内能环境 //www.ludikid.com/category/international-climate-efforts/africa/ 能源、商品和环境法律和政策开发 Thu, 2022年10月13日 21:31:06+00 en-US 时钟 一号 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.1.1&lxb_maple_bar_source=lxb_maple_bar_source https://insideenvironmentredesign.covingtonburlingblogs.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/47/2021/06/cropped-cropped-cropped-favicon-3-32x32.png 内能环境 //www.ludikid.com/category/international-climate-efforts/africa/ 32码 32码 南非准备电池能源存储系统播客 //www.ludikid.com/2019/11/south-africa-prepares-for-a-battery-energy-storage-system-tender/ 朱莉斯高特和里多方塔纳 Mon,042019年11月16:31:21+00 非洲 电池回收 净零能 电池组 世界银行 //www.ludikid.com/?p=7136 skom南非100%国有电商将启动1.4千兆瓦时电池能源存储系统招标标书可能在第一或第二季度发布Continue Reading… skom南非100%国有电商将启动1.4千兆瓦电池能存储系统招标标书很可能在2020年第一或第二季度发布,等待政府最后批准竣工BESS日容量为1.4千兆瓦时能量输出BESS是南非实现长期可再生能源目标的关键构件它将与太阳能和风能生成厂连通,以便能够存储低生成成本和需求期间生成的能源,供高成本和需求期间分配使用。这一方案应提高可再生能源生成的成本效益。


Eskom开发BES规范、获取网站和项目第一阶段安全环境调控批准,到2020年12月应实现200兆瓦分布式电池存储第二阶段将包括160兆瓦分布式电池存储系统以及资产性能管理系统项目第二阶段一年后完成 。


美非工商论坛:投资于太阳能 //www.ludikid.com/2016/09/the-us-africa-business-forum-investing-in-solar-energy/ 内部能源 Frii2016年9月16日 非洲 太阳系 //www.ludikid.com/?p=6667 sneidman在CovAfrica上贴上一则趣味文章, 探索太阳能主题,文章可在此阅读Continue Reading… sneidman在CovAfrica上贴上一则趣味文章, 探讨太阳能主题,The article can be read here.

家庭电池对非洲可谓何等 //www.ludikid.com/2015/05/what-the-home-battery-could-mean-for-africa/ Tue,2015年5月26日 非洲 电池回收 电池组 分布式生成 能源存储 //www.ludikid.com/?p=1857 p对齐表示scenter###p开始于电信领域:非洲缺少强健的登陆线系统,传统上它能让更多人访问台式计算机、在线服务和金融机构。 但手机的出现允许全非个人绕过此.Continue Reading… p对齐表示scenters起始点为Pew研究中心 估计超过三分之二的非洲人自带手机,分权能源存储选项 ,像Tesla、General Electrict、三星、LGChem等所宣布的选项撒哈拉以南非洲有6亿多人无法用电。While 13% of the global population lives on the continent, they currently constitute less than 5% of global energy demand.  And the continent as a whole is rich in renewable energy resources:  the Sahara Desert provides unparalleled sunlight access, the Rift Valley contains geothermal reserves, and the coasts and interior have strong wind streams.  But at present there is no way to harness or store these energy sources effectively.

Hence the potential significance of distributed generation.  By day, a home battery can be charged on renewable sources!by night, it will continue to provide power despite the setting sun or calming winds.  Most manufacturers of decentralized storage appear to provide scalable batteries—one battery could power a home or small business, and many batteries could power a town.  Home battery costs have decreased 14% since 2007, as many manufacturers currently list their home batteries at around $3,000.  Moreover, costs to consumers will likely continue declining because of the many manufacturers competing in the marketplace and Tesla's promise to place its home battery specifications in the public domain.

When Tesla CEO Elon Musk unveiled his company's home battery on April 30, 2015, he noted its potential value for Africa.  The alternative—installing and upgrading traditional grid infrastructure on the continent—is highly expensive.  For instance, South Africa's government-owned utility company estimated it would cost $22 billion to improve the grid enough to meet current demand.  Decentralized energy storage that is affordable will increase the feasibility of on-site energy generation and reduce the need for a fully-developed transmission grid.Analysts project the market for microgrids reaching $20 billion in 2020, and on-site generation of solar power becoming comparable to or cheaper than grid-supplied power.  Just like how cell phones enabled access to the internet and microfinancing, distributed generation and on-site storage could light up homes, increase technological innovation, and change the look of the African economy.

Whether a home battery built by Tesla, General Electric, Samsung, LG Chem, or another company becomes the premiere energy storage solution in Africa, distributed generation has the potential to revolutionize electricity and power throughout the continent.

Calvin Cohen is a summer associate in Covington's Washington D.C.Vanderbilt大学法学院办公和学生 尼日利亚石油扫描学解剖:审核国家石油公司部门改革燃料运动 //www.ludikid.com/2015/05/anatomy-of-a-nigerian-oil-scandal-audit-of-national-oil-company-fuels-momentum-for-sectoral-reform/ wed, 2015年5月6日 18:40:33+00 非洲 油气策略 尼日利亚 石油生产 //www.ludikid.com/?p=1837 p对齐表示'中心'++/p> 经过数月的猜想和压力增加后终于到此:尼日利亚政府发布期待已久的PricewaterhouseCoops对尼日利亚国家石油公司法证审核发布高技术会计报告不常头条消息-少得多地吸引数以百万计的注意力-但.Continue Reading… uniumlipsng.com/docs_download/Full%20Report-2010亿美元%20missing%2020o发布高技术会计报告不常引起头条消息-少得多地吸引数以百万计的注意力-但这不是单纯审核并可能在今年三月解围总统古德勒克·乔纳森中发挥作用。

小背景有序时任央行行长Lamido Sanusi指控NNPC没有向尼日利亚国库汇出数以百亿计石油收入-尼日利亚宏观经济稳定极需收入President Jonathan brushed off the claims and rapidly sacked Sanusi.并引导国家渡过2009年银行危机,政府在2014年6月委托PwC对国营石油公司进行法证审核PwC于2015年2月提交最后报告,但Jonathan政府迄今选择不公布报告,只发布一页摘要石油部长Diezani Allison-Maduekwe表示报告不会发布以免选举政治化Muhammadu Buhari少将在三月底亲手击败现任总统,下任总统布哈里上星期表示政府上台时会公开报告后, Jonathan总统于4月27日放行并发布全面审核单

PwC无法存取数据并无法对人进行全面审核,因此会计事务所异乎寻常地警告说,它无法保证报告可靠性,因为报告没有按照公认审计标准进行,不能依赖报告可靠性总体而言,PwC的主要结论与Sanusi至少严重管理不善的指控一致。审核发现NNPC至少欠国库14.8亿美元,警告说NNPC操作不可持续并需要紧急修复2012年1月至2013年7月审计期间,近一半石油收益用于NNPC运营成本和煤油和石油补贴后几类补贴名义上虽然对穷人有利,但长期以来一直被视为/p>WhilePwC报告证明对乔纳森总统政府具有政治毒药作用-最近与财政部长并发"http://allafrica.com/stories/20505010753.html>大将5月29日上任时表示他的优先级是结束燃料补贴、破除腐败并但有一点是清楚的:Buhari正在危机中继承石油部门,而总统-选举处理问题的有效性将不仅决定尼日利亚石油行业未来数年的轨迹,而且决定政府成功与否。 聚焦非洲太阳能 //www.ludikid.com/2015/03/a-spotlight-on-solar-power-in-africa/ Thu,12 Mar201515:45:17+00 非洲 可再生能源 太阳系 //www.ludikid.com/?p=1794 p对齐='中心'###/p>新年可能只有数月历史,但2015年已经为撒哈拉以南非洲太阳能空间带来了数项令人振奋的发展太阳项目跨大洲上线更多管道搭乘2014年之势, 带入最大光电站Continue Reading… p对齐='center'###p>新年可能只有数月历史,但2015年已经为撒哈拉以南非洲太阳能空间带来了数项令人振奋的发展.

>1GW太阳能PV农场 的谅解备忘录最新一系列新协议 建设grafts值 工具级分布式项目包括科特迪瓦和乌干达在内的其他一些国家也启动太阳能项目标书。

上月投资450万离网太阳能融资机制创新,如现收现付法和移动支付平台等,正由M-KOPA太阳能公司、绿光地球公司、Azuri技术公司、Fenix国际公司、BBOXX等公司率先创建风险资本和私有股权公司支付 all of2014 .

尼日利亚上诉法院允许第三方挑战裁决 //www.ludikid.com/2015/02/nigerian-court-of-appeal-allows-third-party-to-challenge-arbitration-award/ 杰里米·威尔逊 Tue,2015年2月17日14:43:50+00 非洲 仲裁 仲裁 石油生产 //www.ludikid.com/?p=1687 p对齐='center'##/p>最近公布的Abbada上诉法院案例Statoil(Nibile)Limited & Anor v联邦国土税务局和Anor (2014)LPELR-23144(CA) (Statoil))日期为2014年6月13日,尼日利亚法院判定第三方有出庭权对非当事方的仲裁协议提出质疑这一决定Continue Reading… p对齐=scentercentercliptFederal Inland Revenue Service & Anor ((2014) LPELR-23144(CA)) ("Statoil") dated 13 June 2014,  the Nigerian court held that a third party had locus standi to challenge an arbitration agreement to which it was not a party.

This decision has been highly criticised by the Nigerian arbitration community, as it appears to have no basis in Nigeria's Arbitration and Conciliation Act 2004 ("ACA").  This decision may undermine many of the positive steps taken by Nigeria in recent years to establish itself as one of the more arbitration-friendly jurisdictions in Africa.

Statoil and Texaco, the appellants in Statoil, were one of several oil consortia to have initiated arbitration proceedings against the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation ("NNPC").  These arbitrations concerned the payment of "petroleum tax" on oil lifted under production sharing contracts ("PSC") dating back to 1993.  Initially, the NNPC had obtained a court injunction against the arbitration proceedings on the grounds that tax disputes were not arbitrable under Nigerian law.  However, the injunction was subsequently overturned by the Lagos Court of Appeal[1] in July 2013.

As a further attempt to frustrate the arbitration, the Federal Inland Revenue Service ("FIRS") applied to the courts to challenge the validity of the arbitration agreement between Statoil, Texaco and the NNPC.  Counsel for the FIRS argued that the purpose of the arbitration was to avoid the proper computation of taxes accruable to its account, stating that:

"[t]he whole game ...was to exclude the [FIRS] from the clandestine arrangement in the Arbitration Tribunal so that in the event the award is made, as it is evident that the tribunal is rail-roaded and programmed for that purpose, the [FIRS] as the Central and component part of the Government of the Federation, will be compelled to disgorge revenues already and severally collected, and allocated, which will form part of the awards to be eventually made by the Arbitral Tribunal."

The Abuja Court of Appeal agreed and confirmed that FIRS had locus standi to make such a challenge, despite the fact that it was not party to the agreement itself.  In its decision, the Court of Appeal noted that if the claimants were successful with their claim, the FIRS would lose tax revenue and therefore would be affected by the outcome of the arbitration.  With this in mind, Tine Tur J of the Abuja Court of Appeal stated:

"[i]f a party to an arbitral agreement can challenge the jurisdiction of the Arbitration Tribunal, or that the arbitral agreement was ab initio, null and void, what about a person or authority, such as the [FIRS], who was not a party to the agreement but complains ...that the proceedings or subsequent award by an arbitral tribunal constitute an infringement of some provisions of the Constitution or the laws of the land or impede her constitutional and statutory functions or powers?  Would the person be debarred from seeking declaratory remedies, or by originating summons?  I do not think so.  Where there is a proved wrong, there has to be a remedy."   

Neither the ACA nor any other Nigerian statute suggests that the courts have the power to allow third parties to challenge the validity of an arbitration agreement or the jurisdiction of the tribunal.  Indeed, the decision appears to contradict Section 34 ACA, which provides that "a Court shall not intervene [in arbitral proceedings] in any matter governed by this Act except where so provided in this Act."  While the reasoning in the judgment is difficult to follow, it appears that Tine Tur J, on identifying a perceived wrong, considered it necessary to remedy such a wrong, regardless of whether or not statute allows for such a remedy.

The court issued its decision despite the fact that the arbitration was still pending.In the words of Tine Tur J :

"I am of the humble opinion that it will be in the best interest of the [FIRS] not to wait or stand by for the Arbitration Tribunal to complete the proceedings and make an award.  [The FIRS] has the locus standing to act timeously to arrest the situation by a declaratory action or originating summons in a Court of Law.  Where the claim succeeds, the Court may make a declaration that the arbitral agreement was void ab initio or that the Arbitral Tribunal lacked the jurisdiction to have entertained the dispute on grounds of constitutional or statutory illegality etc."

The decision is particularly damaging to international arbitration in Nigeria, as it conflicts with two arbitration-friendly Nigerian Court of Appeal decisions from July 2013[2] and February 2014[3].These decisions had upheld the principle of non-intervention as set out in Section 34 ACA.  In these decisions the Court of Appeal had overturned injunctions seeking to restrain arbitral proceedings, relying on Section 34 ACA and holding that the courts had no power under the ACA to restrain arbitral proceedings with an ex-parte injunction.  Such conflicting decisions create an unpredictable environment for arbitration.

Despite the recent decision of Statoil, Nigeria has taken positive steps to establish a suitable legal framework for international arbitration.  The ACA, enacted in 2004, is based on the UNCITRAL Model Law and the Lagos Court of Appeal has confirmed that foreign arbitral awards will be enforced directly in Nigeria under Section 51(1) ACA and the New York Convention.[4]

However, the decision in Statoil, which appears to have been based on the whims of the judge in question rather than the applicable arbitration law, shows that arbitration in Nigeria remains unpredictable.  Therefore, parties looking to invest in Nigeria should be aware of these risks when negotiating the dispute resolution clauses of their agreements.

[1] The Nigerian Court of Appeal has 16 regional divisions, each with equal authority.  The Abuja Court of Appeal and Lagos Court of Appeal are two of these regional divisions.

[2] Statoil (Nigeria) Ltd & Anor v.尼日利亚国家石油公司 & 2 Others ( 2014NWLR(Part 1373)1),2013年7月12日由拉各斯分院上诉法院裁决。

东非地热电源 //www.ludikid.com/2015/02/geothermal-power-in-east-africa/ 内部能源 Tue, 320152月16:1211+00 非洲 地热 可再生能源 //www.ludikid.com/?p=1674 上星期,伦敦EnergyNet公司在华盛顿举行了“授权非洲峰会”。能源Moniz秘书 吸引项目开发商 设备提供商 金融家 美国PowerAfrica团队和非洲政府官员不幸地,由于非洲联盟首脑会议同时在埃塞俄比亚举行,没有部长Continue Reading… p对齐='center''#p/pst样式='left'对齐='center'>能源Moniz秘书 吸引项目开发商 设备提供商 金融家 美国PowerAfrica团队和非洲政府官员Unfortunately, due to the African Union Summit that was being held at the same time in Ethiopia, no minister of energy from Africa attended.  This wasn't the first event of its kind, but it did draw a much more diverse group of actors, which suggests more developers and energy companies are looking to Africa for new business opportunities.

On the margins of the conference, other institutions in DC convened panels of experts to examine a few specific issues, including ideas for accelerating the development of the Rift Valley's prodigious, and environment-friendly, geothermal resources.  Studies have shown that the Rift Valley has the potential to generate between 15,000 and 20,000 MWs.  And with countries such as Kenya and Tanzania struggling to keep 2,000 or so megawatts on line and operational, it is a very reliable base-load resource.

So, what's keeping a relatively cheap, reliable, and clean resource from being converted into power?简言之,风险很多,资本通常避免风险。 行业操作者将“钻探风险”确定为地热开发的主要抑制物。 耗资相当高,耗资六千万元-万万元/水井,而上头必须同时有良好的研究并有位“Steam神圣者 ” 寻找完美资源。Recent improvements in technology have actually reduced the risk.  Geo-physics studies have become more precise in locating the resource, while multi-directional drilling has become a game-changer.  A recent World Bank report concluded that the success rate in drilling has climbed to 80%.

Even with these improvements, a 20% risk can still be too high.  To mitigate risk further, donors, industry, and government  have developed several "de-risking" tools, which so far haven't proved to be as effective as hoped.  Munich Re offers a commercial, and costly, insurance product for drilling.  Some countries are considering to take on the drilling risk themselves.  Kenya, for example, has created the Geothermal Development Corporation (GDC), whose mandate is to develop geothermal sites, drill wells, and bid concessions.  Other countries are considering a similar model in hopes of attracting capital.  On the donor side, Germany's KfW created a "Geothermal Risk Mitigation Facility" that is housed within the African Union, and the AfDB hosts a number of instruments and funds under its Sustainable Energy Fund for Africa.  Iceland, Germany, the UK, the US, among others, also have their own important programs, but each has its own unique set of criteria for applicants.  Simply put, though intentions are good, the instruments are too restrictive in their use and too diffuse, spreading across a multitude of organizations.To make a project bankable, a developer will often have to use several of these tools, and that means timing and sequencing of their application are critical factors in successfully closing projects.  The (up-to) 1,000 MW Corbetti project in Ethiopia provides a useful example of artful deployment of many tools on the part of lead developer Reykjavik Geothermal, but it has taken many years to get to this point.

As industry examines the best means of accelerating project development and, more important, the actual delivery of power, below are several recommendations for consideration:

(1) Develop a geothermal resource center that is on every donor's and industry association's website.  The resource center would ideally list all the geothermal projects in the Rift Valley in operation, those that are being developed, and ones likely to come up for bid.  It would contain (non-propriety) information on each project, the project costs and terms, and further help prospective developers by identifying de-risking tools (commercial and donor-supplied), how and when to apply for them, and potential financing options.

(2) The donors should consolidate their funds and de-risking mechanisms wherever possible, and identify one single donor to lead and coordinate.  The logical choice for leading the donors is the African Development Bank (AfDB).  With its very strong regional office in Nairobi, technical expertise, and a number of instruments to support geothermal development, the AfDB as the development bank for the continent is by far best positioned to triangulate the interests of developers, financiers, and host governments.

(3) On consolidation, the industry should look hard into whether the Geothermal Risk Mitigation Facility (GRMF) should continue to reside within the African Union Commission in Addis Ababa.  The AU is largely a political and policy-making institution.  Maintaining a facility that supports commercial interests under its control is affecting implementation.  For example, when decisions on how Round I funding would be allocated, staff suggested funds should be "fairly distributed" among the countries and not based on project merits.  The political lens should be removed from this facility.

The GRMF is a good concept – actually a very good one.  Effective execution has been lacking, however.  The AfDB is better suited to run this important de-risking program and make it more timely in evaluating projects on a rolling basis, and allocating funds based on data-driven, technical decisions.

(4) Project developers, equipment suppliers, and EPC (engineering, procurement, and construction) contractors should form partnerships and alliances early on in the process to broaden the range of equity partners in order to cover early project development costs.

The Rift Valley presents exciting opportunities for renewable energy projects that will help the countries of East Africa fill its severe electricity deficit.  Millions of Africans could have reliable, relatively cheap power if the tools to attract investment were sharpened.

规划面向仲裁-投资者重要考量 //www.ludikid.com/2014/12/planning-ahead-to-arbitration-important-considerations-for-investors/ HannahEdmonds-Camara和Jeremy Wilson Tue,2014年12月23日 非洲 仲裁 //www.ludikid.com/?p=1591 p对齐=centercenter###p> 外国对撒哈拉以南非洲的投资继续增长, 商业方之间产生争议的风险也不可避免地增加仲裁解决商业争议的潜在好处,包括程序灵活性和中立性,众所周知(从ICC这里阅读更多内容)。提供仲裁对投资者关联性简介Continue Reading… s/0b92ba22-df2e-11e3-86a4-00144feabdc0.html#axzz3LakX9PQ仲裁解决商业争议的潜在好处,包括程序灵活性和中立性,众所周知(更多取自 ICC 介绍消除仲裁潜在挑战策略






Venue for process




撒哈拉以南非洲太阳能投资 //www.ludikid.com/2014/09/solar-investment-booms-in-sub-saharan-africa/ mon,2014年9月22日 非洲 //www.ludikid.com/?p=1767 p对齐=scenter3个撒哈拉以南非洲人中2个(约6亿人)没有电源,相反依赖昂贵、环境不友好和不健康能源形式,如柴油机和煤油灯炉Continue Reading… p对齐=scenterAgency for International Development, two out of three sub-Saharan Africans, approximately 600 million people, do not have access to electricity, instead relying on costly, environmentally unfriendly, and unhealthy forms of energy such as diesel generators and kerosene lamps and stoves.  With many sub-Saharan African countries receiving a high number of days per year with bright sunlight, the area is a prime candidate for the development of solar energy resources.  This fact has not gone unnoticed, with both private and governmental parties making investments in the development of solar energy in this region in the last 1-2 years.

Government-sponsored Initiatives.  On June 30, 2013 in Cape Town, South Africa, President Obama announced Power Africa — an initiative to unlock the substantial wind, solar, hydropower, natural gas, and geothermal resources in the region and enhance energy security, decrease poverty, and advance economic growth.  This initiative seeks to leverage U.S.strengths in energy technology, private sector engagement, and policy and regulatory reform, and the resources of the World Bank, the African Development Bank, African governments, and the private sector to add clean, efficient energy generation capacity in six focus countries —  Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Nigeria, and Tanzania.  As discussed in our blog post of August 8, 2014, the White House announced in August a significant expansion of Power Africa to achieve a goal of 30,000 MW of additional capacity to reach 60 million households and businesses across the continent, and $6 billion in new private sector commitments from investors such as Citigroup, Standard Bank and Standard Chartered Bank.  The Government of South Africa has also launched its own Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Procurement Program (REIPPPP) to help South Africa achieve its energy generation goals and contribute to socio-economic and environmentally sustainable growth.  This program offers government contracts to independent power producers for the development of specified renewable energy resources.

New Private Sector Investments.  In addition to government programs, private investors are making new investments in the region, particularly in the off-grid solar sector.  For example, SolarCity has joined up with venture firms Vulcan Capital and Omidyar Network to invest $7 million into Off-Grid Electric, a Tanzania-based company providing solar lighting services in Africa.  Similarly, Bloomberg Philanthropies recently announced that it is offering $5 million in low-interest loans to Little Sun, a social enterprise which will help bring solar energy to off-grid Sub-Saharan Africa with low-cost solar lamps, which will replace lamps using kerosene.  Even Google is getting on the renewable energy bandwagon in Africa, investing $12 million in the $260 million Jasper Power Project, a 96-megawatt (MW) solar photovoltaic (PV) facility to be built near Kimberley in South Africa's Northern Cape Province.

Benefits for the local economy.  In addition to the benefit of developing an environmentally friendly source of electricity, these projects stand to provide valuable employment opportunities in the local economy.  Indeed, the Jasper Power Project is expected to create approximately 300 construction and 50 permanent jobs in a region experiencing high rates of unemployment, as well as providing rural development and education programs by setting aside a portion of total project revenues for enterprise and socioeconomic development.  Similarly, the U.K.'s Blue Energy, which is building what is expected to be Africa's largest PV power plant in Ghana, expects that the project will employ 500 local construction staff and a further 200 local people for continued operation and maintenance.  Some estimate that another 2,700 indirect jobs would be created from related construction and operations activities.

Although these projects and investments are in their early stages, there is great potential for Africa to improve its citizens' access to electricity through these investments in renewable energy technology.

数以十亿计新保证电源Africa增能 //www.ludikid.com/2014/08/with-billions-in-new-pledges-power-africa-gains-more-power/ 弗里2014年8月8日19:3258+00 非洲 电力非洲 美非领导人峰会 //www.ludikid.com/?p=1769 微小一年多前总统奥巴马首次宣布PowerAfrica报告后,政府发布PowerAfrica年度报告。据年度报告显示,该创举“帮助促进预期产生近2 800兆瓦新一代容量的交易的财务关闭-超过万兆瓦目标的25%”。Continue Reading… sites/default/files/documents/1860/AIDS#Africa_AR_Servente2014.pdfCoordinator for Power Africa Andrew Herscowitz noted in remarks on Monday, many of these deals were "low-hanging fruit" because they already were in the negotiations phase when Power Africa was launched.  That point notwithstanding, pledges made during this week's U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit indicate that the years ahead will be equally as promising for Power Africa.

The week began with the White House announcing a significant expansion of Power Africa to a goal of 30,000 MW of additional capacity to reach 60 million households and businesses across the continent.  The accompanying pledge of an additional $300 million per year (to add to the already committed $7 billion over 5 years) is complemented by the Millennium Challenge Corporation's signing of a $498 million Power Compactwith Ghana.  These pledges from the U.S.swedens-cower-Africasaharan-Africa新私营部门承付款60亿美元 ,使PowerAfrica下私营部门承付款总额达到200多亿美元。and foreign companies including Citigroup ($2.5 billion) and Standard Bank (whose current commitment is $1 billion but is looking to commit an additional $2 billion), Standard Chartered Bank (who raised its original $2 billion commitment to $5 billion).  According to GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt — whose company also is invested in Power Africa — "the administration's involvement has accelerated the pace of deals on the continent because it provides ‘a seal of approval' that reassures investors."  There also are additional electrification efforts underway such as the $5 billion commitment to the continent's energy infrastructure that the Dangote Group has made in partnership with the Blackstone Group and Carlyle.
