Paul Mertenskötter内部能源和环境 // 能源、商品和环境法律和政策开发 wed20232月15 22:23:41+00 en-US 时钟 一号 Paul Mertenskötter内部能源和环境 // 32码 32码 欧盟新强制碳信用披露认证规则 // Candido García Molyneux、Lauren Gluzman、Paul Mertenskötter、Rosa Oyarzabal和Lasse Luecke wed20232月15 21:51:28+00 碳市场、政策管理 欧洲能源和气候政策 碳清除 净零 偏移 巴黎协议 可持续性 自愿碳市场 // p对齐=centercenter###p>United United Nations(EU)正接近对使用碳信用的公司采用强制规则这两项监管举措密切相关,实际上,委员会正在考虑通过的ESRS草案要求主体实体披露通过碳信用额供资的温室气体清除和温室气体缓解项目...Continue Reading…

The European Union ("EU") is coming closer to adopting mandatory rules for companies that use carbon credits.

  • First, the European Parliament and Council are considering for adoption a Commission for a Regulation on a Carbon Removal Certification Framework ("CRCF Regulation Proposal").

These two regulatory initiatives are closely tied to each other.  In effect, the draft ESRS that the Commission is considering for adoption require subject entities to disclose GHG removals and GHG mitigation projects financed through carbon credits.

The EU's aim of regulating carbon credits coincides with its push for carbon neutrality by 2050, and a related significant proliferation of companies publicly committing to achieve "net-zero" emissions by mid-century, which has triggered an uptick in strategic purchases of carbon credits in the voluntary carbon market ("VCM").The CRCF Regulation Proposal and the upcoming ESRS will help to expand sustainable and verified carbon removals and encourage investment in technological innovation.   

Companies turning to the VCM to reach their net zero goals, and others active in the generation, trading, and use of carbon credits, will want to follow these initiatives closely.  Opportunities remain for companies to express views that may shape the final contours of these regulations.

We discuss these developments and opportunities for public comment below. 

Regulation for a Carbon Removal Certification Framework

The European Parliament and Council are  currently considering for adoption the CRCF Regulation Proposal that the Commission presented in late November 2022.建议书载有规则监测、报告并验证欧盟/EEA内部发生的碳清除的真实性实际中,拟议方案仅用于EU/EEA中的碳清除。



  • 设置量化、额外性和长期存储需求,产品必须符合这些需求才能认证;
  • 要求认证方法符合这些需求并授权委员会制定方法学and
  • requires companies to subject their certification to independent third-party verification through a certification scheme. 
  • Thus, the CRCF Regulation Proposal would require carbon credit project developers and potential users to conduct their own assessment of the carbon removal in accordance with the "QU.A.L.ITY" principles and the methodologies prepared by the Commission and then submit that assessment for independent verification through a certification scheme. 

    The CRCF Regulation Proposal requires certification schemes to be recognized by the Commission.  All service providers of certification schemes must submit annual records of their activities to the Commission, and communicate any attempted fraud they identify.  Moreover, certification schemes may only use accredited third-party certification bodies to verify project developers' and users' carbon removal assessments.  These certification bodies may only be accredited by national accreditation bodies in the EU Member States.  Hence, the CRCF Regulation Proposal creates a system of accreditation similar to that of notified bodies under the EU product rules. 

    At this stage, it is not yet clear how carbon offsets created through carbon removal projects applying the methodologies and certificate schemes set forth under the CRCF Regulation Proposal may serve as an alternative mechanism to meet the EU's  GHG emissions reduction targets.根据欧盟委员会对CRCF监管建议的解释性备忘录,部分欧盟排放交易系统(EU-ETS)收入指向创新基金,它帮助企业投资创新清洁技术 — — 包括碳清除 。 CRCF监管建议与推向创新建议相匹配。 然而,看来CRCF监管建议下的碳清除不易交易或服务于EU-ETS下的目的。

    此外,欧盟碳清除监管努力显然与全球开发相关联。值得一提的是,2023年1月会议中,国际可持续性标准委员会确认,拟议的s/是国际财务报告标准基金会(IFRS)二大标准设置板之一,并负责开发IFRS可持续性披露标准草案S2要求公司披露实现公司净零目标所必要的碳抵消数,包括用户理解实体拟使用抵消的可靠性和完整性所需某些因素A carbon removal activity's compliance with the CRCF Regulation Proposal (once adopted) would likely be an important marker of credibility and integrity. 

    Interaction with the EU's Mandatory Carbon Credit Reporting Regime for Companies under CSRD

    The draft ESRS standards that that the Commission is currently considering also include ESRS E1 on Climate Change ("ESRS E1"), which proposes a set of mandatory climate disclosures for many companies.  The ESRS E1 contains two principal disclosure requirements for companies with respect to their GHG removals and GHG mitigation projects that are financed through carbon credits:

    • First, companies must disclose GHG removals and storage from their own operations and their upstream and downstream value chain, and report the underlying calculation assumptions and methodologies!and
    • Second, and most important for carbon credits and the VCM, companies must disclose the amount of GHG emission reductions or removals (in metric tonnes of CO2eq) from climate change mitigation projects that financed through any purchase of carbon credits.

    In addition, the ESRS E1 also requires that:

    • Companies relying on carbon credits for achieving any net-zero targets explain the credibility and integrity of the carbon credits used, and whether and how its claims of GHG neutrality neither impede nor reduce the achievement of its GHG emission reduction targets;
    • Companies consider recognized quality standards for preparing information on carbon credits, verifiable by independent third parties, to make public reports, and to provide rules for calculation, monitoring, and verification of the project's GHG emissions;
    • the share (percentage volume) of reduction projects and removal projects;
      • the share (percentage volume) of each recognized quality standard;
      • the share (percentage volume) issued from projects in the EU!
        • >
      • >/carbon清除不影响温室气体排减量努力(ESRSE1建议约90-95%温室气体排减量应来自公司自身的企业排减量)。

      The draft ESRS E-1 does not reference the CRCF Regulation Proposal, but it requires companies to "apply consensus methods on accounting for GHG removals as soon as they are available."  This fits with the Commission's purpose for the regulation of the certification of carbon removals—namely to increase transparency, credibility, and integrity around companies' actions to permanently remove GHG from the atmosphere.

      Next Steps

      The Commission is set to adopt the draft ESRS as delegated acts by mid-2023.  On November 23, 2022, EFRAG sent its draft ESRS to the Commission.  Once adopted, the European Parliament and Council have two months to present any objections.之后ESRS将成为强制标准,公司必须报告各种ESG影响(见即使在此后,欧盟认证框架也只有在欧盟委员会通过首个认证方法并承认首个认证机制后才能完全运行 。

      委员会拟议的CRCF监管建议草案目前开放公共咨询 2023 ESG强制报表形状:CSRD传递EFRAG通过ESRS草案 // Paul Mertenskötter、Sarah Bishop、Candido García Molyneux、Bart Van Vooren和Ivy-VictoriaOtradovec wed2022年12月7日 ESG系统 欧洲能源和气候政策 CSRD 欧洲可持续性报告标准 欧洲联盟 ISSB 报表编程 供应链链 // p对齐表示'中心''###p>United United Nations(“EU”)传递世界最深远强制环境、社会和管理报告机制公司可持续性报告指令从2024年将适用于第一批大欧盟公司,并在随后的四年中逐步扩展至小公司归根结底Continue Reading… p对齐表示s/最终预期它适用于5万多公司在欧盟注册、上市或经商值得注意的是,从2028年起CSRD将适用于非EU母公司,这些公司生成欧盟净营业量150万欧元以上,并至少有一个欧盟子公司受CSRD约束(或一定规模的局部分支)。spanid表示'More-8340'##span>

      为此,欧洲委员会(“委”)预计将通过详细强制性ESG披露要求,如Europes可持续性报告标准此外,CSRD报告将受经认证审计师有限保证的约束,预计最终将受更严格的保证标准约束(i.e. ,“合理”保证)。意图既向投资者提供投资决策所需要信息以考虑可持续性因素,又更广泛地增加公司ESG对其他利益攸关方影响的透明度( /em>、管理者、消费者、民间社会和非政府组织)。


      ESRS目前建议覆盖84个离散披露要求和1 144个定量和定性数据点。


      十大主题ESRS覆盖所有ESG三大支柱如下(见>高度:自动机">FY 2025 / 2026ESRSListed Small- and Medium Enterprise ("SME")Is not a Large Company but has transferable securities listed on a regulated market" in the EU and meets at least 2 of the following 3 conditions: (i) more than 10 employees (annual average), (ii) EUR 700k in net turnover, and (iii) EUR 350k in total assets.FY 2026
      (can opt to delay until FY 2028) / 2027 (2029 if delay)ESRSNon-EU Parent Company With Significant Business in the EUCompany that is not established under the laws of a EU Member State (e.g., the US) and that has generated more than EUR 150M of net turnover in the EU for each of the last two consecutive financial years and has at least: (i) one subsidiary that meets any of the definitions above (e.g., Large Company), or (ii) a branch (generally an unincorporated physical presence) that generated net turnover greater than EUR 40M in the preceding year.FY 2028 / 2029Choice of:
      (i) ESRS!具体可持续性报告标准欧盟将为非欧盟母公司开发或三)欧盟认为等效的本地司法可持续性报告标准。 COP27:平复式气候峰会 // 加里SGuzy、Thomas Reilly、Kevin Poroncarz、Paul Mertenskötter和Daniel Feldman 2022年11月23日Wed15:53:48+00 国际气候努力 适配 COP27 COP28 减通货膨胀法 国际发展 损耗 缓冲 NDC 巴黎 联 合 国 世界银行 // p对齐=centercenter##p>联合国气候变化年度大会-正式称联合国气候变化框架公约(气候公约)缔约方第二十七届会议或埃及沙姆沙伊赫sheik短机COP27COP27会议正值俄国在乌克兰持续开战并随之而来经济动荡,以及过去一年全球天气事件愈演愈烈。面对这一挑战背景,COP27决非直截了当发展中国家和发达国家在应成为峰会焦点的优先事项上的分歧使困难更加复杂化,最明显的表现是“损耗和损耗”问题上的紧张状态。 虽然COP27将被视为历史案例,因为它创建了一个基金补偿受气候变化影响最严重的国家,但也失去了机会来采取更雄心和加速减缓气候变化承诺,而鉴于气候变化对地球快速影响的可怕科学警告,这些承诺将是必要的。
      Continue Reading… p对齐=scentercenterclipse/ps/p>United Nations年度气候变化大会-正式称为联合国气候变化框架公约缔约方第27次大会br由一份



      COP27-A recap

      Paris协议后排减进度Glasgow大会因美国之故也很重要环球气候问题重新投入世界舞台, 由
      政府间气候变化问题专门委员会发布的权威科学评估, 列出了smission轨迹日益可怕的冲击,清楚地表明这是世界降低排放以避免灾难性全球变暖目标的决定性十年。


      UNFCCC评估说,各国在实现1.5度/br/celius目标方面没有取得足够的进展,并请求所有成员国返回COP27并改进目标COP27的Br>焦点因此放在前协议的“执行”上-由Br>会议标题Captement of“Togates for 实现”-不期望主要新Climate

      squatedUnited United Nations/CEP27上的国家代表团外,还有近2千个官方观察组织-共约33 500名代表。 ibr>At开源开源开源开源开源开源开源开源开源开源并解决深度公平问题, 由谁来承担气候干扰和经济发展收益的冲击和负负在今年


      许多发展中国家的优先事项是创建某种形式的基金解决社会和经济正在遭受的`br>损害问题发达国家偏重缓解, 依据是若不立即缓解, 将造成更多破坏

      然而,关键细节说明基金将如何运作,包括支付者、数额和操作方式,留待未来会谈解决这一点很重要,因为它可能`Br>政治挑战美国请求国会为损耗和损耗基金追加气候拨款, 并可能出现挑战性问题,并面临创纪录通胀和由

      not everyones's Happy..

      COP27未能实现迫使国家改善NDCs的目标The negotiations also
      failed to secure an agreement to start a phase-out of all fossil fuels—language which at one
      point had seemed to have made its way into the text, only to be withdrawn and replaced by the
      Glasgow language of "phasing down" coal and "phasing out inefficient fossil fuel subsidies" after
      objections from Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Russia.

      Although an attempt to remove the 1.5 degree Celsius goal from the Declaration in favor of the
      Paris Agreement's upper limit of 2 degrees failed, there was no mention of the requirement for
      global emissions to peak by 2025, which scientists see as critical if the world is to meet the 1.5
      degree Celsius target.减少排放焦点似乎因埃及增加低排放能源呼声
      Ukrain 和随后对俄罗斯油气公司的制裁触发非俄毒气的

      减排承诺委副会长表示, 国家有“下降短路 ” 补充道 : “我们应该多做多做多做多做多.我们Br失望我们没有实现这一点。 ”英国的 Alok

      butititn't all badNews..


      全球排放量的50%; a交易214公司和政府承诺淘汰柴油和油车
      2040; a200亿美元印尼能源过渡计划,以落实为
      南非在COP26上创建的计划; Reference公告减少油气
      操作的甲烷排放,开发绿色运输挑战,拓展Pirst Moler联运
      能源转换和 协议中某些细节的巴黎协议处理
    • 来自COP27的另一个亮点是多场边事件的广泛讨论,包括深入评估






      世界多处,仅摄氏1.1摄氏度,这是一个暗淡的未来。But, since COP is the best we have
      by way of a global system for managing climate change, it is a process that will have to be
      made to work.

      One other important lesson which should be taken away from the heated debate over differing
      priorities at COP27 is the difficulty in neatly categorizing and separating "implementation" from
      the issues of emissions reduction, global ambition, equity, integrity, and transparency that
      underlie a solution to addressing climate change.

      In terms of what we should expect from next year's COP28, there will be a focus on how to
      operationalize the loss and damage fund, as well as a continued focus on the Global Goal on
      Adaptation, the New Collective Quantified Goal on climate finance, and perhaps most important
      for continued mitigation, the first Global Stocktake assessing progress on the NDCs of individual
      countries and the on-going role of private sector emissions reduction commitments.

      But achieving these tangible outcomes will require a sustained effort to rebuild trust and
      confidence between the Global North and Global South.

      ESG欧洲报告标准EFRAG新CSRD对工人和人权显示形状 // SarahBishop、MellissaCampbelldu、SinéadOryszczuk、Paul Mertenskötter和Ivy-VictoriaOtradovec Thu, 242022 13:35:24+00 披露需求 ESG系统 欧洲能源和气候政策 披露需求 EFRAG系统 ESRS系统 欧洲 欧洲联盟委员会 欧洲财务报告咨询组 欧洲可持续性报告标准 经合组织多国企业指南 可持续性 联合国关于企业与人权的指导原则 // 2022年3月314日,欧洲财务报告咨询组发布最新一套工作文件,介绍欧盟未来可持续性报告标准ESRS将建立数十项可持续性相关披露要求,Continue Reading… p对齐='Center''##p>

      2022年3月3日和14日,欧洲财务报告咨询组发布最新一套工作文件,介绍欧盟未来可持续性报告标准ESRS将建立数十项可持续性相关披露要求,根据企业可持续性报告指令对数千个欧盟公司强制发布(见),并发布ISSB和EFRAG气候原型 )。


      in thes/工作文件建议ESRS公司报告社会问题,如同酬差和广泛受保护群体歧视事件(如种族或民族血统、残疾、年龄或性取向)。详细程度报告将粒子化,并包括性骚扰事件等,即使不再受行动约束。强制披露将扩展至公司集体谈判协议(逐国协议)和强迫劳动事件、人权或童工等信息公司应报告所有事件并提供实例摘要证明它们的补救行动。

      公司目前可能有流程收集自身员工信息,ESRS披露也将覆盖非雇员、价值链工人、消费者和粒度终端用户manbext网页版The relevant facts for these disclosures may often lie outside of the EU and across companies' global operations.

      *           *           *

      If you have any questions concerning the material discussed in this blog post, please contact any of the following members of our ESG, Capital Markets and Securities, and Business and Human Rights teams: Sarah Bishop, Mellissa Campbell Duru, Sinéad Oryszczuk, Paul Mertenskötter, and Ivy-Victoria Otradovec.

      欧盟衡算规则中的天然气和核活动: // Paul MertensketAndrew Jack、Candido García Molyneux和Thomas Reilly Frii,2022年2月18日 00:17:34+00 欧洲能源和气候政策 油气策略 补充气候委托法 环境可持续 欧联 欧洲 欧洲联盟委员会 欧洲联盟 天然气 分类规范 // p对齐='Center'###p>2022年2月2日,欧洲委员会通过了补充气候委托法(“CCDA”),将特定气体和核活动列作欧盟分类规范的“环境可持续性”。仅某些符合严格排放限制和下文详述的其他标准的活动可如此指定。即便如此Continue Reading… s/仅某些符合严格排放限制和下文详述的其他标准的活动可如此指定。即便如此,欧盟委将核天然气活动列作“环境可持续性”的决定颇具争议性,并可能仍受欧盟成员国和欧洲议会阻塞,并可能在欧盟法院接受合法挑战。尽管如此,委员会将所列气体和核活动视为“环境上可持续的”标准很有可能于2023年初生效。This would allow such listed gas and nuclear activities to have access to green investors and ear-marked public funds under the EU's Next Generation EU investment program.

      Taxonomy Re-Cap

      The Taxonomy Regulation establishes the EU's binary system to distinguish between economic activities that are "environmentally sustainable" and those that are not.

      Together with other laws of the EU Sustainable Finance Package such as the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive ("CSRD") and the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation ("SFDR"), the Taxonomy Regulation is designed to channel capital investments to sustainable economic activities.To this end, the Taxonomy Regulation provides criteria to allow companies and financial market participants to label specific economic activities and related investments as "environmentally sustainable," and EU rules require a growing number of companies and investors to report on the degree to which their economic activities and investments comply with the Taxonomy Regulation.

      To be environmentally sustainable for purposes of the Taxonomy Regulation, an economic activity must fulfill the following four cumulative requirements:

      1. Substantially contribute to one of six environmental objectives (e.g., climate change mitigation, transition to a circular economy);
      2. Not significantly harm any of the other environmental objectives (e.g., by harming pollution prevention and control due to "a significant increase in the emissions of pollutants" or by harming protection and restoration of biodiversity and ecosystems due to its significant detrimental effects on the good condition and resilience of ecosystems).
      3. Be carried out in compliance with minimum safeguards, which are essentially the core human rights and labor obligations of the OECD, UN Guiding Principles of Business and Human Rights, the International Labor Organization, and those enshrined in the International Bill of Human Rights!和
      4. 兼容技术筛选标准>

      技术筛选标准至关重要They set out the specific conditions that a particular economic activity (e.g., electricity generation from natural gas or construction of a nuclear power plant) must meet in order to be deemed environmentally sustainable for purposes of the Taxonomy Regulation.

      The European Commission Is the Key Taxonomy Gatekeeper

      Under the Taxonomy Regulation, the EU Member States and the European Parliament have delegated the authority to adopt the technical screening criteria to the European Commission, but Member States and Parliament retain the right to scrutinize and object to them.

      The Commission has already successfully adopted Commission Delegated Regulation 2021/2139 (the so-called "Climate Delegated Act"), which sets out the technical screening criteria for dozens of economic activities that are deemed to substantially contribute to climate change mitigation or adaptation (ranging from "anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge" to "transport by passenger cars").

      On February 2, the Commission complemented this Climate Delegated Act with the CCDA, which will still be subject to scrutiny by Member States and the European Parliament.The CCDA specifies the screening criteria for specific nuclear and gas activities, and also amends the specific disclosure rules established in Commission Delegated Regulation 2021/2178 to allow investors and other stakeholders to distinguish Taxonomy compliant gas and nuclear activities from other Taxonomy compliant activities such as the construction of off-shore wind parks (see Annex III to CCDA).

      Gas Activities: The Commission's Sustainability Criteria

      The CCDA includes three natural gas activities that can be Taxonomy compliant subject to strict conditions:

      • Construction or operation of electricity generation facilities that produce electricity using fossil gaseous fuels (i.e., natural gas);
      • Construction, refurbishment, and operation of combined heat/cool and power generation facilities using fossil gaseous fuels!
      • 构建、翻新和运行热生成设施,使用与高效区热冷相连接的化石气燃料产生热/cool。

      三大活动技术筛选标准大致相似Taking the example of the first activity, electricity generation from natural gas, the key conditions are as follows:

      • The life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions from the electricity generation must not exceed 100g CO2e/kWh (the emissions are to be calculated based on the EU's 2013 life-cycle method or applicable ISO standards).
      • The life-cycle emissions must be verified by an independent third party.
      • For facilities relying on a form of abatement, such as carbon capture or use of low-carbon gases, the abatement activity must itself comply with the applicable technical screening criteria in the Climate Delegated Act.

      We note that the life-cycle emission target of 100g CO2e/kWh in practice means that operators seeking to comply with it must rely heavily on abatement activities, such as carbon capture technologies or the blending of fuels.依据>Central研究 绿氢与天然气混合还有可能实现这些生命周期排放目标。

      The laxer emission target is:

      • Direct greenhouse gas emissions are lower than 270g CO2e/kWh of the output energy, or annual direct emissions do not exceed an average of 550kg CO2e/kW of the facility's capacity over 20 years.

      The additional cumulative requirements are:

      • The gas power plant replaces an existing high emitting electricity generation activity that uses solid or liquid fossil fuels;
      • The power to be replaced cannot be generated from renewable energy sources, based on a comparative assessment with the most cost-effective and technically feasible renewable alternative for the same capacity;
      • The newly installed production capacity does not exceed the capacity of the replaced facility by more than 15%;
      • The gas power plant is designed and constructed to use renewable and/or low-carbon gaseous fuels (e.g., "green" or "blue" hydrogen) and the switch to the full use of such fuels must take place by December 31, 2035.责任公司管理者必须批准并承诺对开关实施可核查计划 。
      • 替换现有电源活动导致在新建燃气厂使用寿命期间温室气体排放减少至少55%
      • /li/p>如果天然气电厂位于使用煤发电的欧盟成员国内,该成员国公开承诺淘汰煤发电。
      • 研究、开发、演示和部署闭合燃料循环先进技术以刺激未来技术在安全标准和废物最小化方面的创新。
      • 新核电厂发电项目构建安全运行这些项目确认至2045年(批准建筑许可日期)。此类工厂的能量可用于生成氢 (即 pinkthy)
    • Such projects will be recognized until 2040 (date of approval by competent authority).

    The European Commission claims that it has relied on extensive expert advice—including from the Joint Research Centre, the Scientific and Technical Committee under Article 31 of the Euratom Treaty, and the Scientific Committee on Health, Environmental and Emerging Risks ("SCHEER")—to ultimately make the controversial decision that nuclear energy that complies with the regulatory framework in the EU Member States "ensures a high level of protection for the environment and for people," and therefore, can meet the do no significant harm criteria.

    To be Taxonomy compliant, these nuclear activities must meet detailed regulatory conditions that cover requirements beyond the existing EU and national law regulatory frameworks for nuclear power plants.附加条件包括操作处置设施确定日期和禁止输出放射性废物供非欧盟国家处置。





    更多,成员国和欧洲议会也可以向欧盟总法院挑战CCDA私人方,包括非政府组织,如果能证明直接与CCDA相关,也有可能拥有向欧盟普通法院质疑CCDA的法律资格。 2023年1月1日预计CCDA生效,如果议会和理事会不反对它,欧盟法院不中止它时点,符合上述条件的核能和天然气投资将算作分类规则中的“环境可持续性”,从而打开绿化投资者和耳记公共资金的大门,用于欧盟下一代欧盟投资程序。

    蓝绿氢新定义:欧盟委员会氢化和去碳化气市场包 // Rosa Oyarzabal、Paul Mertenskötter和Candido García Molyneux 弗里2022年1月7日19:36:06+00 欧洲能源和气候政策 氢气 收费 蓝氢 CBAM 欧盟碳边界调整机制 欧洲 欧洲联盟委员会 欧洲联盟 适合55 绿色氢 可再生能源 关税 // p对齐='center'###p>去年12月, 欧洲委员会发布Hypen和去碳化市场一揽子立法(“包状”), 提出新规则开发欧盟氢市场新规则为欧盟气候能源管理框架中的蓝绿氢概念和作用带来了等待已久的法律清晰度Continue Reading… s/ new rules bring much awaited legal clarity to the concepts and role of blue and green hydrogen within the EU's energy regulatory framework for the climate transition.

    In effect, the Commission's legislative Package is intended to promote the use of blue hydrogen until at least 2030 provided that it achieves the same decarbonization as green hydrogen (i.e., 70% GHG reduction).  However, the European Parliament and Council may amend both the proposed definition and conditions of blue hydrogen and the proposed regulative incentives during their consideration of the Package and its adoption through the legislative procedure that will now follow.  Moreover, the European Commission will be empowered to develop much of the methodologies implementing the definitions of blue and green hydrogen.  Companies intending to engage in blue and green hydrogen operations in the EU/EEA would be well advised to closely follow these developments.

    I.  The Legislative Package on Hydrogen and Decarbonized Markets

    The Package is yet another piece of the "Fit for 55" agenda to achieve the EU's climate neutrality by 2050 and includes three legislative proposals: (i) a proposal for a recast of the EU Regulation on the Internal Markets for Renewable and Natural Gases and for Hydrogen ("Proposed Gas and Hydrogen Regulation")!(二) 关于欧盟可再生能源和天然气及氢内部市场共同规则的建议(“

    Both green and blue hydrogen would benefit from this proposed beneficial regulatory framework provided they comply with the proposed definitions and requirements.  However, they would continue to be impacted differently under other parts of the EU's climate and energy rules, such as the Renewable Energies Directive ("RED II") and the proposal for a Regulation on a Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism ("Proposed CBAM Regulation") and the Regulation on the Establishment of a Framework to Facilitate Sustainable Investment ("Taxonomy Regulation").

    II.  Renewable and Low-Carbon Hydrogen

    The EU's current energy regulatory framework fails to define renewable (aka "green") and low-carbon (aka "blue") hydrogen.  This legal uncertainty has hampered the role-out of green and blue hydrogen markets and infrastructure in the EU.  To correct this, the Package introduces new legal definitions of renewable and low-carbon hydrogen that the Commission will be empowered to detail by adopting specific calculation methodologies and threshold determinations in delegated acts.

    The Proposed Gas and Hydrogen Directive includes definitions of renewable and low-carbon hydrogen that are in line with those of the proposal to amend the Renewable Energies Directive II ("Proposed Directive to Amend RED II").

    • Renewable hydrogen is defined by reference to the definition of the Proposed Directive to Amend RED II, e., as hydrogen that (i) derives its energy content from renewable sources other than biomass!实现与化石燃料相比70%的温室气体排放减少量。
    • Low-clent 定义为含非可再生能源产生并满足70%与化石氢比较的温室气体排减阈值。

    表示欧盟关于可再生(“绿化”)和低碳最大温室气体排放密度的规则大致相似,因为天然气和氢指令为两者都设置相同的去碳化效果标准(i.e. ,70%降温)。可再生和低碳氢减排阈值很可能使用“对开式”法计算,即计取勘探到生产过程的CO2排放,包括直到生产过程的运输,然而,委员会尚未确定绿色和蓝氢精确计算和测定方法(见下文)。

    Thus建议可再生和低碳氢的主要差值将是氢生产过程,特别是用于制造氢的能源源(iem>e.g./em>电解器中)。In effect, the aim of this approach is to allow low-carbon hydrogen to play a role in decarbonization and facilitate the energy transition until 2030.  The amended RED II would continue to promote green hydrogen, and various EU legislation, such as the Proposed CBAM Regulation, would likely impact blue and green hydrogen differently.  However, both blue and green hydrogen meeting the proposed definitions would benefit from the Package's proposed dedicated hydrogen infrastructure and market outlined below at least until 2030.

    The expectation is that by 2030 the EU will introduce a stricter GHG reduction threshold for the definition of low-carbon ("blue") hydrogen.  This threshold could be similar to that set under the draft technical screening criteria for gas investments under the Taxonomy Regulation, but that remains to be seen.


    可再生和低碳认证: 可更新氢 需根据拟议指令认证,该指令要求委员会通过授权立法确定认证方法。

Hence, if an operator provides compliance with a recognized scheme, this will serve to satisfy the certification requirement for low-carbon hydrogen.

The Package applies these certification requirements equally to imported and EU-produced blue and green hydrogen, which may be related to recent efforts by certain Member States to scale up production of hydrogen both inside and outside the EU.  For instance, in December 2021 the Commission approved the German State aid scheme H2Global that also supports the production of green hydrogen in non-EU countries for its export to, and sale in, the EU.

IV.  Regulation of Hydrogen Networks

The current EU regulatory framework for gas energy carriers does not address the deployment of hydrogen as an independent energy carrier via dedicated hydrogen networks.欧盟一级没有基于收费价对氢网络投资规则(sem>/em>要求为网络运营商提供报酬以便充分投资于基础设施)或专用氢网络所有权和运营规则(sem>/em>unbunding规则)。拟议气流指令和拟议气流规范通过引入以下措施消除这些缺陷:

unbunding义务hydrogen网络操作员解构生产和供应活动,并在法律上和组织上独立于活跃于天然气或电传输和/或配送的企业,这意味着电或天然气现有传输系统操作员可能不作为氢网络操作员,至少在同一法律实体下除外。 /li
The legislative proposals establish tariff discounts for renewable and low-carbon gases.  In particular, the proposals envision discounts of 75% on entry and capacity-based transmission tariffs for renewable and low-carbon production and storage facilities.  The proposals would also eliminate cross-border tariffs for renewable and low-carbon gases to facilitate sales across borders in the European market.
  • Revised investment decisions. Hydrogen network operators would be required to regularly assess market demand for new infrastructure investments.  Similarly, every two years, LNG and storage system operators would be required to assess market demand for new investments that would allow or expand the use of renewable and low-carbon gases in their facilities, and to take that information into account when they plan new investments.
  • Certification requirements.The proposals would also require Member States to certify all hydrogen network operators.  If these are controlled by a person or persons from a third country or third countries, the regulatory authority responsible for the certification would be required to notify the Commission, which would ultimately decide on whether certification is granted.  Member States would also have the right to refuse certification if granting certification would put at risk their security of energy supply or the security of that of another Member State.
  • Next Steps

    The European Parliament and Council must now consider the proposed Regulation and Directive for their adoption through the so-called "ordinary" legislative procedure.  This procedure allows the Parliament and Council to modify the proposals, for example to include further incentives and more flexible rules for low-carbon hydrogen.  The procedure is likely to be expedited so that the legislation is adopted within the next 18 months.

    In the meantime, the Commission is also expected to start its preparatory work on the specific methodologies needed for the certification of renewable and low-carbon hydrogen.委员会将不得不作出技术决策,这些决策往往可能产生重大商业后果。受影响的公司或愿尽早与委员会接触进程。

    ESG持续报告开发:气候披露原型 // Mellissa Campbellducs、Sinéad Oryszczuk、Paul Mertenskötter和Ivy-VictoriaOtradovec 2021年12月06日Mon:33:03+00 COP26 ESG系统 欧洲能源和气候政策 证券交易委员会 26届缔约方会议 企业可持续性报告指令 CSRD EFRAG系统 ESRS系统 欧洲 欧洲财务报告咨询组 欧洲可持续性报告标准 欧洲联盟 国际可持续性标准委员会 ISSB 报表编程 标准类 气候相关财务披露工作队 TCFD // p对齐='中心'###/p>ESG和可持续性披露报告要求 上市公司和非上市公司正在快速成形正像COP26所宣布的那样,现在有一个国际可持续性标准理事会(“ISSB”)负责鼓励全球接受ESG报告标准在欧盟,欧洲财务报告咨询组(EFRAG)是负责开发强制Continue Reading… p对齐=centercenter##p>p>ESG和可持续性披露报告要求 上市公司和非上市公司正在快速成形正像COP26所宣布的那样,现在有一个国际可持续性标准理事会(“ISSB”)负责鼓励全球接受ESG报告标准在欧盟,欧洲财务报告咨询组(EFRAG)是欧盟公司可持续性报告指令(“CSRD”)下负责开发强制可持续性和ESG报告标准的机构ISSB和EFRAG都最近分别发布ESG和可持续性披露并报告“原型”。原型对紧急报告机制很重要,极有可能成为许多公司的重要商业报告机制-即使不是强制报告机制-There are also encouraging signs that what has until recently been a relatively disjointed set of standards, is beginning to come together under a more harmonized agenda and institutions.

    This blog presents an overview of some of the detailed climate-related disclosure and reporting metrics covered by the ISSB and EFRAG climate prototypes, and highlights critical considerations for companies as more detailed and mandatory ESG and sustainability reporting frameworks begin to take shape.

    Global Context & COP26 Pledges

    Major developments that emerged from the November 2021 COP26 summit included the announcement of the new Glasgow Climate Pact, a renewed emphasis on the role of the private sector in addressing climate change risks and opportunities, and the launch of the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero, a coalition of existing and new net zero finance initiatives dedicated to assisting companies realign their business models for net zero.

    In addition, a critical adjunct to COP26 was the announcement of the launch of the ISSB and its work towards the development of uniform global environmental, social, and governance ("ESG") reporting standards.ISSB表示努力鼓励全球吸收并合并为现有ESG报告标准(包括框架,如气候相关财务披露工作队和气候披露标准理事会倡议)。ESG报告标准全球基线旨在向投资者、资本市场参与者和各种其他利益攸关方提供关于公司可持续性相关风险和机会的信息类似于姐妹组织国际会计准则理事会,ISSB将由国际财务报告标准基金会管理。



    Governance Stestrategy
  • Metrics and targets—the metrics and targets used to manage and monitor the entity's performance in relation to climate-related risks and opportunities over time.
  • The scope of the Climate Prototype encompasses physical climate-related risks, risks associated with the transition to a lower-carbon economy, as well as climate-related opportunities for the entity.

    Pursuant to ISSB's Climate Prototype, an entity shall disclose the following cross-industry climate metrics:

    Greenhouse gas emissions Scope 1, 2 and 3 in metric tonnes of CO2 equivalent.
    Transition risks Amount and percentage of assets and business activities vulnerable to transition risk.
    Physical risks Amount and percentage of assets and business activities vulnerable to physical risks.
    Climate-related opportunities Proportion of revenue, assets or business activities aligned with climate-related opportunities (in amount or percentage).
    Capital deployment Amount of capital expenditure, financing or investment deployed toward climate-related risks and opportunities (in reporting currency).
    Internal carbon prices Entity's internal price for each metric tonne of GHG emissions.
    Remuneration Proportion of executive management remuneration affected by climate-related considerations in current period.

    Importantly, the Climate Prototype foresees additional industry-specific climate metrics for companies to report on.ISSB气候原型附录B汇总行业报告要求其中包括为每个行业具体确定的多重需求,例如软件服务公司水压区抽取和耗用水或棕榈油供应链报告公司家庭和个人产品销售报告In light of the growing interdependence between the many ongoing ESG regulatory initiatives (especially those originating in the EU), this reporting requirement should, for example, be considered in the context of recently announced national and international deforestation due diligence requirements for specified products being placed on the UK and EU markets.

    2.  EFRAG's Climate Standard Prototype: Towards Harmonization?

    The ISSB's Climate and General Requirements Prototypes are particularly interesting because EFRAG released a similar framework under the Climate Standard Prototype Working Paper in September 2021.EFRAG框架响应欧盟委员会关于s/的Climate原型可能直接影响到欧盟规则。



    At a COP26 side event, for example, EFRAG's work was examined in the context of the ISSB and the work of the TCFD.

    Key Takeaways

    Two main recommendations flow out of the current landscape on sustainability reporting developments.

    1. Companies should consider which aspects of their current voluntary sustainability reporting could be integrated into mandatory financial and non-financial sustainability reporting requirements in the future. As new standards emerge, companies have an opportunity to actively monitor developments and "best practices" within their industry and to proactively prepare for future mandatory reporting requirements.美联储报表公司还应该考虑ISSB和EFRAG披露原型方面会如何影响美国正在考虑的与气候有关的披露规则证券交易委员会公司应开始识别本行业相关度量值,制定策略和过程识别物风险和机会,并开发必要的报告控制程序以确保信息收集与报告及时准确性。
    2. By参与ESG问题和可持续性报告进程展开时,公司可以向监管者发送有关这些问题的强信公司还可以在标准定稿前与决策人分享宝贵经验。EFRAG多公共咨询欧洲可持续性报告标准将是一个参与论坛manbext网页版served-Oryszuk/a 欧盟CBAM覆盖更多你所想复杂货物系统边界和规避 // CandidoGarcía Molyneux和Paul Frii,23JU202117:15:56+00 欧洲能源和气候政策 碳边框调整 CBAM EUETS Europe绿色交易 适合55 // 7月14日,欧盟委员会提出了碳边界调整机制(CBAM)立法提案。这一期待已久的工具旨在使进口商支付嵌入欧盟市场覆盖物中的温室气体排放(“GHS”)Covington webnar讲解建议的主要内容Continue Reading… p对齐s/ Covington webinar on the main elements of the proposal and related policy considerations is available here.

      The Commission's proposal tries to carefully define the scope of the CBAM to ensure its integrity and effective link with the EU Emissions Trading System ("ETS").The CBAM proposal is designed to apply to specific industrial sectors for which the EU domestic industry is subject to the ETS, that are at high risk of carbon leakage, and for which it is feasible to calculate embedded GHG emissions.

      However, the proposal's current wording suggests that, once the CBAM is in force and the Commission adopts the necessary implementing legislation, it may also have an indirect coverage extending to many other products and sectors than those formally covered.  This is for the following reasons.

      Formally, the proposed CBAM would apply to iron and steel, aluminium, cement, and fertilizer products and to electricity.拟覆盖的确切类型是那些属于欧盟联合名词即NC编码中的关税分类线的那些产品,这些产品列于提案附件一中。Annex I also covers several complex goods that rely on precursor production steps.  For example, the following four types of complex goods would be subject to the CBAM: (i) white Portland cement [CN 2523 21 00], (ii) mineral or chemical fertilisers containing the three fertilising elements nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium [CN 3105 20], (iii) tubes and pipes, having circular cross-sections, the external diameter of which exceeds 40.64 cm, of iron or steel [CN 7305], and (iv) aluminium foil [CN 7607].  (We provide a full table with the CN codes that determine which products are covered by the CBAM at the end of this blog post.)

      In practice, however, the current wording of the proposal suggests that there is a risk that the CBAM may require including the embedded emissions of goods falling outside the industrial sectors explicitly covered (iron and steel, aluminium, cement, fertilizers ) when assessing the embedded emissions of goods that do fall within the CN Codes listed in the Annex to the proposal.  This is because manufacturing the complex goods listed, such as the examples above, will require a number of input materials, some of which may be outside the scope of Annex I.For example, manufacturing aluminium foil may require the use of paper or biocides or other chemicals.

      The current legal design of the CBAM Regulation appears to leave open the possibility that the CBAM would indirectly cover sectors and categories of goods not falling within the CN codes of Annex I.  The Commission's proposal does not clearly define the boundaries of the calculation of embedded emissions for complex goods and therefore fails to make clear whether emissions from products in other categories (e.g., paper and biocides) are included in calculating the emissions from a complex good falling with the CN Codes of Annex I (e.g., aluminium foil).

      Instead, once the CBAM Regulation is adopted, the proposal foresees that it would be for the European Commission to set the "system boundaries" that would define the exact input materials the embedded emissions of which must be added when calculating the embedded emissions of a complex good covered by the CBAM.  In short, only the Commission's decision on the "system boundaries" would bring legal certainty with respect to the CBAM's exact scope.

      What is more, this indeterminacy of the CBAM's scope before the Commission has set the "system boundaries" would extend the discussions on the potential impact of the CBAM years beyond the formal adoption of the CBAM Regulation.  This could also be a bargaining chip of the European Commission during its international climate change negotiations with third countries.

      From an EU domestic law perspective, it is unclear whether the European Parliament and Council may empower the European Commission with such seemingly wide discretion.设置系统边界有效允许委员会确定CBAM间接覆盖的货物类别依据《欧洲联盟功能条约》,这完全可被视为CBAM规则的“基本元素”,超出议会和理事会授予委员会的权力范围,尚有待观察议会和理事会在审议委员会未来数月通过建议时是否会同意这一广泛的授权范围。

      CBAM范围不确定性更远委员会的建议授权委员会在贸易模式改变除避免CBAM义务外没有充分正当理由或经济理由的情况下对规避行为采取行动举例说,如果第三国对欧盟的贸易模式显示附件一所列货物(如铁管道)明显下降,并显示下游货物相应增加使用CBAM所覆盖的附件一货物输入物(如使用铁管道搭建表),委员会可采取行动。Such circumvention related action could, again, extend the CBAM's scope.


      Table with the CN Codes that Determine which Products are Covered by the CBAM



      Cement clinkers 2523 10 00
      White Portland cement, whether or not artificially coloured 2523 21 00
      Other Portland cement 2523 29 00
      Other hydraulic cements 2523 90 00




      Electrical energy 2716 00 00




      回收废品和钢 >7204>/td>
      宽度='601++welded angles, shapes and sections, of iron or steel
      Nitric acid!sulphitrices
      Railway or tramway track construction material of iron or steel, the following: rails, check-rails and rack rails, switch blades, crossing frogs, point rods and other crossing pieces, sleepers (cross-ties), fish- plates, chairs, chair wedges, sole plates (base plates), rail clips, bedplates, ties and other material specialised for jointing or fixing rails 7302
      Tubes and Pipes
      Tubes, pipes and hollow profiles, of cast iron 7303 00
      Tubes, pipes and hollow profiles, seamless, of iron (other than cast iron) or steel 7304
      Other tubes and pipes (for example, welded, riveted or similarly closed), having circular cross-sections, the external diameter of which exceeds 406,4 mm, of iron or steel 7305
      Other tubes, pipes and hollow profiles (for example, open seam or welded, riveted or similarly closed), of iron or steel 7306
      Tube or pipe fittings (for example, couplings, elbows, sleeves), of iron or steel 7307
      Large Industrial Structures (rods, tanks, drums, etc.)
      Structures (excluding prefabricated buildings of heading 9406) and parts of structures (for example, bridges and bridge-sections, lock- gates, towers, lattice masts, roofs, roofing frameworks, doors and windows and their frames and thresholds for doors, shutters, balustrades, pillars and columns), of iron or steel!plates, rods, angles, shapes, sections, tubes and the like, prepared for use in structures, of iron or steel 7308
      Reservoirs, tanks, vats and similar containers for any material (other than compressed or liquefied gas), of iron or steel, of a capacity exceeding 300 l, whether or not lined or heat-insulated, but not fitted with mechanical or thermal equipment 7309
      Tanks, casks, drums, cans, boxes and similar containers, for any material (other than compressed or liquefied gas), of iron or steel, of a capacity not exceeding 300 l, whether or not lined or heat-insulated, but not fitted with mechanical or thermal equipment 7310
      Containers for compressed or liquefied gas, of iron or steel 7311



      Unwrought aluminium 7601
      Aluminium powders and flakes 7603
      Aluminium bars, rods and profiles 7604
      Aluminium wire 7605
      Aluminium plates, sheets and strip, of a thickness exceeding 0,2 mm 7606
      Aluminium foil (whether or not printed or backed with paper, paper-board, plastics or similar backing materials) of a thickness (excluding any backing) not exceeding 0,2mm 7607
      Aluminium tubes and pipes 7608
      Aluminium tube or pipe fittings (for example, couplings, elbows, sleeves) 7609 00 00


      十二点知识即将到来欧盟碳边界调整机制 // Candido García Molyneux、Peter Balás和Paul Mertenskötter 元2021年6月14日 21:40:04+00 碳市场、政策管理 ESG系统 欧洲能源和气候政策 碳边框调整机制 碳定价 排出泄漏 Europe绿色交易 世贸 // p对齐表示'center'center'##p>欧盟委员会目前正在讨论一份有关碳边界调整机制规则的提案草案,预计将于2021年7月14日提交。Continue Reading…

      The European Commission is currently discussing a draft of a proposal for a Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism ("CBAM") Regulation that it is expected to present on July 14, 2021.  A CBAM was already announced in the European Commission's Communication for a Green Deal  and is intended to protect the EU's domestic industry that is at risk of carbon leakage—to create a level playing field—and to serve as a policy tool to encourage third countries to reduce their greenhouse gas ("GHG") emissions.

      The CBAM draft proposal is subject to intense negotiations among the different Directorates-General of the European Commission, and it is likely that it will be amended several times before the Commission finally presents it on July 14.  Nevertheless, the draft already suggests that the CBAM proposal will require importers of covered goods into the EU to purchase and surrender a number of CBAM certificates that reflect the goods' embedded emissions.依据欧洲议会s/>决议 ,CBAM建议可能包含以下元素:

      Produce: 此外,CBAM覆盖电量欧盟委员会将拥有增减覆盖区的权力,例如,它后可能包括纸张、玻璃和化学物,因为欧洲议会s/管理局将保留所有授权声明者及其持有的CBAM证书部分公开注册表。 CBAM声明和证书:>/strong>每年5月31日前,授权声明者需向CBAM管理局提交CBAM声明,反映上个日历年所进口物品所嵌入的排放量和CBAM证书数与声明者交出进口物品所嵌总排放量相对应CBAM证书匹配一吨COsub>2 或等效温室气体排放嵌入经授权声明者进口的货物中。总则是CBAM证书数必须等于输入货物总嵌入式排放量。所申报的嵌入式排放必须由经CBAM管理局认证的独立验证者验证 。 Product碳脚本法: CBAM声明必须包含日历年所输入总量,以兆瓦时表示电量,用公吨表示其他货物乘以嵌入式排放The embedded emissions include direct and indirect (electricity) emissions released during the production of a goods.  They would also include the emissions of input products within the system boundaries that the Commission would define.  Neither the methodology nor other elements of the CBAM seem to take into account the different levels of development of countries across the globe, particularly in the developing world.  Depending on how this issue is ultimately addressed, the CBAM may raise questions of compliance with WTO law.
    3. Emission Reduction Efforts in Third Countries: The draft CBAM proposal tries to take into account the emission reduction efforts of third countries where the imported goods are manufactured.Authorized declarants may claim a reduction in the number of CBAM certificates that they must surrender corresponding to the carbon price paid in the goods' country of origin.  This carbon price would be the amount paid in the third county in the form of a tax or emissions allowances under a GHG emissions trading system, which would have to be proved and certified.  The EU may conclude agreements with third countries in order to take into account their carbon pricing mechanisms.   The draft proposal does not seem to allow for taking into account measures other than taxes or cap-and trade systems to reduce emissions in third counties.
    4. Continuation of Free Allowances for EU Sectors at Risk of Carbon Leakage and Adjustments to the CBAM Declaration: The draft CBAM proposal foresees that during an initial period to be specified, EU installations at risk of carbon leakage would continue to receive free allowances under the EU ETS.在此期间,授权声明者必须上交的CBAM证书将减少以反映继续向欧盟国内产业分配免费津贴的程度有必要作此调整,以确保CBAM符合WTO法律。
    5. pricesCBAM证书: CBAM证书价格将反映EUETS准值价格The CBAM Authority would be empowered to sell CBAM certificates to authorized declarants at a price reflecting the average weekly closing price of all auctions of the EU ETS allowances.  Arguably, authorized declarants would be able to purchase the CBAM certificates any time before the surrendering date, but the CBAM authority would only be required to repurchase the declarant's excess certificates to a maximum of 10% of all the certificates purchased by the declarant during the prior year.  All other certificates in excess of 10% would be canceled each year at the end of the reporting year.  The wording of the draft proposal seems to suggest that authorized declarants would not be able to sell their CBAM certificates to other authorized declarants or third parties.
    6. Penalties: Authorized declarants that fail to surrender by May 31 of each year a number of CBAM certificates corresponding to the embedded emissions in their imported goods or that submit false information would be liable to a penalty equivalent to three times the prior year's average price of CBAM certificates that the declarant failed to surrender.
    7. Transitional Period: The draft CBAM proposal also foresees an initial transitional period of three years.During this period, customs authorities of the Member States would have to ensure that declarants of covered imported goods and electricity pay a CBAM price.  This CBAM price would reflect the average weekly price of the EU ETS allowance, multiplied by the embedded emissions of the imported goods, which would be calculated on the basis of the default values that reflect the average (rather than the worst 10%) emissions of the EU-based production of similar goods, unless the third country can demonstrate that the average emission intensity of a product in the third country is lower.
    8. Not a Tax: The European Commission seems determined to ensure that the CBAM is not a tax under EU law, in order to facilitate the European Parliament's and Council's adoption of the CBAM Regulation through the ordinary legislative procedure without the need for unanimity among the Member States.  The CBAM Regulation would be based on Article 192(1) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (e., the clause to adopt EU environmental legislation), which also raises a question about the extent to which Member States could create their own CBAMs to cover additional industrial sectors.
    9. Ordinary Legislative Procedure: As indicated above, once the Commission presents its proposed CBAM Regulation, the proposal would have to go through the ordinary legislative procedure in the Parliament and Council.  This process is likely to take at least one year (and on overage it would take over 18 months) and will provide Member States and Members of the European Parliament with the opportunities to introduce significant changes.  This procedure will also provide industry, trade associations, and third countries with opportunities to influence the wording of the CBAM Regulation that the EU finally adopts.

    In addition to the details of the CBAM Regulation yet to be concluded by the EU, it also remains to be seen how the EU's pending efforts to adopt the CBAM will affect other international carbon pricing and climate mitigation efforts.  However, the timing of the EU's movement on the CBAM is significant in the context of the G7 Communiqué from the Cornwall meeting, which "acknowledge[s] the risk of carbon leakage" and "recognise[s] the potential of high integrity carbon markets and carbon pricing to foster cost-efficient reductions in emissions levels, drive innovation and enable a transformation to net zero."  These actions provide important fodder for the prospect of a more significant international agreement on carbon pricing as momentum continues to build toward the Glasgow COP 26 in November.

    绿色资本主义形状:分类筛选标准与企业可持续性报告 // Paul Mertensköter和Sinéad Oryszczuk Tue2021年5月18日17:07:29+00 生物燃料 COP26 电网 ESG系统 欧洲能源和气候政策 净零能 气候变化 电工 欧洲联盟 温室化气体 可持续性 // p对齐='Center'###p>包括期待已久的分类法首次技术筛选标准-概述于分类气候委托法-和企业可持续性报告指令建议-该指令大为修改和扩大Continue Reading… s/可持久金融通信前者直接面向金融机构和投资者,后者大都上市实体,包对所有公司有更广泛的意义。


    和(2) 长期而言,根据2020s:// the adoption of the EU Taxonomy Regulation (explained further below), the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation, and the Benchmark Regulation, which enhances the transparency of benchmark methodologies, the Commission has in this legislative package laid out the next building blocks for its envisioned sustainable finance ecosystem.

    In addition to the impact on financial institutions and investors directly subject to the new laws, the Sustainable Finance Package may impact corporates in the following ways:

    • Corporates may be more likely to receive requests for data on their environmental and other sustainability practices as upstream capital markets participants grapple with new obligations to distinguish between green, "light green," and other investments;
    • Corporates may be subject to direct requirements to report on activities relating to their environmental, social, and governance objectives;
    • Longer-term, the package may form the basis of a "blueprint" for wider stakeholders, meaning that corporates may need to improve performance against the standards, not just to attract capital, but also to remain competitive!并
    • 在全球层面,这些欧盟可持续性措施有真正潜力成为黄金标准并影响欧盟以外的投资市场,这是一个被称为`BrutselsEffect'的现象。

        The draft TCDA (in its Annexes, here and here) sets forth sector-specific definitions of environmentally sustainable economic activities, ranging from manufacturing to electricity generation and transport. Notably, although the TCDA sets criteria for when hydrogen manufacture may be considered a sustainable investment (as we discussed in a recent article), it does not cover natural gas or nuclear energy, which are expected to be covered by supplementary technical screening criteria later this year.  The Commission will establish a web portal where stakeholders can make suggestions on other areas in mid-2021!可持续金融委员会和平台将评估这些建议。



        TCDA仍受欧洲议会和理事会审查,它们有3个月时间提出任何反对意见,理论上可以阻塞TCDA的通过TCDA预期从2022瀑布应用 。


      >提议CSRD 旨在填补资产管理员之间的信息空白,这些管理员必须根据可持续金融披露规则评估哪些经济活动环境可持续,以及可能尚未提供这一信息的潜在公司投资目标。

      反之,CSRD将适用于所有大 >#ftnref3>>[3]EU公司和所有上市公司,包括上市企业范围内实体需要根据强制可持续性标准报告,其中包括与可持续金融披露调控和分类调控相对应的指标。

      研究结果将载入公司管理报告并发布于众,并通过设想的欧洲单一存取点向所有人提供然而,只有当委员会认为第三国可持续性报告义务与欧盟义务等值时,才提供豁免,该义务符合 Timeline 如果欧洲议会和成员国能够就标准达成协议-这不是定点-成员国将需要在2022年12月1日前执行指令manbext网页版Companies that are within the scope of the Directive would have to comply from financial years starting on or after 1 January 2023, meaning they would need to publish reports from 2024, whilst SMEs would have to comply from January 1, 2026.

      If you have any questions concerning the material discussed in this blog, please contact the following members of our team:


      John Ahern                          +44 20 7067 2190

      Sebastian Vos                      +32 2 549 5267    

      Thomas Reilly                     +44 20 7067 2000

      Sinéad Oryszczuk              +44 207 067 2141 

      Sarah Crowder                    +44 20 7067 2393

      Paul Mertenskötter           +32 2 545 7517     



      [1] This term, coined by Anu Bradford of Columbia Law School, describes how the EU effectively sets global norms.企业通过严格的欧盟规则在欧洲市场合法运营,然后在全球遵守这些规则以尽量减少守法成本正像欧盟规则被视为金标准, 其他国家政府和国际组织复制规则, 并进一步加强这一效果 。

      >[3]欧盟会计指令第3(4)条规定,`大型'企业应在其资产负债表日期上至少超出以下三大标准中两个:(a)资产负债表总计20 000欧元净周转量:4万欧元财政年度平均雇员数:250.
