Sinéad Oryszczuk内部能源和环境 // 能源、商品和环境法律和政策开发 弗里2022年12月9日 18:47:10+00 en-US 时钟 一号 Sinéad Oryszczuk内部能源和环境 // 32码 32码 ESG欧洲报告标准EFRAG新CSRD对工人和人权显示形状 // SarahBishop、MellissaCampbelldu、SinéadOryszczuk、Paul Mertenskötter和Ivy-VictoriaOtradovec Thu, 242022 13:35:24+00 披露需求 ESG系统 欧洲能源和气候政策 披露需求 EFRAG系统 ESRS系统 欧洲 欧洲联盟委员会 欧洲财务报告咨询组 欧洲可持续性报告标准 经合组织多国企业指南 可持续性 联合国关于企业与人权的指导原则 // 2022年3月314日,欧洲财务报告咨询组发布最新一套工作文件,介绍欧盟未来可持续性报告标准ESRS将建立数十项可持续性相关披露要求,Continue Reading… p对齐='Center''##p>


in thes/工作文件建议ESRS公司报告社会问题,如同酬差和广泛受保护群体歧视事件(如种族或民族血统、残疾、年龄或性取向)。详细程度报告将粒子化,并包括性骚扰事件等,即使不再受行动约束。强制披露将扩展至公司集体谈判协议(逐国协议)和强迫劳动事件、人权或童工等信息公司应报告所有事件并提供实例摘要证明它们的补救行动。

公司目前可能有流程收集自身员工信息,ESRS披露也将覆盖非雇员、价值链工人、消费者和粒度终端用户manbext网页版The relevant facts for these disclosures may often lie outside of the EU and across companies' global operations.

*           *           *

If you have any questions concerning the material discussed in this blog post, please contact any of the following members of our ESG, Capital Markets and Securities, and Business and Human Rights teams: Sarah Bishop, Mellissa Campbell Duru, Sinéad Oryszczuk, Paul Mertenskötter, and Ivy-Victoria Otradovec.

ESG持续报告开发:气候披露原型 // Mellissa Campbellducs、Sinéad Oryszczuk、Paul Mertenskötter和Ivy-VictoriaOtradovec 2021年12月06日Mon:33:03+00 COP26 ESG系统 欧洲能源和气候政策 证券交易委员会 26届缔约方会议 企业可持续性报告指令 CSRD EFRAG系统 ESRS系统 欧洲 欧洲财务报告咨询组 欧洲可持续性报告标准 欧洲联盟 国际可持续性标准委员会 ISSB 报表编程 标准类 气候相关财务披露工作队 TCFD // p对齐='中心'###/p>ESG和可持续性披露报告要求 上市公司和非上市公司正在快速成形正像COP26所宣布的那样,现在有一个国际可持续性标准理事会(“ISSB”)负责鼓励全球接受ESG报告标准在欧盟,欧洲财务报告咨询组(EFRAG)是负责开发强制Continue Reading… p对齐=centercenter##p>p>ESG和可持续性披露报告要求 上市公司和非上市公司正在快速成形正像COP26所宣布的那样,现在有一个国际可持续性标准理事会(“ISSB”)负责鼓励全球接受ESG报告标准在欧盟,欧洲财务报告咨询组(EFRAG)是欧盟公司可持续性报告指令(“CSRD”)下负责开发强制可持续性和ESG报告标准的机构ISSB和EFRAG都最近分别发布ESG和可持续性披露并报告“原型”。原型对紧急报告机制很重要,极有可能成为许多公司的重要商业报告机制-即使不是强制报告机制-There are also encouraging signs that what has until recently been a relatively disjointed set of standards, is beginning to come together under a more harmonized agenda and institutions.

This blog presents an overview of some of the detailed climate-related disclosure and reporting metrics covered by the ISSB and EFRAG climate prototypes, and highlights critical considerations for companies as more detailed and mandatory ESG and sustainability reporting frameworks begin to take shape.

Global Context & COP26 Pledges

Major developments that emerged from the November 2021 COP26 summit included the announcement of the new Glasgow Climate Pact, a renewed emphasis on the role of the private sector in addressing climate change risks and opportunities, and the launch of the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero, a coalition of existing and new net zero finance initiatives dedicated to assisting companies realign their business models for net zero.

In addition, a critical adjunct to COP26 was the announcement of the launch of the ISSB and its work towards the development of uniform global environmental, social, and governance ("ESG") reporting standards.ISSB表示努力鼓励全球吸收并合并为现有ESG报告标准(包括框架,如气候相关财务披露工作队和气候披露标准理事会倡议)。ESG报告标准全球基线旨在向投资者、资本市场参与者和各种其他利益攸关方提供关于公司可持续性相关风险和机会的信息类似于姐妹组织国际会计准则理事会,ISSB将由国际财务报告标准基金会管理。



  • Metrics and targets—the metrics and targets used to manage and monitor the entity's performance in relation to climate-related risks and opportunities over time.
  • The scope of the Climate Prototype encompasses physical climate-related risks, risks associated with the transition to a lower-carbon economy, as well as climate-related opportunities for the entity.

    Pursuant to ISSB's Climate Prototype, an entity shall disclose the following cross-industry climate metrics:

    Greenhouse gas emissions Scope 1, 2 and 3 in metric tonnes of CO2 equivalent.
    Transition risks Amount and percentage of assets and business activities vulnerable to transition risk.
    Physical risks Amount and percentage of assets and business activities vulnerable to physical risks.
    Climate-related opportunities Proportion of revenue, assets or business activities aligned with climate-related opportunities (in amount or percentage).
    Capital deployment Amount of capital expenditure, financing or investment deployed toward climate-related risks and opportunities (in reporting currency).
    Internal carbon prices Entity's internal price for each metric tonne of GHG emissions.
    Remuneration Proportion of executive management remuneration affected by climate-related considerations in current period.

    Importantly, the Climate Prototype foresees additional industry-specific climate metrics for companies to report on.ISSB气候原型附录B汇总行业报告要求其中包括为每个行业具体确定的多重需求,例如软件服务公司水压区抽取和耗用水或棕榈油供应链报告公司家庭和个人产品销售报告In light of the growing interdependence between the many ongoing ESG regulatory initiatives (especially those originating in the EU), this reporting requirement should, for example, be considered in the context of recently announced national and international deforestation due diligence requirements for specified products being placed on the UK and EU markets.

    2.  EFRAG's Climate Standard Prototype: Towards Harmonization?

    The ISSB's Climate and General Requirements Prototypes are particularly interesting because EFRAG released a similar framework under the Climate Standard Prototype Working Paper in September 2021.EFRAG框架响应欧盟委员会关于s/的Climate原型可能直接影响到欧盟规则。



    At a COP26 side event, for example, EFRAG's work was examined in the context of the ISSB and the work of the TCFD.

    Key Takeaways

    Two main recommendations flow out of the current landscape on sustainability reporting developments.

    1. Companies should consider which aspects of their current voluntary sustainability reporting could be integrated into mandatory financial and non-financial sustainability reporting requirements in the future. As new standards emerge, companies have an opportunity to actively monitor developments and "best practices" within their industry and to proactively prepare for future mandatory reporting requirements.美联储报表公司还应该考虑ISSB和EFRAG披露原型方面会如何影响美国正在考虑的与气候有关的披露规则证券交易委员会公司应开始识别本行业相关度量值,制定策略和过程识别物风险和机会,并开发必要的报告控制程序以确保信息收集与报告及时准确性。
    2. By参与ESG问题和可持续性报告进程展开时,公司可以向监管者发送有关这些问题的强信公司还可以在标准定稿前与决策人分享宝贵经验。EFRAG多公共咨询欧洲可持续性报告标准将是一个参与论坛manbext网页版served-Oryszuk/a 欧盟公司可持续性报告指令建议:公司需要知道 // Sinéad Oryszcuk Tue2021年5月18日17:45:56+00 COP26 ESG系统 欧洲能源和气候政策 气候变化 欧洲联盟 温室化气体 可再生能源 可持续性 // p对齐='Center'###p>欧盟委员会发布企业可持续性报告指令建议2021/0104欧委会提出这些措施响应对更强和更广泛的可持续性报告标准的要求,超出.Continue Reading…

      The European Commission has published a proposal for a Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (2021/0104) ("CSRD"), which forms just one part of a comprehensive package of sustainable finance measures (see our blog here).欧委会提出这些措施响应对更强和更广泛的可持续性报告标准的要求,超出欧委会当前提供s/通过修正欧盟现行法律,包括透明指令、会计指令和审计指令,努力授权可持续性报告与保证More fundamentally, according to the Commission, it will move the EU one step closer to realizing its aim of having sustainability reporting be "on a par" with financial reporting, in terms of attached weight and importance.  This is reflected in the change of terminology used in the CSRD proposal, from a focus on "non-financial" information reporting, to "sustainability".

      We cover below the background and detail, but in summary, these are the key elements of the CSRD proposal that corporates should be aware of:

      • Scope: The CSRD reporting requirements will apply to all large EU companies and all listed companies, including listed small and medium-sized enterprises ("SMEs").估计覆盖约49,000家公司。
      • Reporting: Simpler and "proportionate" standards will apply to listed SMEs.
      • Audit: The CSRD will require, for the first time, a general EU-wide audit (assurance) requirement for sustainability information.
      • Digitization: The sustainability information must be published in companies' management reports — and not separately reported — and the information will need to be digitized or "tagged" so it can be incorporated into a planned European Single Access Point.
      • Timing: If the proposal is adopted and standards can be agreed in line with current ambitious estimates, large in-scope companies must comply from financial years starting on or after 1 January 2023, publishing reports from 2024!whilst SMEs have to comply from 1 January 2026.

      Context: Need for Reform

      To reach the EU's aim of becoming net zero by 2050, the Commission understands that private capital must be directed towards green, sustainable projects, and this requires that investors have access to clear and comprehensive information on their potential investees relating to, among other things, environmental sustainability and corporate governance practices.

      Currently, the Non-Financial Reporting Directive requires in-scope companies to report on sustainability matters, including on environmental protection, social responsibility and treatment of employees, respect for human rights, anti-corruption and bribery, and diversity on company boards.

      Yet, despite the Commission's publication of non-binding reporting guidelines and specific guidelines on climate-related reporting aimed at standardizing disclosures, concerns remained over the quality and consistency of the information多家这样的机构因此游说鼓励改革2019年底,委员会承诺,作为其“ 具体地说,下文我们讨论的报告要求和标准可能包括与可持续金融披露规范中指标对应并基于分类规范中“实质性贡献”和“无重大危害”标准的指标。

      /p净营业量4千万欧元和平均员工数 250财年并 所有上市企业,包括中小企业 除外。

      Company非欧盟公司欧盟子公司建议免责,供母公司遵守立法的集团内公司使用并注意,根据该提案,免责子公司需要发布合并管理集团报告并在其个人报告中注明免管CSRD。 与此相关,委员会澄清说,虽然公司可免交合并财务报告要求,但合并可持续性报告机制将分离,因此它们不一定免交后者。

      非财务报告指令目前捕获约11 000家公司Under the CSRD, due to the broader definition of "large undertaking", as compared with "large public interest entity" under the Non-Financial Reporting Directive, the Commission estimates this number could rise to approximately 49,000.

      The listed SMEs, however, would not be subject to the same reporting standards as large undertakings.  In parallel with the new rules for large undertakings, "proportionate standards" (i.e., simpler, less onerous standards) will be developed for SMEs by October 2023.  While SMEs that are not listed on EU regulated markets do not fall under the proposed rules, the Commission suggests they would be able to use such standards on a purely voluntary basis, possibly as a method to enable more cost-efficient responses to requests for information from upstream entities, including banks and insurers.

      (ii) Reporting Requirements: Inwards-Outwards, Forwards-Backwards…

       One of the criticisms levied against the Non-Financial Reporting Directive was that it did too little to encourage consistent coverage in reports.The CSRD is intended to provide a much more granular level of detail regarding what information undertakings should report, covering the entire value chain.

      The Commission now proposes that mandatory disclosures form part of a company's management report and include descriptions of:

      • business model and strategy, including plans and implementation;
      • sustainability targets and progress made towards achieving those targets;
      • role of the management and supervisory bodies regarding sustainability;
      • policies in relation to sustainability factors;
      • due diligence processes for operations and the supply chain;
      • principal risks and dependencies;
      • indicators relevant for measuring all the above;
      • intangibles, including intellectual, human, social, and relationship capital!并
      • 进程识别披露信息。




        环境因子 ,包括:减缓气候变化适应气候变化水和海洋资源资源使用循环经济污染生物多样化和生态圈. 社会因素 ,包括:人人机会平等工作条件并尊重人权. 治理因子 ,包括企业管理监督机关的作用商业道德和企业文化参政管理质量与商业伙伴关系内部控制与风险管理系统.



      /so报告的可持续性信息准确可靠,CSRD提议对提供的可持续性信息进行强制性全欧盟审计或保证要求初始保证义务为“有限性”,但随着可持续性保证标准的发展,我们最终可能看到保证义务类似于财务报告所用的保证义务。CSRD建议允许成员国选择公司而非普通财务信息审核师确保可持续性信息 。


      CSRD建议要求公司用欧洲单一电子格式编写管理报告和财务报表数字报告和标签系统允许将报告数据纳入规划中的欧洲单一存取点中(插图见市场联盟行动计划 )并允许应用新手AI和机器学习技术EFRAG并行报告标准如果最终立法文本正式通过并可按照当前雄心勃勃估计商定可持续性报告标准(2022年上半年前),欧盟成员国需在2022年12月1日前实施CSRD大范围公司从2023年1月1日或以后的财年必须守法,发布2024年报告,上市中小企业从2026年1月1日守法。

       If you have any questions concerning the material discussed in this blog, please contact the following members of our team:

      John Ahern                    +44 20 7067 2190          

      Sebastian Vos                +32 2 549 52 67              

      Thomas Reilly               +44 20 7067 2357          

      Sinéad Oryszczuk         +44 20 7067 2141           

      Sarah Crowder              +44 20 7067 2393          

      Katherine Kingsbury   +44 20 7067 2041          

      Paul Mertenskötter     +32 2 545 7517              

      绿色资本主义形状:分类筛选标准与企业可持续性报告 // Paul Mertensköter和Sinéad Oryszczuk Tue2021年5月18日17:07:29+00 生物燃料 COP26 电网 ESG系统 欧洲能源和气候政策 净零能 气候变化 电工 欧洲联盟 温室化气体 可持续性 // p对齐='Center'###p>包括期待已久的分类法首次技术筛选标准-概述于分类气候委托法-和企业可持续性报告指令建议-该指令大为修改和扩大Continue Reading… s/可持久金融通信前者直接面向金融机构和投资者,后者大都上市实体,包对所有公司有更广泛的意义。


      和(2) 长期而言,根据2020s:// the adoption of the EU Taxonomy Regulation (explained further below), the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation, and the Benchmark Regulation, which enhances the transparency of benchmark methodologies, the Commission has in this legislative package laid out the next building blocks for its envisioned sustainable finance ecosystem.

      In addition to the impact on financial institutions and investors directly subject to the new laws, the Sustainable Finance Package may impact corporates in the following ways:

      • Corporates may be more likely to receive requests for data on their environmental and other sustainability practices as upstream capital markets participants grapple with new obligations to distinguish between green, "light green," and other investments;
      • Corporates may be subject to direct requirements to report on activities relating to their environmental, social, and governance objectives;
      • Longer-term, the package may form the basis of a "blueprint" for wider stakeholders, meaning that corporates may need to improve performance against the standards, not just to attract capital, but also to remain competitive!并
      • 在全球层面,这些欧盟可持续性度量有真正潜力成为金标准并影响欧盟以外的投资市场,这是一个被称为`BrutselsEffect'的现象。 名称='#ftnref1>>[1]/ul>/p>Corporates因此得到很好的建议,以评估其报告和披露义务范围及其潜在投资者和其他资本源,以保持竞争力。

        We将在一系列文章中更详细地覆盖这些动态。企业应了解的关键问题有:(1) TCDA草案并(2) 拟议的CSRD.

          The draft TCDA (in its Annexes, here and here) sets forth sector-specific definitions of environmentally sustainable economic activities, ranging from manufacturing to electricity generation and transport. Notably, although the TCDA sets criteria for when hydrogen manufacture may be considered a sustainable investment (as we discussed in a recent article), it does not cover natural gas or nuclear energy, which are expected to be covered by supplementary technical screening criteria later this year.  The Commission will establish a web portal where stakeholders can make suggestions on other areas in mid-2021!可持续金融委员会和平台将评估这些建议。



          TCDA仍受欧洲议会和理事会审查,它们有3个月时间提出任何反对意见,理论上可以阻塞TCDA的通过TCDA预期从2022瀑布应用 。


        >提议CSRD 旨在填补资产管理员之间的信息空白,这些管理员必须根据可持续金融披露规则评估哪些经济活动环境可持续,以及可能尚未提供这一信息的潜在公司投资目标。

        反之,CSRD将适用于所有大 >#ftnref3>>[3]EU公司和所有上市公司,包括上市企业范围内实体需要根据强制可持续性标准报告,其中包括与可持续金融披露调控和分类调控相对应的指标。

        研究结果将载入公司管理报告并发布于众,并通过设想的欧洲单一存取点向所有人提供然而,只有当委员会认为第三国可持续性报告义务与欧盟义务等值时,才提供豁免,该义务符合 Timeline 如果欧洲议会和成员国能够就标准达成协议-这不是定点-成员国将需要在2022年12月1日前执行指令manbext网页版Companies that are within the scope of the Directive would have to comply from financial years starting on or after 1 January 2023, meaning they would need to publish reports from 2024, whilst SMEs would have to comply from January 1, 2026.

        If you have any questions concerning the material discussed in this blog, please contact the following members of our team:


        John Ahern                          +44 20 7067 2190

        Sebastian Vos                      +32 2 549 5267    

        Thomas Reilly                     +44 20 7067 2000

        Sinéad Oryszczuk              +44 207 067 2141 

        Sarah Crowder                    +44 20 7067 2393

        Paul Mertenskötter           +32 2 545 7517     



        [1] This term, coined by Anu Bradford of Columbia Law School, describes how the EU effectively sets global norms.企业通过严格的欧盟规则在欧洲市场合法运营,然后在全球遵守这些规则以尽量减少守法成本正像欧盟规则被视为金标准, 其他国家政府和国际组织复制规则, 并进一步加强这一效果 。

        >[3]欧盟会计指令第3(4)条规定,`大型'企业应在其资产负债表日期上至少超出以下三大标准中两个:(a)资产负债表总计20 000欧元净周转量:4万欧元财政年度平均雇员数:250.

        UK:新的“世界引导型”森林砍伐和生态系统供应链法 // Sinéad Oryszczuk、Hannah Edmonds-Camara、Atli Stannard和Paul Mertensk Thu, 17Sep 2020 5:30:06+00 国际贸易和供应链 非分类化 森林砍伐 英国立法 // p对齐='中心'###p政府最近宣布,它正在制定立法,规定大型企业使用某些未按本地法律生产的商品为违法,并要求内检公司克尽职责确保其供应链不受非法采伐Continue Reading… s/不遵守可能导致巨额罚款(精确罚款水平待定)。 QQ/spanQQ/p>



        • deferation占全球温室气体排放量的11%;
        • 估计80%森林砍伐由农产品生产产生并
        • 大森林清除生产这些商品不被视为合法 。

        博客文章中, 我们考虑拟议立法的范围和范围对企业内可能意味着什么, 并提供广义GRI建议和国际可持续性尽职驱动程序上的一些上下文.





        • 应有的注意义务应同时涵盖侵犯人权和环境风险和影响,这些风险和影响需要仔细和清晰地定义and
        • obligations for companies should be commensurate with the size of the organisation, their impact and ability to influence change;
        • the financial sector should also be covered by a similar mandatory due diligence obligation, undertaking due diligence in order to avoid their lending and investment activities funding deforestation.

        The extent to which any eventual legislation will incorporate these suggestions is currently unclear.

        The GRI also recommended the introduction of a legally binding target to end deforestation within UK agriculture and forestry supply chains as soon as practicable, by no later than 2030.

        Next steps: consultation

        The UK Government — in particular, the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs ("Defra")  — has launched an online consultation on the draft legislation to solicit views from the UK and international stakeholders (closing on 5 October 2020).Feedback to the consultation will inform the Government's response to the GRI's due diligence recommendation, and assist in weighing the potential impacts of the proposed legislation on businesses and other interests.

        If the Government decides to legislate, the intention currently seems to be to that the legal framework will be established in primary legislation, followed by more detailed secondary legislation, and subject to further consultation.

        Wider context: the proliferation of due diligence obligations

        Following the UN's adoption of the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights ("UNGPs"), there has been an increasing trend of national and regional regulatory initiatives, including human rights and environmental due diligence and reporting requirements.

        One such significant initiative is in motion an at EU level.On 29 April 2020, the EU announced that it would introduce legislation in 2021 to make human rights and environmental due diligence mandatory for EU companies (see our May 2020 blog post here).欧洲议会目前正在编写关于这个问题的立法倡议报告,我们期望委员会在今后数月内进行协商。欧盟司法和消费者事务专员最近确认,委员会将将该条例列入2021年委员会下一个正式工作方案(预期于2020年10月发布)。These efforts are taking place in the context of the EU's wide suite of regulatory initiatives that are part of the "European Green Deal" (see an overview webinar here).

        The UK Government considers that by introducing a mandatory deforestation and ecosystem supply chain law, it will provide businesses with some legal certainty by setting a "floor" and minimum standards to meet.  However, against a backdrop of a rapidly evolving patchwork of due diligence requirements — including the more comprehensive, potential EU human rights and environmental due diligence regulation — it is possible that, for in-scope businesses, the UK's introduction of further issue-specific due diligence obligations will exasperate the compliance challenges caused by a piecemeal approach.

        边界绿色协议:启动欧盟碳边界调整机制公共咨询 // Péter Balás、Candido García Molyneux、Sinéad Oryszczuk和Paul Mertenskötter Tue, 28JL202020:03:40+00 欧洲能源和气候政策 CBAM 气候变化 Europe绿色交易 可持续性 // 上星期欧洲委员会启动公众咨询会, 探讨是否可能通过一个新的欧盟碳边界调整机制此次咨询是欧盟委员会推出雄心勃勃的欧洲绿化协议的又一创举(最新概览webnar见此)。Continue Reading… s/规范/Have-our-say/itiatives/12228-Carbon边界调整-Mechanism/public-consultation万博体育app手机登录This consultation is yet another of the initiatives that the Commission is taking to roll out its ambitious European Green Deal (for a recent overview webinar see here).  Manufacturers in virtually all industrial sectors and their trade associations would be wise to assess the potential impact of the CBAM on the products they market in Europe and to consider participating in the public consultation and comment process.

        Europe's discussions on the introduction of a CBAM are at the crossroads of two priority regulatory areas for the EU.  On the one hand, the CBAM initiative is part of the Green Deal, which has now become the main driver for the EU's recovery plan in response to the COVID-19 crisis.  On the other hand, the CBAM fits with the EU's industrial strategic objective to "level the playing field" between companies in the EU and those competing from elsewhere.  This agenda for a "level playing field" finds additional manifestations in the European Commission's recent announcement on the screening of foreign direct investment and foreign subsidies.

        The European Commission's proposed goal that the EU achieves climate neutrality by 2050 has reinforced the position of those advocating for the need to adopt a CBAM.  Supporters of the CBAM claim that it will ensure that all goods consumed in the EU/EEA, whether imported or produced domestically, are treated the same way and will push other countries across the world to also decarbonize.  In line with this, in its Communication on a European Green Deal in December 2019, the European Commission announced that "should differences in levels of ambition worldwide persist, as the EU increases its climate ambition, the Commission will propose a carbon border adjustment mechanism, for selected sectors, to reduce the risk of carbon leakage.  This would ensure that the price of imports reflect more accurately their carbon content."  The Commission's Inception Impact Assessment on the Adjustment Mechanism also stated that the mechanism "would ensure that the price of imports reflect more accurately their carbon content.  The measure would need to be designed to comply with World Trade Organization rules and other international obligations of the EU."

        Half a year and a pandemic after the European Commission's announcement of its Green Deal, the EU and many of its Member States appear firmly committed to adopting some sort of CBAM.  Indeed, the fact that the CBAM sits at the crossroads of the Green Deal and the EU's level playing field strategy strongly suggests that the Commission and later the European Parliament and Council will move swiftly on this legislative file.  The European Parliament has already been working on its own initiative, and the European Commission is expected to present a formal legislative proposal to the Parliament and Council in 2021.

        In principle, the CBAM could cover all sectors subject to the EU's Emissions Trading System ("ETS").  However, at this stage, the thinking within the European Commission seems to be converging initially on only subjecting the steel and cement industries to the CBAM.  Steel and cement products are energy intensive in their production and their low-cost, heavy, and bulky nature means that their transport is, in terms of relative price, also often energy intensive.这可能是为什么委员会可能认为这些产品特别适合CBAM, 并测试后期对其他产品的潜在扩展委员会内部的这种思维当然取决于未来数月公共咨询和其他交换结果。


        • 严格适用边界税或加入现有的ETS机制,或为欧盟内部经济活动规定新义务?
        • 欧盟如何能够开发客观方法计算产品碳足迹?
        • To which minimum standards should these non-EU emissions trading schemes be subject?
        • Should the introduction of a CBAM mean the complete end of free ETS allowances for industrial sectors suffering from "carbon leakage"?
        • What design would be necessary to ensure the CBAM's compliance with the EU's international economic law obligations, particularly those of the World Trade Organization, bilateral trade agreements between the EU and third countries, and multilateral environmental agreements that call for "common but differentiated responsibilities" in the fight against climate change?

        The consultation's specifically listed questions touch upon the general issues outlined above and cover four principal areas:

        • Justification and objectives (g., is the Green Deal going to increase "carbon leakage"?).
        • Design and coverage (g., the relationship with the ETS).
        • Specific implementation issues (g., how to calculate and verify the carbon content of imported products).
        • Potential impacts on the economy, the environment, and other social objectives (g., changes to the costs of products covering basic needs).

        Interested parties may submit comments to the specific questions in these areas as well as more general arguments on the CBAM until October 28, 2020.

        调用我名字:欧盟委员会拟议气候变化法的重要性 // Candido García Molyneux、Sinéad Oryszcuk和Kevin Poroncarz 弗里,2020年3月13日20:20:43+00 欧洲能源和气候政策 气候变化 温室化气体 // p对齐='Center'##p> 2020年3月4日,欧盟委员会交付了其欧洲绿色协议中首大气候块:它建议了“EuropeanClimate Law”,它以规范形式,为欧盟不可逆转和逐步减少温室气体排放并增加清除量搭建框架。Continue Reading…

        On March 4, 2020, the European Commission delivered the first major climate piece of its European Green Deal: it proposed a "European Climate Law," which takes the form of a Regulation and establishes a framework for the irreversible and gradual reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and the enhancement of removals in the European Union.  The proposal and the fact that it takes the form of a binding Regulation may have a significant impact on a wide variety of legislative and policy initiatives that the EU and its Member States may take within the next years.

        The proposed Regulation would set into binding legislation the EU's 2050 climate-neutrality objective and require the European Parliament, Council and Commission, as well as the EU Member States, to take the necessary measures to enable the collective achievement of this objective.It will also require the European Commission to review, by September 2020, the EU's emission reduction target for 2030, in light of the climate neutrality objective for 2050, and to explore options for a new 2030 emission reduction target of 50% to 55% in comparison to 1990 emissions.

        The proposed Regulation would also empower the Commission to adopt Regulations, without having to negotiate them with Member States and the Parliament, setting up a trajectory at Union level to achieve the neutrality objective by 2050.  This trajectory must start from the 2030 target and be amended in line with updates under the UNFCCC Paris Agreement.

        The proposed Regulation would also require the EU institutions and Member States to continuously adopt measures to adapt to climate change.

        Finally, the proposed Regulation would also require the Commission to engage with all stakeholders to enable and empower them to take action towards a climate-neutral and climate-resilient society.

        The Commission's proposal to enshrine an EU neutrality target in a binding EU Regulation may have a significant legal and policy impact in the EU during the next decades.  The Regulation may  create a legal basis to oblige EU institutions and Member States to ensure that any policies they adopt are aimed to achieve climate neutrality by 2050, and also to allow NGOs to challenge before EU and Member State courts any EU and national measures that are not compatible with that objective.

        Moreover, NGOs are demanding the Parliament and Council to include in the proposed Regulation explicit provisions allowing citizens and NGOs to take legal action against EU and Member State authorities for failure to comply with the 2050 climate neutrality objective.  This could provide a boost to the climate change litigation that NGOs are already bringing against governments and companies across Europe (see for example the Urgenda case in the Netherlands).  In this context, it is worth noting that the European Parliament's Resolution on the Green Deal of January 15, 2020 stressed that "all people living in Europe should be granted the fundamental right to a safe, clean, healthy and sustainable environment and to stable climate, without discrimination, and that this right must be delivered through ambitious policies and must be fully enforceable through the justice system at national and EU level."

        The European Parliament and Council must now consider the proposed Climate Change Law for adoption through the so-called ordinary legislative procedure.  The Commission hopes that the Parliament and Council will be able to reach an agreement on the text of the Regulation by the Autumn of 2020, in advance of the next UNFCCC COP 26 in Glasgow in November 2020.
