内能环境 能源、商品和环境法律和政策开发 卫星2022年11月19日02:20:10+00 en-US 时钟 一号 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.1.1&lxb_maple_bar_source=lxb_maple_bar_source https://insideenvironmentredesign.covingtonburlingblogs.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/47/2021/06/cropped-cropped-cropped-favicon-3-32x32.png 内能环境 32码 32码 COP 27重点:融资取中心阶段 //www.ludikid.com/2022/11/highlights-from-cop27-financing-takes-center-stage/ 托马斯·赖利 wed2022年11月9日2.30:38+00 ESG系统 国际气候努力 非洲 气象学 高管 COP 27 损耗 缓冲 净零 沙姆沙伊赫市 联 合 国 联 合 国 //www.ludikid.com/?p=8226 p对齐=scenter@p>昨天11月8日是“国家元首和政府首脑高层部分”的第二天,重点是他们的演讲和声明真正事务大会将于今日正式启动 时多数高级政治家已经离开脆弱国家气候损耗筹资Continue Reading… p对齐=scenter@p>justday11月8日是“国家元首和政府首脑高层次段”的第二天,重点是他们的演讲和声明egeneral损耗和损害快速成为本次COP关键争议点并预示比去年格拉斯哥更紧张的会议这个问题一直在上移日程,最近极端气候事件增加了围绕这个题目的感知紧迫性,对脆弱国家来说尤其如此。



表示美国愿意讨论损失与损害问题, 并期望两年对话达成任何承诺 。


所有这一切都是在Nicholas Stern新报告(英国和埃及政府委托编写)的背景下实现的,该报告显示发展中国家迫切需要气候融资减缓和适应《报告》的结论是,它需要每年2万亿美元投资,以满足除中国以外的世界发展中经济体的需要。对公司很重要的是,报告承认资金不能单从政府提供,而应该从国际金融机构(IFIs)和私营部门提供。


UK >The new Partnership will almost double the scale of the original program from USD 12 billion to USD 23 billion in funding and include countries accounting for almost 60 percent of global GDP, such as Australia, Canada, the U.S., France, Germany, Japan, Kenya, among others.
  • France announced a doubling of its domestic decarbonization budget from EUR 5 to EUR 10 billion to help heavy industry in France decarbonize.
  • A UN group that was set up to crack down on greenwashing of net zero pledges has called for "red lines" to stop support for new fossil fuel exploration and overuses of carbon offsets.集团报告得到了联合国秘书长的全力支持。
  • the U.S.hrefss/www.ft.com/content/827e012-5374-4676-860e-b860b6ccf5收益再为新清洁能源项目供资. /duvalu https://public.wmo.int/en/earwarsforall>plan 期望从COP 27 //www.ludikid.com/2022/11/what-to-expect-from-cop-27/ 托马斯·赖利 mon, 072022年11月15:13:35+00 ESG系统 国际气候努力 适配 非洲 气象学 气候司法 高管 26届缔约方会议 COP 27 极端天气 国际发展 缓冲 NDC 沙姆沙伊赫市 联 合 国 //www.ludikid.com/?p=8223 p对齐表示scenter/p反战俄国入侵乌克兰产生的全球冲击 以及由此引起的粮食和能源无保障和剧烈物价上升 推倒全球内部政治日程 并增加对化石燃料新源的需求Continue Reading… p对齐表示scenter/p>

    COP 27昨天开始于埃及沙姆沙伊赫It begins inauspiciously, set against the global impacts of Russia's invasion of Ukraine and the resulting food and energy insecurity and dramatic price rises which have pushed climate change down domestic political agendas across the world and increased demand for new sources of fossil fuel to reduce reliance on Russian gas.  By the same token, the Russian aggression creates a lever that presents COP 27 with a rare, perhaps unique, opportunity to accelerate the energy transition. 

    Furthermore, since the effects of climate change are non-discriminatory, the need to tackle it is a genuine global need: a visionary take on COP 27 is that it could offer a ‘safe haven' for international dialogue and collaboration where world leaders can find effective pathways forward on food, energy, nature and security.预兆不积极..

    blited effectivetusle从周六1300开始直到周日正午才结束,显示替代名称-AfricaCOP-更合适,焦点和成功键在别处。

    speid='More-8223'\/span>巴黎协议引入NDC要求各国确定每年将减少多少国家排放量,目标是到本世纪末将全球变暖限制在1.5摄氏度上。 巴黎协议还强制要求提高适应和建设适应气候变化能力and to align finance flows with ‘a pathway towards low greenhouse gas emissions and climate-resilient development'.

    NDCs are supposed to be revised every five years in the form of updates to the UNFCCC.

    Last year's COP (Number 26) held in Glasgow was the first test of this ‘ratchet' mechanism.  The next test was therefore not due according to the original Paris timetable, for another five years.  However, progress at Glasgow was adjudged not to be sufficient to address the urgency of climate change (even had all NDCs been fully-implemented, the world would still have armed by  2.4°C by the end of the century) and so countries were required to return at COP 27 with improved NDCs.

    For mitigation purposes, therefore, COP 27 has more significance than previous COPs: every fraction of a degree that the world's temperatures rise increases the risk of reaching irretrievable tipping points.  Only reducing emissions urgently can avoid hitting those tipping points: indications of success are not good – only 24 countries have submitted revised NDCs, with most countries (including Egypt and the UK) having failed to strengthen their NDCs.

    But Adaptation May Grab Centre Stage at COP27 ...

    2022环球极端天气,包括历史洪涝(巴基斯坦和尼日利亚)、野火(澳大利亚和美国)和干旱(欧洲和中国)。In the UK, temperatures reached 40 degrees Centigrade – a heat not predicted to be reached under most warming scenarios for another decade at least.  These extreme weather events underline the vulnerabilities set out in the IPCC report ‘Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability', according to which half the world's population is ‘highly vulnerable' to the impacts of climate change and those living in highly vulnerable regions already 15 times more likely to die due to floods, droughts, and storms.  Those ‘highly vulnerable' regions tend to be in lesser developed parts of the world.  And this is the root of the contention that may well overshadow this COP.

    Adaptation – adjusting to current and future climate change impacts – has long been the poor cousin to mitigation, receiving less attention and less funding.COP26Glasgow气候协议试图纠正这种不平衡状况,寻求双倍适应融资并制订全球适应目标两年期方案气候变化现在产生可见效果, 特别是对历史上对全球排放责任较低的国家, 压力越来越大, 需要做更多工作解决适应 < ahrfssss..service国家正日益要求为灾难后重建提供“损耗和损耗”资金。基本气候公正呼声 — — 最应负责气候危机者应资助最前线受气候变化影响者 。

    COP 27是一个潜在的损耗热点,因为它将主办三次技术对话之一,作为2021-23全球评估的一部分GST将评估全球减缓适应进度但也将考虑为处理损失和损害而采取的措施的社会和经济后果。


    返回议程问题..关键点是争论是否列入损耗问题议程项目Developed countries have resisted these calls out of a concern that accepting this historical responsibility could give rise to legal claims[iv]

    In the end, agreement was reached and, for the first time ever, an agenda item directs the COP to discuss "matters relating to funding arrangements responding to loss and damage associated with the adverse effects of climate change, including a focus on addressing loss and damage." 

    The IPCC requires emissions to peak by 2025 and halve by 2030.  But global emissions are still rising fast and, following Russia's invasion of Ukraine, coal use is increasing.关于减少排放目标的协议对避免进一步气候变化影响至关重要。但只有通过展示对实现气候正义目标的明确承诺以及损耗和损害才有可能实现这一协议。无法实现第二个目标,而这个COP风险同时失效.

    squals=wp-blectator has-alpha-chan-oIMF估计发展中国家每年需要2.5万亿美元资金实现巴黎协议和可持续发展目标。

    EV和清洁能源化学品审查过程精简 //www.ludikid.com/2022/10/epa-to-streamline-the-review-process-for-certain-ev-and-clean-energy-chemicals/ 泰勒威廉斯和托马斯布鲁加托 2022年10月5日Wed 电池回收 化学类、农药类和塑料类 电池组 清洁能源 气象学 气候变化 电动车辆 锂离子 半导体 TSCA系统 //www.ludikid.com/?p=7938 2022年10月5日 美国环境保护局宣布计划精简混合Oxids(MMOs)典型评审过程,包括某些阴极活性材料,它们是电车锂离子电池的关键组件,以及清洁能源生成和存储技术,包括风轮机和太阳能电池Continue Reading… p对齐=scenterEnvironmental Protection Agency ("EPA") announced its plan to streamline the typical review process for Mixed Metal Oxides ("MMOs"), including certain cathode active materials, which are key components in electric vehicles' lithium-ion batteries, as well as clean energy generation and storage technology, including wind turbines and solar cells.  MMOs can also be used in semiconductors. 

    As we have written about previously, increasing the domestic supply of EVs and semiconductors, and expanding the country's clean energy capacity are among the core policy objectives of the Biden Administration.

    Each of these supply chains could utilize these new MMOs, which are not currently listed on the Toxic Substances Control Act ("TSCA") Inventory.  Because they are not listed, MMOs are subject to Section 5 of TSCA — a point that EPA confirmed in a separate compliance advisory.

    Given this backdrop, manufacturers and importers of new MMOs must submit a Premanufacture Notice ("PMN") to EPA before manufacturing or importing these substances.  Upon receipt of a PMN, EPA considers the potential hazards and exposures associated with the substance, and determines whether steps must be taken to reduce the risk to human health or the environment before the substance can enter the U.S.市场 关键是制造商和进口商按要求提交通知,包括因为TSCA禁止为商业目的使用个人知道或理应知道不符合TSCA方面要求的任何化学品,包括提交PMN或有资格免上这一要求的要求§ 2614.  Manufacturers and importers do not need to submit PMN for MMOs already on the inventory (or that become added to the inventory).

    EPA's announced plan to streamline this review process is good news for the EV, clean energy, and semiconductor industries.  Under recent similar streamlining initiatives for biofuels, EPA has been able to complete its review for nearly all of the dozens of PMNs it has received since January 2022.  This streamlining appears to be, in part, a response to concerns that EPA has acknowledged with respect to the speed of its new chemical reviews. 

    More details are forthcoming, and the EPA has announced that it will provide outreach and training sessions for interested stakeholders to describe the new streamlined review process.

    住宅通缩法,标志新时代气候政策 //www.ludikid.com/2022/08/house-passes-inflation-reduction-act-marks-a-new-era-for-climate-policy/ W.Andrew Jack、Carol Browner和Martin Levy 弗里2022年8月12日21:30:19+00 拜顿行政 减通货膨胀法 气象学 气候变化 电动车辆 能源 温室化气体 许可 税务抵免 //www.ludikid.com/?p=7901 p对齐='Center'###/p>前一系列博客文章中,我们先前曾强调通缩法对美国国际气候承诺的历史意义,以及对私人公司探索能源转换过程的历史意义。在我们系列发布后不久,参议院于8月7日周日通过了IRA,仅略微修改Continue Reading…

    In a series of prior blog posts, we previously highlighted the historic implications of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) for the U.S.'s international climate commitments, as well as for private companies navigating the energy transition.  Shortly after our series published, the Senate passed the IRA on Sunday August 7th with only minor modifications to the bill's $369 billion in climate and clean energy spending.  Today, the House passed the IRA without any further changes, and soon hereafter President Biden is expected to sign it into law. 

    However, this is only the beginning of the road!IRA四角将产生广度效果。 未来数月和数年中,我们期望看到对机构规则的强力操纵将决定IRA实施,并判定它作为能源策略的最终成功

    Congressional Permitting Reform

    As an initial matter, it seems Congress has not finished its work revamping the nation's climate and energy laws.  As part of his agreement to support the IRA, Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) announced that "President Biden, Leader Schumer and Speaker Pelosi have committed to advancing a suite of commonsense permitting reforms this fall that will ensure all energy infrastructure, from transmission to pipelines and export facilities, can be efficiently and responsibly built to deliver energy safely around the country and to our allies."  While the exact contours of this legislation are not currently known, Senator Manchin's office recently released a legislative framework, which includes proposals to, among other things:

    • tighten environmental reviews under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA);
    • clarify the permitting and regulatory authorities of the Department of Energy and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission;
    • reform Clean Water Act provisions that allow state and local governments to impose additional requirements on federal permits!and
    • create a list of strategically important energy projects, that the President can designate and periodically update, for streamlined permitting reviews.

    According to Senator Manchin's office, permitting reform will receive a vote before the end of the fiscal year on September 30, 2022.  Unlike the Inflation Reduction Act, which passed through arcane rules of reconciliation—and thus required only a simple majority—permitting reform will be subject to the Senate filibuster and require the support of at least 60 senators (and bipartisan agreement) to become law.  At the moment, it is unclear whether broad bipartisan support exists for this measure!some Republicans have publicly signaled skepticism, and environmental activists have long opposed expedited fossil fuel permitting.However, in the past Republican Senators have expressed an interest in speeding the nation's permitting system.  During this Congress, a bipartisan group of Senators introduced a law to accelerate infrastructure permitting, and all Republicans and Senator Manchin supported a resolution to disapprove of recent revisions to NEPA.  Together, these actions suggest there may be some interest within the Republican caucus in implementing meaningful changes to current law, partisan divisions notwithstanding.


    外加,IRA本身有几部分未来数月将通过行政引导和规则制定过程予以澄清和实施守法标准支付工资、学徒和家用内容要求并计算温室气体排放法新税抵免 。

    ahrfss/www.insideEnergyandense.com/2022/07/enger-support-for-电机-车-车-车-门-电-电-电-电-电-电-电-电-电-电-电-电-电-电-电-电-电-电-电-电链/>这些规定并不适用于商业电车信用分量 。 具体地说,法律要求电电池组件的一定比例为“制造或组装北美 ”, 并适用百分比逐年变化 。 法律还要求电池中关键矿产品中一定比例为“提取或处理 ”, 在美国或与美国相邻的任何国家中实现“提取或处理 ” 。IRA § 13401(e).鉴于电车供应链的现状,预计许多汽车制造商难以满足这些外包需求万博体育app手机登录

    However, key features of these clean vehicle credits have yet to take shape.  By the end of this year, the IRA requires the Treasury Department to issue regulatory guidance to help shape and administer the battery and mineral sourcing requirements.  Id.  Among the questions open for interpretation are acceptable methods for calculating the "percentage of the value" for critical mineral and battery components, as well as better defining the terms "manufacture or assembly" and "extraction or processing."  How Treasury addresses these points will have significant ramifications for the short- and medium- term value of the clean vehicle credits.

    A much broader set of IRA tax credits seek to promote investment in, and use of, clean electricity, but their value depends on the interpretation of key labor and domestic content requirements.  As currently structured, the IRA extends and modifies the Investment Tax Credit and Production Tax Credits that apply to certain renewable sources of power through the end of 2024.  Id. §§ 13101, 13102.  Beginning in 2025, similar projects will also be eligible for a new technology-neutral Clean Electricity Production Credit and a Clean Electricity Investment Credit, which apply to any domestically produced electricity source with a greenhouse gas emissions rate of zero.  Id. §§ 13701, 13702.  These credits, and others throughout the IRA, are keyed to the satisfaction of prevailing wage and apprenticeship requirements. 

    Specifically, if these wage and apprenticeship requirements are not satisfied the credits are worth five times less than they otherwise would be.  Additionally, the IRA creates a 10% "domestic content bonus" when facilities certify that certain percentages of steel, iron, and other manufactured products used in the facility are made in America, and further increases the value of the credit for projects located in "energy communities," i.e.棕田网站或经济困境前化石燃料生产网站解释应用将极大影响政府可用支持值。 未来清洁能源项目必须注意确保适当文档并遵守这些条款Finally, many IRA tax credits are pegged to a demonstration of the life-cycle emissions of the underlying facility or fuel.  For instance, the value of the clean hydrogen credit varies based on the project's "lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions rate."  On the high end, a 100% credit value is awarded to projects with a lifecycle emissions rate of less than .45 kilograms (kgs) of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e), but on the low end, projects only receive 20% of the credit value if their emissions rate is between 4 and 2.5 kgs of CO2e.  Id.  § 13204.  Additionally, the availability of the new credit for sustainable aviation fuels depends on a certification that the applicable fuels achieve at least a 50% life cycle greenhouse gas reduction percentage compared to petroleum-based jet fuel!燃料项目再为生命周期温室气体排放量增量百分比增量增益Id.

    The full implications of the IRA are yet to be understood.  The law is likely to have significant implications for our energy future, leading to sharp growth in the nation's clean energy production and a decline in national greenhouse gas emissions.  Though we have laid out some initial consequences, there are undoubtedly many more interpretive questions that will arise in the coming weeks, months, and years.  Additionally, by subsidizing and lowering the costs of clean electricity and other low-emissions technology, the IRA could improve the benefit-cost analysis for a variety of environmental regulations, leading to more stringent and durable rules.  Further, by bolstering the domestic energy industry, the IRA could alter the political economy of climate policy, creating a broader base of support for future government investments in  clean energy production or greenhouse gas curtailment.  Regardless of how this future unfolds, it will surely be a dynamic time for energy and environmental law and policy.
