内能环境 //www.ludikid.com/category/clean-energy/hydrogen/ 能源、商品和环境法律和政策开发 Thu,2022年10月13日 en-US 时钟 一号 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.1.1&lxb_maple_bar_source=lxb_maple_bar_source https://insideenvironmentredesign.covingtonburlingblogs.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/47/2021/06/cropped-cropped-cropped-favicon-3-32x32.png 内能环境 //www.ludikid.com/category/clean-energy/hydrogen/ 32码 32码 欧洲联盟通过跨欧能源网络新规则 //www.ludikid.com/2022/06/the-european-union-adopted-new-rules-for-the-trans-european-networks-for-energy/ Johan Ysewyn、Carole Maczkovics和Antoine Espinase Tue 2022年6月14日 欧洲能源和气候政策 氢气 净零能 近海风 油气策略 CEF系统 清洁能源 连通欧洲机制 电工 能源 欧洲 Europe绿色交易 欧洲联盟 加气 基础设施 近海风 油厂 PCI PMI语言 共同利益项目 可再生能源 可再生能源 TEN-E条例2022 跨欧能源网络 //www.ludikid.com/?p=7767 2022年5月30日, 欧洲联盟(EU)通过了关于跨欧能源基础设施指南的订正条例2022/869号规则(TEN-E条例2022号)取代前文规则347/2013 (TEN-E调控2013)旨在提高能源部门供应安全性、市场整合性、竞争和可持续性Continue Reading… s/europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=urserv%3AJ_2022.01.004.01.Eng&toc=OJ%3AL%3A2022%3A152%ATOC2022/869 (TEN-E规范2022)取代前规则s/eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX%3A02013R0347-20200331347/2013 (TEN-E规则2013),旨在提高能源部门供应安全、市场整合、竞争和可持续性TEN-E规则2022寻求更好地支持欧洲跨边界能源基础设施现代化和background p>之后,会员国选择并实施了指定优先通道范围内的PCIsPCI程序从欧盟预算和快速许可程序的具体供资中得益This process helped most EU Member States to reach their 2020 interconnection targets and contributed to energy market integration and security of supply.

The revised TEN-E Regulation 2022 continues to work towards developing better connected energy networks while updating the TEN-E framework to focus on the latest environmental targets and ensuring consistency with the climate neutrality objectives set out in the EU Green Deal.

Towards a better integrated and greener EU energy market

The TEN-E Regulation 2022 reallocates and identifies 11 priority corridors with the purpose of meeting objectives to (i) reduce carbon emissions by 55% by 2030 and (ii) achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.优先通道侧重于更新基础设施类别,如近海电网通道和可再生和低碳气体,如氢解电机天然气基础设施和石油管道将不再有资格获得PCI状态TEN-E条例2022还确定了新的优先专题领域:(一) 采行配有IT技术(“智能电网”)电气网络;(二) 开发跨边界二氧化碳网络。

/p>能源基础设施项目proto侧重于推广绿色清洁能源的项目可获取PCI状态,如近海风能和可再生/低碳氢化注解氢或可混入其他气体(如天然气或生物甲烷)或自成一体的能源源TEN-E第2022号条例也鼓励智能电网和二氧化碳运输存储的PCIs 。



TEN-E规范2022还为欧盟链表中所有项目规定了新义务PCIs和PMI必须满足强制可持续性标准,并依照原则 https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/为此,成员国必须指定国家主管部门负责促进和协调许可发放过程。

启动程序凡涉及欧盟链表上项目的任何争议都必须作为紧急处理 。


举例说,估计耗资8 000亿欧元提高近海可再生能源的摄取量,根据欧盟绿色交易目标,其中三分之二将用于相关电网基础设施。电力传输配电网单实现2030目标每年估计平均投资505亿欧元。


)已分配58.4亿欧元用于能源部门(见 wes/www.insideEnergyandense.com/2021/11/european-commission-opens-内表项目推广者可向欧洲气候、基础设施和环境执行局提交申请资金支持注意从欧盟链表删除并不影响欧盟已经提供的任何资金,但可能阻止未来寻找资金。EU成员国可按国家援助规则提供财政援助hrefs/eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/Energy infrastructure projects could also be funded by EU Member States if they comply with the criteria laid down in the IPCEI Guidelines (see our blog post).
蓝绿氢新定义:欧盟委员会氢化和去碳化气市场包 //www.ludikid.com/2022/01/new-definitions-for-blue-and-green-hydrogen-the-european-commissions-package-on-hydrogen-and-decarbonized-gas-markets/ Rosa Oyarzabal、Paul Mertenskötter和Candido García Molyneux 弗里2022年1月7日19:36:06+00 欧洲能源和气候政策 氢气 收费 蓝氢 CBAM 欧盟碳边界调整机制 欧洲 欧洲联盟委员会 欧洲联盟 适合55 绿色氢 可再生能源 关税 //www.ludikid.com/?p=7674 p对齐='center'###p>去年12月, 欧洲委员会发布Hypen和去碳化市场一揽子立法(“包状”), 提出新规则开发欧盟氢市场新规则为欧盟气候能源管理框架中的蓝绿氢概念和作用带来了等待已久的法律清晰度Continue Reading… s/ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorer/detail/en/IP_21_6682The new rules bring much awaited legal clarity to the concepts and role of blue and green hydrogen within the EU's energy regulatory framework for the climate transition.

In effect, the Commission's legislative Package is intended to promote the use of blue hydrogen until at least 2030 provided that it achieves the same decarbonization as green hydrogen (i.e., 70% GHG reduction).  However, the European Parliament and Council may amend both the proposed definition and conditions of blue hydrogen and the proposed regulative incentives during their consideration of the Package and its adoption through the legislative procedure that will now follow.  Moreover, the European Commission will be empowered to develop much of the methodologies implementing the definitions of blue and green hydrogen.  Companies intending to engage in blue and green hydrogen operations in the EU/EEA would be well advised to closely follow these developments.

I.  The Legislative Package on Hydrogen and Decarbonized Markets

The Package is yet another piece of the "Fit for 55" agenda to achieve the EU's climate neutrality by 2050 and includes three legislative proposals: (i) a proposal for a recast of the EU Regulation on the Internal Markets for Renewable and Natural Gases and for Hydrogen ("Proposed Gas and Hydrogen Regulation")!(二) 关于欧盟可再生能源和天然气及氢内部市场共同规则的建议(“

Both green and blue hydrogen would benefit from this proposed beneficial regulatory framework provided they comply with the proposed definitions and requirements.  However, they would continue to be impacted differently under other parts of the EU's climate and energy rules, such as the Renewable Energies Directive ("RED II") and the proposal for a Regulation on a Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism ("Proposed CBAM Regulation") and the Regulation on the Establishment of a Framework to Facilitate Sustainable Investment ("Taxonomy Regulation").

II.  Renewable and Low-Carbon Hydrogen

The EU's current energy regulatory framework fails to define renewable (aka "green") and low-carbon (aka "blue") hydrogen.  This legal uncertainty has hampered the role-out of green and blue hydrogen markets and infrastructure in the EU.  To correct this, the Package introduces new legal definitions of renewable and low-carbon hydrogen that the Commission will be empowered to detail by adopting specific calculation methodologies and threshold determinations in delegated acts.

The Proposed Gas and Hydrogen Directive includes definitions of renewable and low-carbon hydrogen that are in line with those of the proposal to amend the Renewable Energies Directive II ("Proposed Directive to Amend RED II").

  • Renewable hydrogen is defined by reference to the definition of the Proposed Directive to Amend RED II, e., as hydrogen that (i) derives its energy content from renewable sources other than biomass!实现与化石燃料相比70%的温室气体排放减少量。
  • Low-clent 定义为含非可再生能源产生并满足70%与化石氢比较的温室气体排减阈值。

表示欧盟关于可再生(“绿化”)和低碳最大温室气体排放密度的规则大致相似,因为天然气和氢指令为两者都设置相同的去碳化效果标准(i.e. ,70%降温)。可再生和低碳氢减排阈值很可能使用“对开式”法计算,即计取勘探到生产过程的CO2排放,包括直到生产过程的运输,然而,委员会尚未确定绿色和蓝氢精确计算和测定方法(见下文)。

Thus建议可再生和低碳氢的主要差值将是氢生产过程,特别是用于制造氢的能源源(iem>e.g./em>电解器中)。In effect, the aim of this approach is to allow low-carbon hydrogen to play a role in decarbonization and facilitate the energy transition until 2030.  The amended RED II would continue to promote green hydrogen, and various EU legislation, such as the Proposed CBAM Regulation, would likely impact blue and green hydrogen differently.  However, both blue and green hydrogen meeting the proposed definitions would benefit from the Package's proposed dedicated hydrogen infrastructure and market outlined below at least until 2030.

The expectation is that by 2030 the EU will introduce a stricter GHG reduction threshold for the definition of low-carbon ("blue") hydrogen.  This threshold could be similar to that set under the draft technical screening criteria for gas investments under the Taxonomy Regulation, but that remains to be seen.


可再生和低碳认证: 可更新氢 需根据拟议指令认证,该指令要求委员会通过授权立法确定认证方法。

Hence, if an operator provides compliance with a recognized scheme, this will serve to satisfy the certification requirement for low-carbon hydrogen.

The Package applies these certification requirements equally to imported and EU-produced blue and green hydrogen, which may be related to recent efforts by certain Member States to scale up production of hydrogen both inside and outside the EU.  For instance, in December 2021 the Commission approved the German State aid scheme H2Global that also supports the production of green hydrogen in non-EU countries for its export to, and sale in, the EU.

IV.  Regulation of Hydrogen Networks

The current EU regulatory framework for gas energy carriers does not address the deployment of hydrogen as an independent energy carrier via dedicated hydrogen networks.欧盟一级没有基于收费价对氢网络投资规则(sem>/em>要求为网络运营商提供报酬以便充分投资于基础设施)或专用氢网络所有权和运营规则(sem>/em>unbunding规则)。拟议气流指令和拟议气流规范通过引入以下措施消除这些缺陷:

unbunding义务hydrogen网络操作员解构生产和供应活动,并在法律上和组织上独立于活跃于天然气或电传输和/或配送的企业,这意味着电或天然气现有传输系统操作员可能不作为氢网络操作员,至少在同一法律实体下除外。 /li
The legislative proposals establish tariff discounts for renewable and low-carbon gases.  In particular, the proposals envision discounts of 75% on entry and capacity-based transmission tariffs for renewable and low-carbon production and storage facilities.  The proposals would also eliminate cross-border tariffs for renewable and low-carbon gases to facilitate sales across borders in the European market.
  • Revised investment decisions. Hydrogen network operators would be required to regularly assess market demand for new infrastructure investments.  Similarly, every two years, LNG and storage system operators would be required to assess market demand for new investments that would allow or expand the use of renewable and low-carbon gases in their facilities, and to take that information into account when they plan new investments.
  • Certification requirements.The proposals would also require Member States to certify all hydrogen network operators.  If these are controlled by a person or persons from a third country or third countries, the regulatory authority responsible for the certification would be required to notify the Commission, which would ultimately decide on whether certification is granted.  Member States would also have the right to refuse certification if granting certification would put at risk their security of energy supply or the security of that of another Member State.
  • Next Steps

    The European Parliament and Council must now consider the proposed Regulation and Directive for their adoption through the so-called "ordinary" legislative procedure.  This procedure allows the Parliament and Council to modify the proposals, for example to include further incentives and more flexible rules for low-carbon hydrogen.  The procedure is likely to be expedited so that the legislation is adopted within the next 18 months.

    In the meantime, the Commission is also expected to start its preparatory work on the specific methodologies needed for the certification of renewable and low-carbon hydrogen.委员会将不得不作出技术决策,这些决策往往可能产生重大商业后果。受影响的公司或愿尽早与委员会接触进程。

    苏格兰政府水力行动计划草案 //www.ludikid.com/2021/11/the-scottish-governments-draft-hydrogen-action-plan/ 托马斯·赖利和托莫斯·格里菲思 Thu,2021年11月18日 欧洲能源和气候政策 氢气 碳捕获技术 能源 能源过渡 欧洲 净零 近海风 可再生能源 //www.ludikid.com/?p=7648 p对齐='center'###p>2021年11月10日, 苏格兰政府发布Hygen行动计划草案(“Plan”),计划提出了苏格兰政府在未来5年对苏格兰氢产业的详细建议目标是苏格兰Continue Reading… sup>th/sup>2021年11月10日sup>sth/supsss目的是苏格兰到2030年能生产5GW氢和2045年能生产25GW氢span/ps苏格兰政府确认迫切需要改变,表示实现这些气候变化目标需要前所未有的速度。



    This money will fund FEED studies for large-scale renewable Hydrogen production projects with a view to making full investment decisions later in the decade.

    The Scottish Government wants to use the £100m fund as a means to accelerate as many projects as possible from pilot stage to large scale commercial and has hypothecated £10m to prioritise innovation and research through the creation of the Scottish Hydrogen Innovation Fund, which will be launched early in 2022.

    The remaining £80m of the EETF will fund the development of carbon capture, utilization and storage technologies – suggesting that the Scottish Government views blue Hydrogen as an important element of its Hydrogen revolution.


    The Plan sets out detailed action points until the end of 2026.苏格兰政府期望到2026年大规模氢生产基础设施到位,与大规模碳捕获存储相联(super>CCS )以及岸上和近海风开发。

    计划还提出了2045至2045年Hydrugen经济路径图苏格兰的目标是到2035年实现100%可再生电运营,同时增加向英国和欧洲其他地区的氢输出量In the 2040s, the Scottish Government aims to have capacity to produce 25 GW of Hydrogen and to be established as an enduring and reliable exporter of Hydrogen to Europe.

    Underlying Themes

    • Strategic Scotland – the Plan stresses Scotland's ideal position – due to its location, infrastructure, skilled workforce and natural resources – to grow its Hydrogen industry and become a world-leader in the Hydrogen sector.
    • Private Sector Diversification – the Plan notes the opportunity that Hydrogen offers for existing energy companies not only to diversify their offer, but also to reduce their carbon emissions.
    • Regional Approach – the Plan reinforces the importance of Scotland's key regional hubs, in particular Orkney and Shetland, for potential growth in the Hydrogen industry.Aberdeen City is already deemed to be a Hydrogen hub in this regard, and the aim is for the initial public investment in these hubs to facilitate more significant private investment.
    • Collaboration – the Plan sets out a collaborative approach to developing Scottish Hydrogen for export, particularly with Germany and other Northern European nations.

    Relationship Between Hydrogen and Other Renewable Energy Sources

    Although the Plan is not explicit on this point, it acknowledges that initial low-carbon Hydrogen infrastructure will pave the way for establishing the transportation and storage infrastructure to support a green Hydrogen economy in Scotland.

    The Plan acknowledges that a strong renewables sector is essential to the development of Hydrogen projects.计划指出岸风部门支持小型和大型可再生水力项目的重要性,但承认该部门需要进一步投资。

    离岸风部门更先进Successful bidders in the July 2021 leasing round will be announced in early 2022, and August 2021's leasing round had the specific objective of constructing offshore wind farms to decarbonise oil and gas infrastructure operations, support oil and gas-field decommissioning, and use excess generation to create Hydrogen.

    Key Goals

    The Plan set out six key goals:

    1. Drive Scotland's Hydrogen production capability to meet an ambition of 5 GW of renewable and low-carbon Hydrogen by 2030 and 25 GW by 2045.
    2. Address current barriers to the uptake of green and low-carbon Hydrogen, including high production costs.
    3. Support the growth of Regional Hydrogen Energy Hubs.
    4. Encourage demand for Hydrogen by supporting Hydrogen use and developing supply chain capability and export potential.
    5. Secure broad economic benefit from public sector and private sector support for development of regional Hydrogen production and use.
    6. Encourage the development of a strong Hydrogen sector in Scotland which supports a just transition to net zero.


    The Plan sets out six key challenges to be overcome during the next five years.

    Scaling Up Hydrogen Production in Scotland

    To unlock Scotland's potential to meet its ambitious targets for Hydrogen production, barriers such as regulation, planning laws or infrastructure constraints will need to be addressed.The Plan therefore commits the Scottish Government to a review of existing legislation, regulation and standards, to identify and remove potential barriers to the growth of the Hydrogen industry.

    In order to improve understanding of the likely role to be played by Hydrogen in the domestic and global markets, the Scottish Government aims to establish the expected cost-trajectory for renewable Hydrogen up to 2045.

    The Scottish Government will work with its counterpart in Whitehall to establish a UK Hydrogen Standard, and until this is established, the Scottish Government will only grant funding to Hydrogen projects with capture rates of at least 90%.将不向COsub>2 排放不减量的新Hydgen网站提供资金。



    Scottland政府会邀请能源密集制造厂商申请苏格兰工业能源变换基金赠款支持深度去碳化项目新的工业开发无阻碳排放将不符合苏格兰政府供资计划的资格。In the transport sector, the Scottish Government will establish a consortium for implementation of the Plan.

    In the heating sector, the Scottish Government will support SGN (formerly known as Scotia Gas Networks), in converting elements of its network to Hydrogen, but only where doing so is consistent with keeping options open and limiting consumer costs.

    Finally, the Scottish Government notes the urgency of amendments to existing UK-wide regulations to support the role of Hydrogen in the gas grid, to support Hydrogen blending and to maximize the volumes of renewable Hydrogen available in the energy system as quickly as possible.

    Maximising the Benefits of Integrating Hydrogen into the Scottish Energy System

    The Plan notes that converting renewable energy into Hydrogen provides new routes to market and may well change the investment proposition for new and existing renewables investors.

    The Scottish Government believes that a key way to maximize the benefits of Hydrogen integration is to work with the UK government, Ofgem and the energy network sector to ensure that regulation rewards Hydrogen projects appropriately.关键行动点是建立氢流交通配送基础支持苏格兰氢流输出目标。





    Scottish Development国际外联方案将与280家被确定为苏格兰氢流行业外国直接投资潜在目标的国际公司积极接触将寻求与德国、比利时、荷兰、丹麦、加拿大、澳大利亚、日本和法国的关键协作。

    加强创新和研究 一个新的苏格兰氢创新网络将促进苏格兰氢创新资产间增强协作并避免研究重复苏格兰政府支持苏格兰通过清洁氢欧洲合作伙伴关系申请欧盟资助,并启动150k英磅研究电话支持苏格兰和德国学术应用研究所之间的合作
    水原英国 //www.ludikid.com/2021/08/hydrogen-in-the-uk/ 托马斯·赖利 wed,2021年8月18日 欧洲能源和气候政策 氢气 能源 能源过渡 英国 //www.ludikid.com/?p=7636 公元2020年12月英国总理提出了雄心十点绿色工业革命计划,关键点之一是到2030年英国生产5千兆瓦低碳氢计划设想氢解碳化能源密集产业和重交通Continue Reading… p对齐表示"中心点"++/p>







    • 潜在作用实现净零UK氢经济全系统方法:通向2030年的路径图开发氢值链中每个元素所需动作实现2030目标-碳预算六和净零市场和管理框架英国需要到2030年开发氢市场。
    • 提高研究创新速度以加速成本削减和技术部署最大未来氢输出机会.
    • /li>国际协作支持全球向净零过渡.
    • 监控和评价:英国将如何监测进度以确保其实现前两章规定的目标.


    • a阈值温室气体排放;
    • 考虑各种初级能源输入量和原料排放量;
    • 系统边界标准、监管链、纯度和压力、隐含排放量和全球升温潜能值
    • 标准范围,包括其在不同生产法和地理位置的使用和覆盖量。



  • 拟议总体参数商业模型设计;
  • 拟议处理物价风险法and
  • A proposal for near term allocation for projects such as electrolytic projects which are not part of the CCUS cluster sequencing process.
  • This consultation is open for 10 weeks and will close for responses on 25 October 2021.

    Net Zero Hydrogen Fund Consultation

    The Fund is designed to encourage the of low carbon hydrogen during the 2020s in order to accelerate scale-up to meet the 5 GW target in 230.  The Consultation sets out the proposed scope, design and delivery of the Fund, worth up to £240 million.  The Consultation focuses on:

    • Support for both blue and green hydrogen production technologies;
    • Technologies that are capable of deployment in the 2020s!和
    • 基础赠款其中包括为建设新的低碳氢生产设施提供资本资助和为可行性和工程研究提供开发支持。




    Industry对发布战略广表欢迎,但呼吁政府提高雄心水平部分行业数字指出,英国2030年5千兆瓦低碳生产目标与欧盟2024年6千兆瓦目标相比不利,而其他人则评论说欧洲已经有23座氢钢厂-英国没有By using the terminology of ‘low carbon' hydrogen, the Strategy avoids explicitly choosing either blue or green hydrogen, opting instead to use a Consultation to establish emissions standards for blue hydrogen projects.

    The decision to include both green and blue hydrogen in its Strategy differs from the EU approach whose focus has been more on the production of green hydrogen.  Blue hydrogen has also been the subject of some controversy with a recent study by researchers at Cornell University suggesting that blue hydrogen may produce more overall lifecycle emissions than burning natural gas.

    The UK's decision to include both blue and green hydrogen in its Strategy may be partly explained by the existence of North Sea gas and depleted oil wells which can be used to create blue hydrogen and store the resulting carbon dioxide.  But it is also a tacit acknowledgment that, with domestic production currently so low, both forms of hydrogen will be required to meet its 2030 target.

    Another question that has been raised is whether hydrogen is an effective energy source for all the different sectors for which the UK Government has indicated it is intended.  Some commentators have argued that hydrogen's short supply means that it should be targeted at hard-to-decarbonise sectors such as cement and steel production, aviation and shipping.

    However, the UK Government remains keen to investigate the possible use of hydrogen in domestic heating and has launched a series of trials which will help inform a decision in 2026 on the role of hydrogen in decarbonising heat.政府还计划评估以20:80混合方式将氢注入现有天然气供应的安全性和技术可行性,并估计可实现7%排减量热楼策略预期会提供更多细节。

    UK Hypen策略和咨询为氢行业公司创造机会和风险Covington的政策和法律团队将乐于帮助公司在引导这些新创举方面征求建议。 量化碳捕获存储45Q:Biden基础设施计划与国会行动可能为CCS实现净零提供实战作用 //www.ludikid.com/2021/06/qualifying-carbon-capture-and-storage-under-45q-how-bidens-infrastructure-plan-and-congressional-action-may-provide-a-realistic-role-for-ccs-in-achieving-net-zero/ 凯文波隆卡兹 Tue 08Jun2021 10: 42+00 拜顿行政 碳捕获存储 ESG系统 氢气 45Q AJP CATCH法 CCUS语言 直接空气捕捉 基础设施 净零 SCALE法 //www.ludikid.com/?p=7533 p对齐='center'##/p>本子数列第17集,AJPABCss.Biden总统的American作业计划发送强信号支持碳捕获和固存,作为实现总统雄心去碳化目标的重要工具最重要的是 总统计划将改革和扩展 双党区45Q税抵免Continue Reading…

    This post is the 17th in our series, "The ABCs of the AJP."

    President Biden's American Jobs Plan (AJP) sends strong signals in support of carbon capture and sequestration as an important tool to achieve the President's ambitious decarbonization objectives.

    Most significantly, the President's plan would reform and expand the bipartisan Section 45Q tax credit, "making it direct pay and easier to use for hard-to-decarbonize industrial applications, direct air capture, and retrofits of existing power plants."  The President's plan would also "establish ten pioneer facilities that demonstrate carbon capture retrofits for large steel, cement, and chemical production facilities," while also ensuring – consistent with the plan's overall emphasis on redressing environmental injustices – "that overburdened communities are protected from increases in cumulative pollution."

    According to many studies, such as Princeton's Net-Zero America report, carbon capture, utilization and sequestration (CCUS) will play an important role in achieving carbon neutrality by mid-century.  Princeton's modeling suggests that geological sequestration could amount to between 1 to 1.7 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) per year by 2050, with the majority occurring in the Texas gulf coast, and an additional 100 to 700 million tonnes of CO2 converted to synthetic liquid or gas fuels (through synthesis with hydrogen).

    On a global scale, the International Energy Agency (IEA) recently concluded that "reaching net zero will be virtually impossible without CCUS."  In the IEA's Sustainable Development Scenario, the initial focus would be on retrofitting existing fossil fuel-fired power plants and industrial operations, including production of low-carbon hydrogen, but then, over time, the focus would shift to net removals of CO2, including through direct air capture, and as a source of climate-neutral CO2 for synthetic aviation fuels.

    All these studies envision the build-out of regional "hubs" of pipeline infrastructure to transport captured CO2 from many sources, to sequestration reservoirs for permanent storage of the CO2.  Building that infrastructure in the U.S.would require a massive amount of capital and labor, hence, why CCUS features prominently within the President's job-creating climate strategy.

    Yet none of these studies suggest that market forces alone are sufficient to cause wide-scale deployment of CCUS.  Particularly in the absence of an express price on carbon emissions, public support and incentives are critical.  That's where the Section 45Q tax credit comes in.

    The 45Q credit has been available since 2008, but was expanded significantly by Congress in 2018.  It provides a volumetric tax credit for each ton of CO2 captured and either sequestered permanently, used in enhanced oil recovery or otherwise used in a commercial process.  The credit is available for 12 years after the capture equipment is put in service, with the amount of the credit rising from $34.81 in 2021 for a ton permanently sequestered in geological formations, to $50 per ton in 2026.  For EOR or other utilization, the credit tops off at $35 per ton in 2026.

    The U.S.Treasury and Internal Revenue Service (IRS) finalized regulations earlier this year clarifying many issues that should remove regulatory hurdles that may have been stymying interest among taxpayers to develop projects directly or provide tax equity financing to CCUS project developers.  However, most observers acknowledge that more than the 45Q is needed at this time to motivate investment at the scale needed to realize the potential for CCUS as part of the U.S.'s carbon neutrality strategy.

    State incentives can help make projects economically viable.  For example, California's Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) provides a ton-for-ton credit for direct air capture (DAC).  With LCFS credits currently trading just below the $200 per ton price ceiling, the promise of "stacking" the LCFS and 45Q credits has led to significant milestones in DAC project development in the U.S.  But the LCFS only provides access to credits for DAC projects and CCUS projects that are directly related to reducing the carbon intensity of transportation fuels!it provides no pathway for crediting CCUS in power generation or hard-to-abate sectors, such as cement and steelmaking.

    Fortunately, the prospects for broader federal support of CCUS look good in Congress.  Despite the general disagreement between Republicans and Democrats on climate change strategies, several bills advancing through Congress that would help motivate the wide-scale deployment of CCUS have broad bipartisan support.

    • The 45Q Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage Tax Credit Amendments of 2021, introduced in Senator Tina Smith (D-MN) with bipartisan support, would provide a direct pay option for the full value of the tax credit, meaning that project developers who don't pay income taxes would no longer be beholden upon tax equity sponsors to finance their projects.ahrfs/www.congress.gov/bill117-congress/senate-bill79/text>CSLE Representatives Marc Veasey (D-TX) and David McKinley (R-WV), would establish a financing mechanism at the Department of Energy for common carrier CO2 transport infrastructure, in essence, helping motivate development of the transportation infrastructure that doesn't qualify for 45Q credits.
    • The Coordinated Action to Capture Harmful Emissions (CATCH) Act, introduced last month in the House by a bipartisan group of representatives, led by Tim Ryan (D-OH), would boost the 45Q credit to $85 per ton for industrial and power generation facilities securely storing CO2 in saline geologic formations and $60 per ton for EOR and other beneficial uses.

    Together, this suite of bills, if enacted, could put CCUS projects in the money, regardless of the taxpayer status of their sponsors.

    Yet many from the environmental community are critical of CCUS, including the White House's Environmental Justice Advisory Council (EJAC), which recently suggested that the Biden Administration should exclude CCUS and DAC from its tool chest of climate solutions because it would extend the lifespan of fossil-fuel generation.  White House domestic climate adviser Gina McCarthy responded by saying that the Administration has not "taken anything off the table" in terms of its carbon reduction strategy.

    The EJAC's logic is apparently holding sway in places where the environmental justice movement first proved its ascendance.

    Last week, the California Assembly approved a bill that would potentially sideline CCS from playing any role in achieving the state's carbon neutrality targets.  AB 1395 would limit carbon "removals" to no more than 10 percent of what is needed to achieve the state's carbon neutrality objective.  It would also define technology-based solutions, including electricity generation with CCS, as a removal.  This is scientifically inaccurate, as CO2 captured from a power plant is never emitted to the atmosphere in the first place.

    But the bill would also impose criteria on the state's ability to rely upon any technology-based solutions, including that use of any such solutions shall not increase toxic and criteria air pollutants.  This could act as a poison pill for any CCUS project, as the process of stripping CO2 out of flue gas requires the use of amines and the chemical reaction between those substances and the flue gas results in small amounts of toxic air contaminants, which, albeit insignificant, are unavoidable.  Moreover, the primary argument against CCUS is that it will allow for continued production and consumption of fossil fuels, the consumption of which will result in criteria pollutant emissions, and that exclusion of CCUS would force a faster transition.

    And so policymakers face a choice: They can relegate to the side a promising technology that can deliver significant reductions in CO2 because, according to one narrative, anything that allows for continued production and consumption of fossil fuels is per se bad.  Or they can focus on carbon reduction as the target and support investment in CCUS.  Based upon legislation introduced in the past several months, a bipartisan caucus in Congress is unwilling to write CCUS off.

    基础设施重构:从道路和国家到人与地球 //www.ludikid.com/2021/05/infrastructure-reimagined-from-roads-and-country-to-people-and-planet/ 埃里克钟 2021年5月11日7:0008+00 拜顿行政 ESG系统 氢气 美国作业计划 国会 基础设施 研发 可持续性 //www.ludikid.com/?p=7472 p对齐=scenter++++/p罗斯福推行了某种全国性基础设施项目。从创建今日州际高速公路的新政和联邦援助高速公路法到2009年美国恢复和再投资法,联邦政府Continue Reading… p对齐=scenter罗斯福实施了一个全国性的“基础设施”项目。从新政和联邦援助高速公路法案创建今日州际高速公路到2009年美国恢复和再投资法,联邦政府为“公共工程系统”做了大量投资,这是基础设施定义的标准值 。 从这个角度讲,AJP只是最新的大型基础设施创举,即使拟议的水陆运输、机场和水路现代化金额前所未有 。>Q/span/p>互联网对修复学校、医院和院舍投入巨资。它向全国每户家庭保证高速宽带。它重申致力于提高种族公平、社会流动性和环境可持续性全程建议AJP允诺其投资将产生高质量工作,高劳动标准、普遍工资和集体谈判,小商家将有机会参与设计、建设和制造新基础和组件。

    从这个意义上讲,AJP对“基础设施”一词采用了另一种标准定义:“基础基础和基本框架”-在本案中全社会AJP中心是拜顿政府认为有必要的投资,以促进经济机会和公平待遇每个人,并保护和维护地球及其资源The President's animating slogan, "Build Back Better" alludes to building back better in terms of infrastructure being more modern and resilient, but also better in terms of infrastructure being more inclusive and just.

    If even some of the AJP's provisions and its proposed investments are enacted into legislation by Congress, they will likely create hundreds if not thousands of grant opportunities and contracts for companies and organizations, especially those that can support affordable housing, energy conservation, sustainability, racial justice, and other priorities emphasized in the plan.  And even if the AJP or its parts don't become law, companies and organizations should expect that the AJP's principles will almost certainly find their way into government regulations, procurement decisions, and other agency actions under the Biden Administration.

    Many factors will play into whether and how "infrastructure" legislation could pass.

    For the AJP's proponents—largely Democrats—affirming an underlying foundation and basic framework is essential to address the inequities laid bare by the COVID-19 pandemic, recent events highlighting racial injustice around the country, climate change, and environmental disasters.  To many of these proponents, any infrastructure plan can no longer think about building without regard to principles like racial equity and environmental sustainability.  Indeed, for some, including supporters of a Green New Deal, the AJP is only the beginning and not enough to address these deep-seated concerns.

    Meanwhile, the AJP's opponents—largely Republicans—remain unimpressed.一些人2万亿美元的贴纸价格 已经足以令他们白费多共和党支持基础设施打包,特朗普总统甚至在民主党控制美国后再三考虑House of Representatives.  But President Trump's package proposed $200 billion in federal spending, and the Republicans' recent counterproposal to the AJP at $568 billion, a quarter of that proposed by the AJP.

    What accounts for the enormous difference?  Their definitions of infrastructure.  The Republicans' proposals only include investments in the forms of "infrastructure" under the former definition.  Everything else is "infrastructure plus" and to many critics, the "plus" is either too expensive, beyond the role of the federal government, or both.

    It will be challenging to bridge this impasse as long as both groups fundamentally disagree on what falls under infrastructure in need of federal legislation.  Yet there may be some areas where there will be room for compromise.除前文讨论过的地面交通和其他传统基础设施外,另一个例子就是创新政策。 AJP建议超过1500亿美元支持关键技术研发,包括在国家科学基金会内新建一个局并更新研究机构。 该计划还提出350亿美元开发技术突破解决气候危机310亿元程序让小企业获取信用、风险、资本和研发元and $20 billion in regional innovation hubs to fuel technology development, link urban and rural economies, and create new businesses in regions beyond high-growth centers.

    These components share many similarities to the Endless Frontier Act, a bipartisan bill recently reintroduced by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Senator Todd Young (R-IN) in the Senate, and Representatives Ro Khanna (D-CA) and Mike Gallagher (R-WI) in the House, authorizing significant federal investments in R&D and commercialization of critical technologies.  As currently drafted, that bill would invest $100 billion in the National Science Foundation, including in a new Directorate of Technology and Innovation, and the development of regional technology hubs, along with additional provisions on domestic manufacturing and supply chain resiliency.  The White House has endorsed the Endless Frontier Act, which may be the vehicle for these components of the AJP to be enacted in a bipartisan manner without the opposition that may sink other components, though the bill's own fate also remains uncertain.

    There is potential for other less contentious components of the AJP to find their way into separate pieces of legislation in a similar fashion as well.

    Ultimately, for proponents and opponents of the AJP alike, the strategic considerations here are many—linking provisions together that may not be able to be passed alone, detaching provisions that would otherwise lose support for other provisions, and/or going it alone without bipartisan support if necessary.  Those strategic considerations will hinge on a variety of factors, including the urgency of the ongoing pandemic, the uncertain state of the economy, and the 50–50 Senate, among others.  In times like these, opportunities to enact legislation may sometimes be the least certain, but the most possible.

    加速氢经济 //www.ludikid.com/2021/05/fueling-the-hydrogen-economy/ 凯文波隆卡兹 Mon,2021年5月10日23:03:15+00 拜顿行政 ESG系统 氢气 美国作业计划 气候变化 净零 可持续性 //www.ludikid.com/?p=7467 p对齐='center'##/p>本博客串行第八集,AJPABCs最新能源过渡技术吸引大规模投资和政策注意力是使用可再生能源生成的'绿色氢',将氢从水分解开来,既可用于散装能源存储,又用于燃气电厂或.Continue Reading… p对齐表示'center''##p>Tebsection为串行中的第八集,AJPABCss.s/em#/p>


    Other industry groups also are jumping on the hydrogen policy advocacy bandwagon.  On April 7th, shortly after the AJP was issued, prominent industrial gas producers, automakers and fuel cell producers – all members of Hydrogen Forward – sent a letter to the White House urging the administration to develop a clear strategy for hydrogen investment through mass-scale infrastructure, development and deployment.  The group indicated that it agrees that hydrogen technologies are an essential part of achieving the Administration's emission reduction goals and called on President Biden to introduce the right policies so that the U.S.does not fall behind globally when it comes to hydrogen technology.

    While some suggest that it is "inescapably inefficient," green hydrogen produced through electrolysis can essentially act as a form of bulk energy storage: Electricity generated by renewable resources is used to separate the hydrogen from the oxygen molecules in water – most optimally during periods when the renewable resources would otherwise be curtailed – for combustion of the hydrogen in power plants and hard-to-abate sectors such as manufacturing, shipping and long-haul trucking.绿色氢也可以通过其他零碳或净负法生成,例如a综合图final energy demand by 2050 and that, by 2030, it could generate an estimated $140 billion in annual revenue supporting 700,000 jobs.  While the Road Map's near-term focus is on use of hydrogen in fuel cell vehicles for transportation, its long-term vision includes a much broader set of applications, such as delivery of blended hydrogen and natural gas to buildings and homes through the existing gas distribution infrastructure or through upgraded pipelines that can handle pure hydrogen.

    Hydrogen is also viewed by many as key to decarbonization of hard-to-abate industrial processes, including the production of cement, steel, glass and other industrial materials, which require extremely high temperatures that cannot easily or efficiently be attained by renewables, such as wind and solar.  Princeton's Net-Zero America Study envisions a future in which hydrogen produced through electrolysis or biomass gasification with CCS could be used for combustion in industrial boilers, in medium- and heavy-duty vehicles, as a fuel for gas turbines, and to synthesize liquid fuels using recycled carbon dioxide.

    Development of hydrogen technologies also provides opportunity to strengthen the resiliency of the electricity grid against climate change.Fuel cell technologies are already being used by hospitals and other essential services to act as a primary and backup fuel source during hurricanes, rolling blackouts, and other emergencies.

    Building out the infrastructure needed to realize the potential of hydrogen as a key decarbonization tool could require as much as $15 trillion in investment between now and 2050, according to the Energy Transitions Committee, an international coalition of energy industry executives committed to net zero emissions by 2050!the bulk of that investment would be for the purpose of developing dedicated renewable energy generation resources needed to produce green hydrogen.

    Beyond the massive investment needed, hydrogen also faces significant obstacles to its deployment and market penetration, including its relatively high efficiency losses, safety risks and its bulkiness and associated transportation and storage costs, according to the IEA.  The AJP's proposed 15 demonstration hydrogen projects may help address some of these challenges.  But additional, firm commitments of government funding may be needed to mobilize the private capital necessary to deploy the technology at scale.

    Investors should watch closely to see if Congress proposes, in forthcoming legislation to enact the AJP's objectives, funding levels that either are commensurate with rapid market penetration of hydrogen or would maroon the technology as little more than a gap-filler on the pathway to a net-zero economy.

    欧洲联盟委员会核准欧盟可持续氢活动标准 //www.ludikid.com/2021/04/the-european-commission-approves-the-eu-criteria-on-sustainable-hydrogen-activities/ Rosa Oyarzabal和Lucas Falco Thu,2021年4月22日 欧洲能源和气候政策 氢气 ESG系统 欧联 可持续性 //www.ludikid.com/?p=7428 p对齐='Center'###p>2021年4月21日,欧盟委员会批准委托规则,根据规则2020/852确定不同经济活动为减缓和适应气候变化做出实质性贡献的标准Continue Reading…

    On April 21, 2021, the European Commission approved "in principle" a Delegated Regulation establishing the criteria under which different economic activities substantially contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation under Regulation 2020/852 on the Establishment of a Framework to Facilitate Sustainable Investment ("Taxonomy Regulation").  Among other things, the Delegated Regulation defines the climate mitigation and adaptation criteria that the manufacture of hydrogen must meet to be considered a "sustainable investment" in the European Union.

    The Delegated Regulation's criteria on hydrogen constitute an additional step in the implementation of the European Commission's Hydrogen Strategy.While the European Commission must still adopt detailed rules on what should be defined as renewable (green) and low-carbon (blue) hydrogen, the Delegated Regulation sets the "gold standard" for the sustainable production of hydrogen.

    Sustainable Finance: the EU Taxonomy Regulation

    The Taxonomy Regulation implements the European Commission's European Green Deal and follows up on an earlier Commission's Action Plan on ‘Financing Sustainable Growth'.  The Regulation is intended to provide companies and investors with uniform criteria on economic activities that can be considered to be environmentally sustainable, in order to redirect capital flows and generate sustainable economic growth in Europe.  The Regulation's criteria are expected to increase transparency on the classification of economic activities that can be considered environmentally sustainable and, therefore, to limit the risk of greenwashing and fragmentation.

    The Taxonomy Regulation establishes the principles, and requires the Commission to adopt specific criteria for the following environmental objectives: (i) climate change mitigation!二) 适应气候变化可持续利用和保护水和海洋资源向循环经济过渡防污控制保护并恢复生物多样性和生态系统。


    4月21日批准的委托规范建立技术筛选标准以评估所列经济活动是否有资格为减缓和适应气候变化做出重大贡献。 关于氢问题,委托规范建立以下标准:

    The manufacture of hydrogen will be considered to contribute substantially to climate change mitigation if, among other requirements, "[t]he activity complies with the life cycle greenhouse gas ["GHG"] emissions savings requirement of 73.4% for hydrogen [resulting in 3tCO2eq/tH2] and 70% for hydrogen-based synthetic fuels relative to a fossil fuel comparator of 94g CO2e/MJ."  The Delegated Regulation also explains that the 73.4% savings threshold is in analogy to the approach set out in Article 25(2) of and Annex V to the Renewable Energies Directive, which "requires that GHG emissions savings from the use of renewable liquid and gaseous transport fuels of non-biological origin in transport be at least 70% by 2021."  Thus, the approved Delegated Regulation provides for a lower GHG emissions savings requirement than the threshold of 80% for hydrogen relative to a fossil fuel comparator of 94g CO2e/MJ (resulting in 2.256 tCO2eq/tH2) that the European Commission suggested in earlier drafts of the Delegated Regulation.

    The Delegated Regulation also requires that the GHG emissions savings be calculated using the methodology of the international standard ISO 14067:2018 or ISO 14064-1:2018the methodology that the Commission must adopt under Article 28(5) of the Renewable Energies Directive ("RED II"), i.e.,  the methodology for assessing GHG emissions savings from renewable liquid and gaseous transport fuels of non-biological origin.

    • Adaptation.  The manufacture of hydrogen will meet the taxonomy criteria for climate change adaptation if it complies with four  requirements:
      1. The economic activity must implement physical and non-physical solutions ("adaptation solutions") that substantially reduce the most important physical climate risks related to the manufacture of hydrogen;
      2. The physical climate risks that are material to the activity must be identified by performing a robust climate risk and vulnerability assessment;
      3. The climate projections and assessment of impacts must be based on best practice and available guidance and take into account the state-of-the-art science for vulnerability and risk analysis and related methodologies (e.g., the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reports)!
      4. 适应解决方案不得对其他人、自然、文化遗产、资产和其他经济活动的适应努力产生不利影响解决方案必须尽可能依赖蓝绿色基础设施and must be consistent with regional or sectoral adaptation plans.  Finally, the solutions must be monitored and measured against pre-defined indicators and remedial action must be considered where those indicators are not met.

    The Delegated Regulation Within the Broader EU Hydrogen Strategy

    The Delegated Regulation's criteria for sustainable hydrogen are part of the Commission's broader Hydrogen Strategy, which the Commission is still trying to define and implement.  While the  Delegated Regulation sets the "gold standard" for what is considered sustainable manufacture of hydrogen, it does not necessarily define what is green or blue hydrogen.

    The Hydrogen Strategy that the Commission presented in July 2020 announced that the Commission will adopt a "common low-carbon threshold/standard for the promotion of hydrogen production installations based on their full life-cycle greenhouse gas performance, which could be defined relative to the existing [benchmark under the EU Emissions Trading System Directive]" and "a comprehensive terminology and European-wide criteria for the certification of renewable and low-carbon hydrogen."

    The Commission may take into account these aspects of its Hydrogen Strategy during its full review of RED II, which is likely to result in a legislative proposal to significantly amend, and perhaps adopt a new, RED.

    Moreover, in 2021, the Commission must also adopt two Delegated Regulations under RED II and establish:

    1. a methodology to assess GHG emissions savings from renewable liquid and gaseous transport fuels of non-biological origin (which include hydrogen)!and
    2. a methodology with detailed rules on how electricity obtained from direct connection to an installation generating renewable electricity may be fully counted as renewable electricity where it is used for the production of "renewable liquid and gaseous transport fuels of non-biological origin" (which includes hydrogen) and on how electricity that has been taken from the grid may be counted for this purpose ("additionality requirements").

    The Commission may also consider the different aspects of its Hydrogen Strategy, including the regulation of low carbon hydrogen as part of its upcoming proposal for a Gas Regulation.   This proposal is intended to replace Directive 2009/73/EC on the Common Rules for the Internal Market in Natural Gas, and could introduce a detailed regulation of hydrogen and hydrogen infrastructure.

    Next Steps

    The Commission has approved the Delegated Regulation "in principle."  Its official adoption will only take place once it will be published in all the official languages of the EU.  This means that the criteria under the Delegated Regulation may still be subject to changes.  This is because (i) the Parliament and Council of the EU may oppose the content of the Delegated Regulation within a period of four to six months after its official adoption (expected in the coming weeks)!和二)可能需要作一些修改,以确保一致性,即将对REDII进行审查,定于2021年6月进行。

    水力政策开发 //www.ludikid.com/2021/03/hydrogen-policy-development-in-the-uk/ 托马斯·赖利 元2021年3月29日22:47:29+00 欧洲能源和气候政策 氢气 能源 净零 英国 //www.ludikid.com/?p=7407 p对齐表示'中心'###/p>2030年前比1990年水平下降68%,2050年前实现净零目标为实现上述目标,联合王国成立了一个气候变化问题委员会,负责制定可信的路径图。通过一系列四年碳减法Continue Reading… p对齐表示scenters2030年前比1990年水平下降68%,2050年前实现净零目标为实现上述目标,联合王国成立了一个气候变化问题委员会,负责制定可信的路径图。通过从2008年开始的一系列四年碳减排预算实现这一点英国满足第一和第二预算并正在实现第三个预算第四和第五大赛覆盖2023-2032年CCC提出了五项主要措施,以缩小2050Net-Zero目标雄心与缺失下两个碳预算现实之间的差距其中两项措施面向需求方其余三大度量中,二大类量氢使用范围不断扩大。 /span/p> Tpoint绿色工业革命计划





    PortitialUK Hygen使用








    FERC建议某些燃料电池设施QF状态 //www.ludikid.com/2020/10/ferc-proposes-qf-status-for-some-fuel-cell-facilities/ 内部能源 弗里,2020年10月23日20:48:31+00 氢气 FERC PURPA SOFC公司 //www.ludikid.com/?p=7353 p对齐='Center'##p>联邦能源管理委员会发布建议规则设计通知,允许某些固态Oxide燃料电池系统认证为1978年公共实用管理政策法下的合格设施,并因此获取监管益益部分意指鼓励热电联产创新开发Continue Reading…

    The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NOPR) that would allow certain Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) systems to be certified as Qualifying Facilities under the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA) and thus receive regulatory benefits meant, in part, to encourage the innovation and development of cogeneration facilities.  The proposal applies to SOFC systems that use heat and steam to convert natural gas to hydrogen, which then reacts with oxygen in the fuel cell to produce electricity, and then uses some of the heat and steam produced to continue converting methane into hydrogen to produce additional electricity.

    FERC's proposal would reduce regulatory barriers for the covered SOFC systems and thus may spur increased fuel cell entry.


    Under PURPA, FERC may certify as Qualifying Facilities ("QFs") small power production facilities and cogeneration facilities that meet certain criteria.  QFs receive regulatory relief, such as exemptions from the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 2005 and from certain provisions of the Federal Power Act!in many instances, utilities are obligated to purchase their power.

    FERC's QF certification rules, established in 1980, define a cogeneration QF as a facility that "produces electric energy as well as steam or forms of useful energy (such as heat) which are used for industrial, commercial, heating or cooling purposes."  The rules limit a cogeneration QF's "useful thermal energy output" to thermal energy that is (1)"made available to an industrial or commercial process;" (2) "used in a heating application;" or (3) "used in a space cooling application."

    Bloom Energy Corporation petitioned FERC to clarify the definition of "useful thermal energy output" so that it may apply to that used by SOFCs to produce additional electricity.  Bloom stated that without a clarification, most SOFC facilities "would not be able clearly to avail themselves of key benefits of PURPA aimed at reducing barriers to entry for new efficient energy technology."  This is because a 1981 FERC order required that a cogeneration QF's use of thermal energy must be completely independent of the power production process.[1]  In the SOFC process, however, some of the thermal energy output is used in the fuel cell conversion process to produce more electricity.


    In the NOPR, FERC recognizes that SOFC systems with integrated natural gas reformation equipment are now a viable option for efficient electric energy cogeneration and that, with the growing industrial applications of hydrogen, the distributed production of hydrogen is increasingly important.

    Accordingly, FERC proposes to add to its rules, as an additional acceptable use of thermal energy produced by a cogeneration QF, the thermal  energy "used by a solid oxide fuel cell system with an integrated steam hydrocarbon reformation process for production of fuel for electricity generation."  With the addition of this acceptable use of thermal energy, SOFC systems with integrated natural gas reformation equipment meet the definition of a cogeneration QF.  FERC describes this type of system as follows:

    Solid Oxide Fuel Cell systems with integrated natural gas reformation equipment convert the chemical energy within natural gas into electricity using a steam-methane reformation process, which converts the natural gas input to hydrogen, which then reacts with oxygen in the fuel cell to produce electricity.The by-product of the fuel cell's production of electricity is heat and steam, some of which is used in the steam-methane reformation process to convert more methane into hydrogen, which the fuel cells use, in combination with oxygen from the air, to produce electricity.[2]

    FERC recognizes this additional acceptable use of a cogeneration QF's thermal energy is a departure from the 1981 EG&G order by noting that the order did not involve fuel cells and was issued under the then effective regulations, which are now proposed to be revised.

    Comments on the NOPR are due 30 days after date of publication in the Federal Register.

    [1] EG&G, Inc., 16 FERC ¶ 61,060 (1981),

    [2] NOPR at P.16脚注省略.
