission planning and development, opportunities for states to coordinate on regional transmission solutions, and barriers to interconnecting new resources.


After providing a comprehensive discussion of its current policies regarding transmission planning, cost allocation and interconnection, FERC says "it is now appropriate to examine whether the existing regional transmission planning and cost allocation and generator interconnection processes adequately account for the transmission needs of the changing resource mix."  Accordingly, the ANOPR identifies the following major aspects as potential areas for reform.关于每一方面,ANOPR请求评论当前政策的适当性并同时建议潜在的改革。

区域传输规划和成本分配过程 Potential reforms include (1) planning for the transmission needs of anticipated future generation, i.e., not limited to resources in current interconnection queues, to achieve more cost-effective transmission solutions in regional transmission plans, and (2) requiring transmission providers to identify geographic zones that have the potential for large amounts of renewable generation and to plan transmission to facilitate the integration of renewable resources in those zones.  FERC also wants comments on how the regional transmission planning and cost allocation and generator interconnection processes could be better coordinated or integrated.

Identifying the benefits, cost and responsibility for grid facilities. One potential reform is to eliminate the current policy that requires interconnecting generators to pay the total cost of grid network upgrades that would not be needed but for the interconnection.  FERC observes that a network upgrade may sufficiently benefit grid customers or later-in-time interconnections that it is appropriate to allocate the costs more broadly.  Eliminating the policy could increase integration of generation by reducing cost uncertainty to resources in the  interconnection queue and by removing a potentially prohibitive cost assignment to the resource first in line in the interconnection queue, which will bear the full brunt of needed grid upgrade costs that may also  benefit resources next in line.

Enhanced transmission oversight.  Given the potentially significant investment in transmission facilities to come, FERC is considering enhanced oversight of transmission planning and spending to ensure that transmission rates remain just and reasonable.  For example, FERC could require that transmission providers establish an independent entity to monitor the planning and cost of transmission facilities in a region and to possibly provide advice on the design and implementation of the regional transmission planning and cost allocation processes.FERC also requests comment on involving state commissions in transmission planning and cost allocation processes and in limiting the costs that can be recovered for regional transmission facilities that are abandoned prior to going into service.

Commissioner statements

While the ANOPR was approved unanimously, all four commissioners issued concurring  statements.[1]

Chairman Glick and Commissioner Clements issued a joint concurrence that provides a deeper discussion of certain topics than appears in the ANOPR, such as the extent of the shift toward renewable resources and the reasons for it.  The concurrence is also more conclusory regarding how and why the current regional transmission planning, cost allocation and generator interconnection processes may no longer ensure just and reasonable rates for transmission service.  Finally, the concurrence offers the following:

We anticipate that this effort will be the Commission's principal focus in the months to come.In addition to reviewing the record assembled in response to today's order, we intend to explore technical conferences and other avenues for augmenting that record—including through the joint federal-state task force (footnote omitted)—before proceeding to reform our rules and regulations.

Commissioner Danly's concurrence observes that many of the proposals would "exceed or cede our jurisdictional authority, violate cost causation principles, create stifling layers of oversight and ‘coordination,' trample transmission owners' rights, force neighboring states' ratepayers to shoulder the costs of other states' public policy choices, treat renewables as a new favored class of generation with line-jumping privileges, and perhaps inadvertently lead to much less transmission being built and at much greater all-in cost to ratepayers."  Accordingly, Commissioner Danly requests that comments address whether each proposal is a proper exercise of the Commission's authority and the ultimate effect on ratepayers.

Commissioner Christie's concurrence notes that "(t)his consideration of potential reforms is especially timely as the transmission system faces the challenge of maintaining reliability through the changing generation mix and efforts to reduce carbon emissions" but notes that he does not endorse any of the proposals included in the order.

Comment deadlines

Initial and reply comments on the ANOPR are due 75 days, and 105 days, respectively, after publication in the Federal Register.

[1] Commissioner Chatterjee, whose term has expired, did not participate in this matter.

X-Reme天气和对气候适应性需求 //www.ludikid.com/2021/07/x-treme-weather-and-the-need-for-climate-resiliency/ 内部能源 Thu,08JUL202105:19:32+00 拜顿行政 电网 AJP 美国作业计划 气候变化 极端天气 全球变暖 基础设施 恢复能力 //www.ludikid.com/?p=7595 p对齐='center'##/p>本串行第24集AJPABCs 单在2020年,美国遭受22场独立的极端天气和气候灾难,每场灾难至少造成10亿元损失,总计超过1000亿美元损失。这一惊人统计不异常,因为气候变化Continue Reading…

This is the twenty-fourth in our series, "The ABCs of the AJP."

In 2020 alone, the United States suffered 22 separate extreme weather and climate-related disasters that each caused at least $1 billion in damages, for a total of more than $100 billion in losses.  That staggering statistic is not an anomaly, as climate change continues to result in more and more extreme weather events every year.  For example, the Texas freeze that rocked the state earlier this year and killed more than one hundred people, also shut down the state's significant petrochemical industry, disrupting supply chains nationwide, and caused an estimated $80 billion to $130 billion in direct and indirect economic losses.数以百计的死亡者为 < a hrefss/www.npr.org/2021/07/climbs-in-crips-northWest/

Given the escalating human and economic costs of extreme weather events, it is no surprise that the Biden Administration's American Jobs Plan (AJP) prioritizes climate resiliency, a topic which has also been covered in a prior blog post.  Significantly, the AJP pledges that: "Every dollar spent on rebuilding our infrastructure during the Biden administration will be used to prevent, reduce, and withstand the impacts of the climate crisis."  The AJP also proposes to spend $50 billion on investments to specifically improve the resiliency of the nation's infrastructure, highlighting the importance of protecting critical infrastructure and services, defending vulnerable communities, and "[m]aximiz[ing] the resilience of land and water resources to protect communities and the environment."

As for protecting vulnerable communities, the AJP points out that "[p]eople of color and low-income people are more likely to live in areas most vulnerable to flooding and other climate change-related weather events" and "[t]hey also are less likely to have the funds to prepare for and recover from extreme weather events."  To improve resiliency for those communities most vulnerable "physically and financially to climate-driven disasters", the AJP proposes increased investments through existing programs, such as FEMA's Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities program and HUD's Community Development Block Grant program, new initiatives at the Department of Transportation, as well as "a bipartisan tax credit to provide incentives to low- and middle-income families and to small businesses to invest in disaster resilience, and transition and relocation assistance to support community-led transitions for the most vulnerable tribal communities."

Separately, the AJP would provide $500 million in grants and loan funds to renovate tens of thousands of multifamily homes to make them more resilient to extreme weather events.

Finally, the AJP proposes investing in nature-based resiliency, such as by restoring "our lands, forests, wetlands, watersheds, and coastal and ocean resources", as a means of wildfire and drought mitigation, among other goals.  The Administration also suggests that such restoration and resilience project funds would follow the guidelines of the proposed Outdoor Restoration Force Act (S.近些年来,人们更加关注自然基础建设的潜在利益,值得注意的是,美国土木工程师学会首次使用s/informstructioncard.org/solups/reslience/历经数年研究分析 来自世界各地的专家 今年夏美Army Corps of Engineers is set to release first-of-their-kind guidelines for nature-based resilience projects.

Beyond the AJP, protecting against extreme weather has been a priority of the Biden Administration from the beginning.  A few days into his presidency, President Biden signed a sweeping climate Executive Order which, among other things, directed federal agencies to develop climate resiliency plans.  More recently, on May 24, 2021, the Administration announced a plan to invest $1 billion in protecting communities through FEMA's Pre-Disaster Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities program.  As with other actions taken by the Administration, this increased investment "seeks to categorically shift the federal focus from reactive disaster spending and toward research-supported, proactive investment in community resilience so that when the next hurricane, flood, or wildfire comes, communities are better prepared."  Along with the increased funding, the Administration also announced plans to develop and launch "a new NASA mission concept for an Earth System Observatory" to better forecast and monitor natural disasters.

At this point, it is unclear whether or how Congress will act to implement the Biden Administration's proposals to protect against extreme weather.  However, there are some signs of bipartisan interest in such legislation.  For example, after the Texas freeze in early 2021, a bipartisan group of members of the Texas congressional delegation introduced the Power On Act (S.1432 帮助保护电网基础设施不受极端天气影响。此外,2019年,参议院环境与公共工程委员会一致通过了2019年美国交通基础设施法(sgp/crs/misc/IF11300.pdf>$100dm/a问题很可能成为双党优先处理点,特别是当德克萨斯冻结事件在全国各地变得司空见惯时。 双党重心对极端天气事件进行保护后,所有美国人和企业都应从更多保护中受益,避免事件造成的损害、损失、中断和人类代价。

FERC重新考虑零售约束控制 //www.ludikid.com/2021/06/ferc-reconsidering-limits-on-retail-regulator-control-over-aggregating-demand-response/ 内部能源 2021年6月22日20:54:00+00 电网 FERC ISO系统 RTO系统 关税 //www.ludikid.com/?p=7549 p对齐=scenter++++/p>最近命令FERC调回,目前决定大幅度限制零售监管者禁止分配能源聚合器向批发市场投标对客户需求响应反之,问题将在持续调查中考虑 研究是否完全消除能力Continue Reading… s/www.ferc.gov/media/e-4061711>recent命令 ,FERC撤回目前决定大幅度限制零售监管者禁止批发能源聚合商向批发市场投标客户需求响应问题将在持续查询中考虑,研究是否完全消除零售监管者将零售DR资源从FERC司法批发市场保留出去的能力。 /span/p>提供零售客户DR批发市场引起敏感联邦州司法问题三位共和专员分别发布声明,对批发市场DR控股持有不同观点。Chatterjee专员不允许批发市场中DR资源。DER专员Danly和Christie专员会这样做。



FEREC标志性命令2222区域传输组织(“RTO”)和独立系统操作符(“ISO”)收费中包括专为允许DER聚合器参加有组织批发市场的条款As discussed in a prior post to this blog, a March 2021 rehearing order largely upheld Order No.2222但缩放允许零售监管者禁止DER聚合物批发市场。 FERC撤销对聚合物的这项“选出式”规定,其中包括DR组合资源和其他类型资源(“异式聚合物 ”),但允许选择退出继续应用单需求响应资源聚合物ferc.gov/sites/default/files/2021-03/E-2.pdf719要求RTOs/ISOs允许聚合商直接向批发市场竞价客户需求响应。FERC批发分布系统上或零售客户表后的资源提出了敏感联邦管辖范围问题。FERC允许零售监管局禁止零售客户需求响应由聚合商向RTO/ISO市场投标。

排除异类聚合法中包括选择退出条款中需求响应,2021年3月命令发现它们“不完全属于命令范围”。719选择退出.. 因为它们不单是零售客户聚合值.. 并利用资源的不同操作属性和辅助能力. 对比之下,只有需求响应资源汇总值与批量允许的零售客户聚合值“实质上互不相容 ” 。719选择出局.

.strong> 最近重听顺序



FERC气体流水线对HULUT气候影响政策 //www.ludikid.com/2021/05/ferc-policy-on-ghg-impact-of-gas-pipelines-on-climate-still-in-flux/ 内部能源 Thu,2021年5月27日14:51:45+00 NEPA系统 //www.ludikid.com/?p=7524 2021年5月20日发布两份证书指令中, 联邦能源管制委员会(FERC)没有评估天然气管道项目温室气体排放的重要性,似乎从2021年3月命令后退一步 显示Continue Reading… p对齐='center'###p>d中最近发布2个证书指令 2021年5月20日发布This seems to be a step back from a March, 2021 order, which indicated that FERC would consider the significance of natural gas emissions in the context of a certificate involving pipeline replacement facilities, but reflects an unusual last-minute compromise reached during an open meeting in order to gain sufficient votes to approve the certificates.

In voting on the May 20 orders, the Commissioners were split on whether the National Environmental Policy Act ("NEPA") requires further analysis of the climate significance of the greenhouse gas emissions calculated for the pipeline projects.  A majority of Commissioners compromised by merely providing GHG data for information purposes without determining their significance.

As discussed in a prior post to this blog, in March, 2021, FERC approved a pipeline project certificate in an order that considered "the significance of the project's GHG emissions and their potential impact on climate change," and stated that if a project's GHG emission impacts are significant, they "would be considered along with many other factors when determining whether a project is required by the public convenience and necessity."  Two recent orders that discussed GHG emissions, however, noted that "analysis of greenhouse gas emissions is offered for informational purposes only, does not inform any part of this order's holding, and shall not serve as precedent for any future certificate order."

After an extremely tense debate at its open meeting on May 20th, FERC narrowly approved a Northern Natural Gas project in Minnesota (Docket No.CP20-503) as well as a Tuscarora Gas Transmission project in Nevada (Docket Number CP20-486).4-1表决接受James Danly专员修改命令草案动议,以明确FERC在批准两个项目时没有为其温室气体排放法开新例委员会随后表决3-2批准证书Chairman Glick and Commissioner Clements dissented in part on the grounds that the Commission should have issued an environmental impact statement ("EIS") to determine the significance of the emissions from these projects and the impact on climate change and thus FERC did not satisfy its duty under the National Environmental Policy Act ("NEPA").  They added that finding a project's GHG emissions to be significant is not a "death knell" for that project and FERC may very well conclude that the project's benefits outweigh even significant adverse impacts and may also order mitigation of adverse impacts.

In the May 20 Northern Natural order, the Commission did provide information concerning the projected downstream emissions from the projects and also compared them to the projected emissions in the United States, but issued an Environmental Assessment ("EA") instead of an EIS.发货公司全部为本地配送公司,北方发现工业和住宅用能源需求增长。EA估计项目运营产生的最大潜在温室气体排放量为每年42,814公吨二氧化碳当量(CO2e)。 FERC发现该项目的servations c 后续年份中项目运毒量和下游燃气量可能增加0.016%.s/sites/defails/2021-05/C-3.pdf.>Tuscarora命令 in subsequent years, the project operations and downstream combustion of gas transported by the project could potentially increase emissions by 0.0052%.[2] The emissions from the project would represent 0.83% and 1.08% of Nevada's 2025 and 2030 GHG inventory goals, respectively.[3]

Again, both orders noted that the analysis of greenhouse gas emissions is offered for information purposes only, does not inform any part of the order's holding, and shall not serve as precedent for any future order.

[1] FERC found that the annual GHGs from operation of the project, including the downstream combustion of the gas transported by the project, are 925,244 metric tons per year CO2e.  To provide context to the GHG estimate, 5.769 billion metric tons of CO2e were emitted at a national level in 2019 (inclusive of CO2e sources and sinks).  See Northern Natural order at Paragraph 33.

[2] FERC noted that although the national emissions reduction targets expressed in the EPA's Clean  Power Plan were repealed, EPA, Repeal of the Clean Power Plan!现有电用生成单元温室气体排放修改排放指南实施规程 84美联储瑞格3252032202019年7月8日巴黎气候协议瑞格7619年1月27日2021年4月21日宣布目标2030年净温室气体排放比2005年水平减少50%至52%。21, 2021), https://www4.unfccc.int/sites/ndcstaging/PublishedDocuments/United%20States%20of%20America%20First/United%20States%20NDC%20April%2021%202021%20Final.pdfSee Tuscarora order at note 47.

[3] Nevada's 2005 CO2 emissions were 50.1 million metric tons.  U.S.能源信息管理局,能源相关CO2排放数据表 (表1-国元二氧化碳逐年排放,未调整(1990-2018年),/s/www.eia.gov/envice/emissions/state/见第29段Toscarora命令

美制:通过购买美制规则及其他 //www.ludikid.com/2021/05/made-in-america-spurring-domestic-job-creation-and-production-through-buy-america-rules-and-beyond/ 内部能源 2021年5月25日10:15:00+00 拜顿行政 ESG系统 美国作业计划 购买美式 基础设施 美国行为制造 //www.ludikid.com/?p=7513 p对齐表示sercenter/pContinue Reading…

This post is the 13th in a series, "The ABCs of the AJP."

As made clear by its name, the Biden Administration intends for its "infrastructure" plan to be a jobs plan.  As is also apparent from the Administration's proposal, it views requirements to ensure that goods are actually made in America as critical to creating new American jobs.  According to the White House, "by ensuring that American taxpayers' dollars benefit working families and their communities, and not multinational corporations or foreign governments, the plan will require that goods and materials are made in America."  Such rules should also help give the United States a boost in its competition with other countries, particularly China.

The federal government has long used such requirements that certain goods or materials are made in America, also known as domestic content preferences, to support American manufacturing and job creation.  These preferences usually fall into two buckets: "Buy America" and "Buy American" rules.

Buy America rules date back to 1978, when Congress began implementing restrictions on certain federally funded infrastructure projects, under which the funding recipients are generally required to ensure the final product is assembled in the United States and that a certain percentage of the project costs are for component and subcomponent parts made in the United States.这些规则对美国内部机构资助的基础设施赠款一般适用对铁、钢和某些制造品如机车类限制交通部也应用到环境保护局资助的水基项目上。

单指1933年美国买法和其他相关立法,对联邦政府直接实际采购的货物适用相似的国内内容限制这些规则的影响受国家在某些贸易协定下的义务限制 。

Wife美国就业计划不完全详解政府建议改变现有内容偏好的方式,计划的一大部分将通过向地方和州政府项目提供联邦资助来实施,项目可适用Buy America规则。iden政府似乎支持增加购入美州保护并扩展至传统交通市场之外。


Another area in which the American Jobs Plan could affect domestic content preferences is through narrowing waivers, and increasing transparency on the use of them.  Currently, Buy America and Buy American programs allow waivers from the requirements, including for when such a waiver is in the public interest, when the inclusion of domestic materials would increase project costs by a certain percentage threshold, or where there is an insufficient domestic market for the particular components.  Increased transparency around the waiver process could make them more difficult to obtain, and could also mean increased attention from federal agencies, customers, and competitors on those who do get them.

Recent executive action and proposals in Congress also shed light on options for Congress in crafting legislation to enact the American Jobs Plan.  On January 25th of this year, President Biden signed an Executive Order entitled "Ensuring the Future is Made in All of America by All of America's Workers."  The Order focused on Buy American restrictions.  Among other things, the Order:

  • Created a new Director of Made-In-America position within the Office of Management and Budget;
  • Proposed a process to centralize the review of waivers and increase transparency;
  • Directed agencies to use the Hollings Manufacturing Extension Partnership to connect with domestic suppliers!和
  • 请求联邦采购管理委员会考虑重做如何测量或定义国内内容以限定购买条件,并考虑提高国内内容百分比要求和物价偏差(允许政府从非美国购买物价差)。supplier).

Much of the Order still needs to be implemented by federal rulemaking, but it gives an idea of where the Administration wants to go.

As for Congress, there are various legislative proposals to expand Buy America requirements or narrow waivers, many of which already have bipartisan support, including:

  • The BuyAmerica.gov Act, 732, would establish a website on which information would be posted for every requested waiver of and exception to Buy America and Buy American rules.
  • The Make it in America Act, 363, would increase the required domestic content under Buy American procurement rules from 50% to 75% and narrow the availability of waivers.
  • The Made in America Act of 2021 would expand Buy America protections to other products such as non-ferrous metals, plastic and polymer-based products, concrete, glass, lumber, and drywall.
  • A group of bipartisan senators announced plans to reintroduce the Build America, Buy America Act, which would apply Buy America rules to all federally-funded infrastructure and public works projects.
  • Other proposed legislation would expand Buy America requirements to school buses (S.506/R.1344) and school infrastructure (S.96/H.R.604).
  • Congress previously passed the Transit Infrastructure Vehicle Security Act, which restricts federal transit agencies from purchasing rolling stock manufactured by foreign corporations, including those that are affiliated with the Chinese government.

Such pending and enacted proposals provide further insight in to how Buy America could be incorporated into future infrastructure packages.

Given bipartisan support and the Administration's strong approval, it is likely that Buy America and Buy American restrictions will only be strengthened through future infrastructure legislation.

Many details still need to be hashed out, including how any new domestic preferences will be imposed, on what types of projects they will be imposed, and whether there will be any changes to how domestic preferences are defined and measured.  Details will also need to be negotiated on any changes to the waiver process.假设对国内优先规则的任何修改都属于大型基础设施改革和投资的一部分,它们应该为国内制造商、想在此扩展生产者以及渴望加强国内供应链者提供更多机会。

网格现代化和温室气体 //www.ludikid.com/2021/05/grid-modernization-and-greenhouse-gases/ 内部能源 Thu, 062021年5月19:56:54+00 拜顿行政 电网 ESG系统 美国作业计划 网格现代化 基础设施 恢复能力 传输 //www.ludikid.com/?p=7462 servity网格现代化和自适应性是关键和互连性问题,随着气候变化增加极端天气事件频率和严重程度,这些问题才变得更加重要。拜顿政府在其美国作业计划概况介绍中表示Continue Reading… p对齐=scentermmblogs拜顿政府在其美国就业计划概况介绍中指出,德州最近停电造成了巨大的人力和经济代价,停电通常耗资每年700亿美元生产率下降。参照此图,美国就业计划拟投入1 000亿美元电网现代化可能太保守计算健康环境效益时,投资改良网格的回报似乎异常强健. /span/p>




ahrfss/www.nrel.gov/剖析/seams.html这是充分建设再生能力的必要先决条件,因为它使企业在日风最丰盛时投资发电能力变得经济上可行(即使这些地区能源需求相对较少 ) 。

AJP电网现代化计划大都依赖刺激可能最终实现或不可实现的私人投资说到此,AJP电网现代化计划代表拜顿政府总方针 — — 雄心勃勃地试图利用监管和税务政策生成大规模私人和国家投资,希望实现转型经济和环境变化。This strategy incentivizes private firms to meaningfully participate in the roughly $100 billion project of transforming the U.S.电网支持显著清洁混合能源转而更新电网为大量投资可再生能源生成能力铺路。

FERC聚焦电传输奖励 //www.ludikid.com/2021/04/ferc-focusing-on-electric-transmission-incentives/ 内部能源 Wed,2021年4月21日20:24:01+00 电网 FERC ISO系统 农浦 RTO系统 //www.ludikid.com/?p=7419 p对齐表示s/ss等传输主比率允许提前提高股权溢价Continue Reading… p对齐表示s/ISOs等传输主比率允许提前提高股权溢价,并提议约束使用限值,FERC还计划举办讲习班解决基于性能的传送技术部署奖励问题Both actions were taken in the context of a March 2020 Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NOPR) aimed at, in part, awarding rate incentives for certain beneficial transmission investments.

With respect to limiting the ROE premium, all three Republican commissioners issued separate statements.  Commissioner Christie voted in favor of the proposal but issued a concurrence basically taking aim at any premium added to a utility's allowed ROE.  Commissioners Chatterjee and Danly both dissented from the proposal, arguing that it is inconsistent with the relevant statutory provision and cuts against FERC's policy objectives.

FERC's actions should be of interest to utilities, transmission-only companies, market participants who pay transmission rates, customers and investors interested in developing transmission projects.


In 2005, Congress added section 219 to the Federal Power Act (FPA) directing FERC to provide by rule incentive-based rates (1) for new electric transmission facilities that either ensure reliability or reduce the cost of delivered power by reducing transmission congestion, and (2) for utilities and other transmission providers that join a Transmission Organization (TO), such as a Regional Transmission Organization (RTO).[1]  FERC generally approves rate incentives for investments in transmission projects that present special risks or challenges, not routine investments.  FERC also awards a 50-basis point adder to the ROE in the rates of transmission owners that join a TO in recognition of the benefits, risks, and associated obligations of such membership (the TO Incentive).

As discussed in a prior post to this blog, in March, 2020, FERC issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (2020 NOPR) that proposed, among other things, to (1) discard the risks and challenges approach for evaluating incentive requests and instead focus on the benefits of new transmission investment, and (2) increase the TO Incentive from 50 to 100 basis points.  FERC observed that planning, operating, and maintaining transmission infrastructure had changed considerably and that the types of needed transmission projects, and the rate treatments to incent them, must evolve to reflect the changes.

Modifying the TO Incentive

In a recent Supplemental NOPR, a divided FERC seeks comments on an additional proposal that would keep the TO Incentive at 50 basis points and subject it to a three-year term limit.

The Supplemental NOPR notes that although ratepayer benefits and utility risks and  responsibilities from Transmission Organization participation have increased, many benefits accrue to transmission owners, such as access to more developed organized markets.  Accordingly, the current 50-basis points TO Incentive, not the 100-basis points proposal in the 2020 NOPR, continues to appropriately correspond to the benefits of utilities joining TOs.

FERC also proposes to limit the term of the TO Incentive to a period of three years after a utility turns over operational control of its transmission facilities to the TO.委指出,规约只指向鼓励实体“加入”,因此FERC有权限限制鼓励加入而非保留加入According to the NOPR, an indefinite incentive may not be needed to incentivize a utility to join a TO, and may not appropriately balance utility and ratepayer interests, given the substantial benefits of TO membership to participating utilities and the large impact the incentive has on ratepayers.  The proposed 3-year limit would apply to transmission owners whose rates now include the TO Incentive.  Those owners would need to remove the incentive from their rates if the proposed term limit is adopted.

The Supplemental NOPR also requests comments on whether the TO Incentive should be limited to utilities that join a TO voluntarily.For example, should the incentive apply where participation in the TO is mandated by the state and/or other relevant electric retail regulatory authority?  In addition, FERC wants comments on alternative, non-ROE incentives that are more appropriate for the TO Incentive.

The Supplemental NOPR only addresses the TO Incentive and does not address the other proposals in the 2020 NOPR.


Commissioner Christie says the Supplemental NOPR "moves in the right direction." He takes aim at any premium added to a utility's allowed ROE: "ROE adders needlessly burden consumers with substantial additional costs without demonstrable evidence that they actually incentivize the particular action they are aimed at incentivizing."  In addition, Commissioner Christie notes that the public utility cost-of-service model is aimed at preventing the exercise of market power by charging a price higher than the market price, and adding basis points to the allowed ROE "makes the regulator not the guardian against market power, but the facilitator of it."  Commissioner Christie agrees with the Supplemental NOPR's request for proposals for alternative, non-ROE incentives.


Commissioners Chatterjee and Danly dissented from the Supplemental NOPR.

Commissioner Chatterjee, who was FERC chair when the 2020 NOPR was issued, disagrees with the proposed limits on the TO Incentive.  He says that FPA section 219 does not limit incentives to utilities that "newly" or "voluntarily" join a TO and thus the proposal is inconsistent with the statute.  In addition, the Supplemental NOPR does not address FERC's prior findings to not limit the incentive to new TO members.Commissioner Chatterjee also argues that the proposal is contrary to the current Administration's federal clean energy goals, which will require "robust organized markets and an enormous amount of investment in transmission."  He says RTOs provide a platform for a successful energy transition but can only remain viable if existing utility members remain in RTOs, and lowering overall ROEs "may push investment away from transmission projects and towards other sectors of the economy or to lower risk projects."

Commissioner Danly dissents on somewhat similar grounds.  He argues that the Supplemental NOPR is inconsistent with the statute, which directs FERC to provide incentives to a utility "that joins" a TO, not to encourage utilities "to join" a TO or that "voluntarily" joins a TO.  In addition, Commissioner Danly argues the proposal "contradicts fourteen years of precedent interpreting unchanged statutory text."  He also argues that reducing the benefits to utilities that join TOs "is not the signal we should be sending to utilities that, to date, have resisted RTO participation."

Comments on the Supplemental NOPR are due 30 days after the date of publication in the Federal Register, and reply comments are due 45 days after such publication.

The transmission incentive workshop

FERC also announced a September 10, 2021 workshop "to discuss certain performance-based ratemaking approaches, particularly shared savings, that may foster deployment of transmission technologies"  More specifically, the workshop will address how to calculate ex ante and ex post benefit analyses for transmission technologies seeking incentives and issues associated with modeling approaches for various transmission technologies.  More details will be provided in a supplemental notice.


[1] The term Transmission Organization includes an RTO, Independent System Operator,  "independent transmission provider, or other organization finally approved by the Commission for the operation of transmission facilities."

FERC评估管道项目温室气体排放对气候变化的影响 //www.ludikid.com/2021/03/ferc-assesses-impact-of-pipeline-projects-ghg-emissions-on-climate-change/ 内部能源 Tue,2021年3月23日22:02:55+00 油气策略 ESG系统 温室化气体 可持续性 //www.ludikid.com/?p=7400 p对齐="中心点"++/p>联邦能源管制委员会首次裁定,建设和运营拟议天然气管道期间排放的温室气体是否对气候变化有重大影响,确定是否授权项目符合第7节公共方便和必要性Continue Reading…

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has for the first time ruled on whether the greenhouse gases (GHG) emitted during the construction and operation of a proposed natural gas pipeline has a significant impact on climate change in determining whether to authorize a project as consistent with public convenience and necessity under Section 7 of the Natural Gas Act.  In earlier orders, FERC concluded that it was unable to assess the significance of a project's GHG emissions or those emissions' contribution to climate change.  In a recent order approving Northern Natural Gas Company's proposal to replace a pipeline segment, FERC stated that is no longer the case and then assesses the significance of the project's GHG emissions and their contribution to climate change.

In a press release on the order, FERC Chairman Glick said "(a) proposed pipeline's contribution to climate change is one of its most consequential environmental impacts and we must consider all evidence in the record—both qualitative and quantitative—to assess the significance of that impact.  I look forward to continuing to work with my colleagues as we refine our methods for doing so."

The Northern Natural order is significant because it reflects a willingness to consider the GHG impact of the construction and operation of a pipeline project on climate change and adopts a method for doing so.  This development must, however, be kept in perspective.  The GHG assessment in this case found no significant impacts and the GHG analysis drew dissents from two commissioners.  It remains to be seen how FERC will address projects with significant GHG impacts that may raise issues of mitigation or even rejection of a project and how FERC will address authorizations for LNG export terminals.

The Northern Natural order

The National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) requires FERC to consider whether a proposed natural gas pipeline project will have a significant impact on the environment.  In an apparent pushback to the prior claims of an inability to assess (GHG) emissions or those emissions' contribution to climate change, the order notes that "NEPA does not require that the studies, metrics, and models—scientific and otherwise—on which an agency relies be universally accepted or otherwise uncontested" but instead "permits agencies to rely on the best available evidence, quantitative and qualitative, even where that evidence has certain limitations."

For the Northern Natural project, FERC compared the project's reasonably foreseeable GHG emissions to the total GHG emissions of the United States as a whole.  The order notes that this comparison  provides "a reasoned basis to consider the significance of the project's GHG emissions and their potential impact on climate change."  Based on the record, the order finds that the project's contribution to climate change would not be significant.

Going forward, FERC says it will "consider all appropriate evidence regarding the significance of a project's reasonably foreseeable GHG emissions and those emissions' contribution to climate change." If GHG emission impacts are significant, they "would be considered along with many other factors when determining whether a project is required by the public convenience and necessity."


Commissioners Danly and Christie  both concurred with the order's approval of Northern Natural's project but dissented on the application of the GHG impact analysis.

Commissioner Danly's lengthy dissent argues that the order violates the Administrative Procedure Act by reversing FERC's longstanding determination that it is unable to assess the significance of a project's greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions or their contribution to climate change without sufficient reasoning.The dissent says the reversal disregards a pending Notice of Inquiry (NOI) that seeks comments on the issue and the order announces a "fragmentary standard that provides no clarity because it fails to establish either a replacement framework or a threshold for when emissions will be deemed ‘significant.'"  Commissioner Danly also argues that the Natural Gas Act does not grant FERC the authority to be an environmental regulator.

Commissioner Christie issued a short dissent objecting to the analysis of "the purported impact on climate change" of the project's GHG emissions.  His dissent also argues that the GHG impact analysis is a "major question of law" to be considered in a pending NOI and that it "is unfair and premature at best" to decide it "in this order with its limited participation."

FERC支持规则向分布式资源聚合器开放电市和限制州监管干扰法 //www.ludikid.com/2021/03/ferc-upholds-rule-opening-electricity-markets-to-distributed-resource-aggregators-and-acts-to-restrict-state-regulator-interference/ 内部能源 元2021年3月22日14:13:05+00 电网 DER聚合器 联邦权力法 FERC //www.ludikid.com/?p=7397 p对齐='中心'##p>在最近的两个指令中,FERC继续推送分布式能源聚合器在有组织批发电市场中竞争。DERs位于配电系统或客户表后方,并包括电存储资源、间歇生成、分布式生成、需求响应、能效、热存储Continue Reading… p对齐='中心'#p/p>最近两个指令中,FERC继续推送分发能源聚合器在有组织批发电市场中竞争。DERs位于配电系统或客户表后方,并包括电存储资源、间歇生成、分布生成、需求响应、能效、热存储和电动车辆及其充电设备。聚合器可聚合多小DERs单项参市场竞争资源2222要求区域传输组织(RTO)和独立系统运算符(sHowever, FERC scaled back a provision that allowed retail regulators to prohibit DER aggregators from bidding the demand response of retail customers into wholesale markets.  The rehearing order withdraws that opt-out provision with respect to aggregations that include both demand response and other types of resources, but allows the opt-out to apply to aggregations of solely demand response resources.

FERC's opt-out provision for aggregations of demand response resources is rooted in its established policy allowing retail regulators to prohibit demand response resources from bidding into wholesale markets.  In a separate order, FERC opened a proceeding to consider eliminating that opt-out provision as well.

Commissioners Danly and Christie are not on board with trimming the scope of the opt-out provision, and, in separate statements, said they would expand the opt-out provision.

FERC's orders should be of interest to a wide range of electricity market participants, including utilities, generation companies, investors in storage and other electricity resources and electricity customers.

Order No.2222 rehearing


As discussed in a prior post to this blog, Order No.2222市场规则必须容留DER聚合物参与,这些规则必须解决:(1)DERs通过聚合直接参加RTO/ISO市场的资格问题;(2)DER聚合物定位需求在地理上尽可能可行RTO/ISO、DER聚合器、分发工具和相关电商零售监管机构之间的协调。


719号指令要求RTOs/ISOs允许聚合商直接向批发市场竞价客户需求响应。FERC允许零售监管局禁止零售客户需求响应由聚合商竞价进入 RTO/ISO市场 。

719选出..................保证需求响应资源可与其他形式的分布式能源资源并发,有可能增强竞争并进一步FERC确保公平合理率的任务。719选出选择退出将继续适用于这些聚合物 。



Elimation需求响应选择退出规定 并发布https/www.ferc.gov/sites/default/files/2031-03/E-2.pdf>notice查询 查询完全删除响应选择退出规定的潜在影响。

719,FERC发现允许零售客户聚合器参加RTO/ISO市场会增加竞争,帮助降低消费者价格并增强可靠性,因此,委员会要求RTO/ISO市场规则允许聚合器直接向批发市场投标零售客户需求响应719, FERC has issued rules relating to other types of demand-side resources and resources located on the distribution system or behind a retail customer meter and has consistently declined to adopt a similar opt-out mechanism, finding that that the benefits of allowing such broader access to RTO/ISO markets are outweighed by any policy considerations in favor of an opt-out.  In addition, there have been significant improvements in the technology that aggregators offer to retail customers.  In light of changed circumstances, the NOI notes that the  balance of interests underlying the opt-out may have shifted and the opt-out may no longer be just and reasonable.

Separate statements

Commissioner Christie dissented from the NOI order, stating that the "end game is to repeal or severely restrict the ‘opt-out' provisions of Order Nos.719."  The dissent notes that eighteen states have chosen to use the opt-out provision, and FERC should respect those state policy decisions.

Commissioner Danly concurred.  Although opposed to eliminating the opt-out provision, Commissioner Danly recognizes FERC "has the discretion to issue a Notice of Inquiry (NOI) on any topic within its purview."  In the comments to be filed, Commissioner Danly is interested in evidence on whether wholesale demand response aggregation programs are providing reliability benefits commensurate with their costs.  He notes that "anecdotal evidence suggests their performance during times of strain may be poor, and perhaps terrible."

Comments in response to the NOI are due 90 days after date of publication in the Federal Register, and reply comments are due 120 days after date of the NOI's publication in the Federal Register.

FERC地址电气化和未来网格 //www.ludikid.com/2021/03/ferc-to-address-electrification-and-the-grid-of-the-future/ 内部能源 04 Mar2021 1514:56+00 电网 电工 电网 FERC //www.ludikid.com/?p=7395 p对齐表示“中心点”+++/pc启动从非电源向电源转换进程为此,FERC宣布2021年4月29日会议Continue Reading… p对齐="中心点"/p>

FERC开通程序说明从非电源向电源转换至最终消费点,如燃料车辆和提供供热和冷却,包括工业设施流程热量To that end, FERC announced an April 29, 2021 conference "to initiate a dialog between Commissioners and stakeholders on how to prepare for an increasingly electrified future."

While discussion at the conference could be fairly wide-ranging, it will likely focus on the impact of electrification on grid investment and operation and on wholesale electricity markets.  FERC's notice for the conference lists the following general topics:

  • Projections, drivers, and risks of electrification in the United States.
  • How electrification may influence or necessitate additional transmission and generation infrastructure.
  • Whether and how newly electrified sources of energy demand (e.g., electric vehicles, smart thermostats, etc.) could provide grid services and enhance reliability.
  • The role of state and federal coordination as electrification advances.

The conference will be Commissioner-led and held electronically.  More information on the conference will be announced by FERC in a supplemental notice.
