内能环境 //www.ludikid.com/category/clean-energy/biofuels/ 能源、商品和环境法律和政策开发 弗里2022年10月28日 en-US 时钟 一号 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.1.1&lxb_maple_bar_source=lxb_maple_bar_source https://insideenvironmentredesign.covingtonburlingblogs.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/47/2021/06/cropped-cropped-cropped-favicon-3-32x32.png 内能环境 //www.ludikid.com/category/clean-energy/biofuels/ 32码 32码 绿色资本主义形状:分类筛选标准与企业可持续性报告 //www.ludikid.com/2021/05/the-eus-green-capitalism-takes-shape-taxonomy-screening-criteria-and-corporate-sustainability-reporting/ Paul Mertensköter和Sinéad Oryszczuk Tue2021年5月18日17:07:29+00 生物燃料 COP26 电网 ESG系统 欧洲能源和气候政策 净零能 气候变化 电工 欧洲联盟 温室化气体 可持续性 //www.ludikid.com/?p=7484 p对齐='Center'###p>包括期待已久的分类法首次技术筛选标准-概述于分类气候委托法-和企业可持续性报告指令建议-该指令大为修改和扩大Continue Reading… s/ec.europa.eu/info/publications/210421-可持久金融通信_eneuropa.eu/finance/docs/level2-descript-act-2021-2800en.pdf前者直接面向金融机构和投资者,后者大都上市实体,包对所有公司有更广泛的意义。


和(2) 长期而言,根据2020s://ec.europa.eu/clima/policies/eu-Coltics-action/law_enFollowing the adoption of the EU Taxonomy Regulation (explained further below), the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation, and the Benchmark Regulation, which enhances the transparency of benchmark methodologies, the Commission has in this legislative package laid out the next building blocks for its envisioned sustainable finance ecosystem.

In addition to the impact on financial institutions and investors directly subject to the new laws, the Sustainable Finance Package may impact corporates in the following ways:

  • Corporates may be more likely to receive requests for data on their environmental and other sustainability practices as upstream capital markets participants grapple with new obligations to distinguish between green, "light green," and other investments;
  • Corporates may be subject to direct requirements to report on activities relating to their environmental, social, and governance objectives;
  • Longer-term, the package may form the basis of a "blueprint" for wider stakeholders, meaning that corporates may need to improve performance against the standards, not just to attract capital, but also to remain competitive!并
  • 在全球层面,这些欧盟可持续性度量有真正潜力成为金标准并影响欧盟以外的投资市场,这是一个被称为`BrutselsEffect'的现象。 名称='#ftnref1>>[1]/ul>/p>Corporates因此得到很好的建议,以评估其报告和披露义务范围及其潜在投资者和其他资本源,以保持竞争力。

    We将在一系列文章中更详细地覆盖这些动态。企业应了解的关键问题有:(1) TCDA草案并(2) 拟议的CSRD.

      The draft TCDA (in its Annexes, here and here) sets forth sector-specific definitions of environmentally sustainable economic activities, ranging from manufacturing to electricity generation and transport. Notably, although the TCDA sets criteria for when hydrogen manufacture may be considered a sustainable investment (as we discussed in a recent article), it does not cover natural gas or nuclear energy, which are expected to be covered by supplementary technical screening criteria later this year.  The Commission will establish a web portal where stakeholders can make suggestions on other areas in mid-2021!可持续金融委员会和平台将评估这些建议。



      TCDA仍受欧洲议会和理事会审查,它们有3个月时间提出任何反对意见,理论上可以阻塞TCDA的通过TCDA预期从2022瀑布应用 。


    >提议CSRD 旨在填补资产管理员之间的信息空白,这些管理员必须根据可持续金融披露规则评估哪些经济活动环境可持续,以及可能尚未提供这一信息的潜在公司投资目标。

    反之,CSRD将适用于所有大 >#ftnref3>>[3]EU公司和所有上市公司,包括上市企业范围内实体需要根据强制可持续性标准报告,其中包括与可持续金融披露调控和分类调控相对应的指标。

    研究结果将载入公司管理报告并发布于众,并通过设想的欧洲单一存取点向所有人提供https://ec.europa.eu/info/business-economist-euro/Crap-and-Investment/Captive-markets-uni然而,只有当委员会认为第三国可持续性报告义务与欧盟义务等值时,才提供豁免,该义务符合 Timeline 如果欧洲议会和成员国能够就标准达成协议-这不是定点-成员国将需要在2022年12月1日前执行指令manbext网页版Companies that are within the scope of the Directive would have to comply from financial years starting on or after 1 January 2023, meaning they would need to publish reports from 2024, whilst SMEs would have to comply from January 1, 2026.

    If you have any questions concerning the material discussed in this blog, please contact the following members of our team:


    John Ahern                          +44 20 7067 2190         jahern@cov.com

    Sebastian Vos                      +32 2 549 5267              svos@cov.com

    Thomas Reilly                     +44 20 7067 2000         treilly@cov.com

    Sinéad Oryszczuk              +44 207 067 2141           soryszczuk@cov.com

    Sarah Crowder                    +44 20 7067 2393         scrowder@cov.com

    Paul Mertenskötter           +32 2 545 7517               pmertenskoetter@cov.com



    [1] This term, coined by Anu Bradford of Columbia Law School, describes how the EU effectively sets global norms.企业通过严格的欧盟规则在欧洲市场合法运营,然后在全球遵守这些规则以尽量减少守法成本正像欧盟规则被视为金标准, 其他国家政府和国际组织复制规则, 并进一步加强这一效果 。

    >[3]欧盟会计指令第3(4)条规定,`大型'企业应在其资产负债表日期上至少超出以下三大标准中两个:(a)资产负债表总计20 000欧元净周转量:4万欧元财政年度平均雇员数:250.

    U.S.海军确认承诺使用替代燃料 //www.ludikid.com/2014/08/u-s-navy-affirms-commitment-to-use-alternative-fuels/ 内部能源 弗里2014年8月29日 生物燃料 农业部 国防部 投放生物燃料 海陆 //www.ludikid.com/?p=1338 p对齐="center"\\\/p> 2014年8月25日海军宣布将继续与智利海军四年协作研究、开发并使用水面轮和飞行器替代燃料Continue Reading… p对齐=scenterunit_id=82931>宣布sory_id=82931>海军希望到2020年用替代能源满足50%的能源需求。海军一直在寻找从化学上无法与石油衍生燃料相区别并可用于现有船舶、飞机和基础设施的投放生物燃料。海军确认2012年机队演习使用下游生物燃料的可行性并打算在2016年开始正常运行时使用下游生物燃料。

    和智利导航快后 美国国防部发布https://www.fbo.gov/index?ss=opportunity&mode=form&id=e806a983245d4b72ffffd9d965f5c7f9&tab=core#cview=1海军首次寻找生物燃料和石油混合体。 采购代表着美国间合作伙伴关系的重大发展海军和美国农业部2010年成立 总统奥巴马调用美国海军、USDA和能源局为开发下游替代燃料提供便利。正如我们先前所报告的那样,能源局正独立开发下游生物燃料技术,最近宣布s/www.insideEnergyandense.com/2014/07/doe-finalizations-4-10亿-clean-Energy-tech-loan-guarante-program/'>净能技术贷款保证程序 .


    the U.S.海军预期在今年晚些时候第二次批量燃料采购中寻找石油和生物燃料混合物。 通过这两项采购,美国海军计划到2015年购买8亿加仑生物燃料海军的努力可增强国内生产下游生物燃料的能力,据美国统计,目前目前每年约2.1亿加仑能源信息管理局.

    DOE最终确定4亿清洁能源技术贷款保证程序 //www.ludikid.com/2014/07/doe-finalizes-4-billion-clean-energy-technology-loan-guarantee-program/ 斯科特A弗林 mon,07JUL2014 21:15:52+00 生物燃料 清洁能源 能源部 贷款担保 //www.ludikid.com/?p=1288 p对齐=scenter能源部发布可再生能源节能项目贷款保证方案的最后招标书。 正如我们先前报告的那样,2014年4月16日发布招标草案,预计该方案将达40亿美元的贷款保证Continue Reading… p对齐=scenterDepartment of Energy ("DOE") issued a final solicitation for the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficient Projects Loan Guarantee Program.  As we previously reported with respect to the draft solicitation issued on April 16, 2014, the Program is expected to make up to $4 billion in loan guarantees available for projects located in the United States that use innovative renewable or energy-efficient technologies that avoid, reduce, or sequester greenhouse gases.  The Program offers yet another opportunity to obtain financial assistance from DOE for innovative clean energy technology projects, as part of the Administration's "all-of-the-above" energy strategy.

    The final solicitation continues to identify five key areas of interest to DOE, including advanced grid integration and storage, drop-in biofuels, waste-to-energy, enhancement of existing facilities, and efficiency improvements.sites/prod/files/2014/07/f17/Comment%20Listese_REEE%20Solication_final.pdf项目使用识别技术不自动有资格参加程序万博体育app手机登录DOE will conduct a life-cycle assessment to determine the extent to which a proposed project avoids, reduces, or sequesters greenhouse gases.  DOE intends to issue guidance on the nature of the life-cycle assessment to ensure transparency in the evaluation process.

    Although any project that meets the final solicitation's requirements is eligible participate in the Program, DOE will look favorably on projects that have a catalytic effect on the commercial development of innovative technologies.  DOE will also look favorably on projects that make use of other sources of financing.

    The final solicitation provides for five rounds of evaluation.  In each round of evaluation, DOE will subject an application to a complete review only after making a preliminary determination that a proposed project meets the Program's requirements.第一轮评价初始申请日期为2014年10月1日,全申请日期为2015年1月14日,第五轮评价初始申请日期为2015年12月2日,全申请日期为2016年3月2日,全申请日期为2016年3月2日,申请必须通过网络门户提交,该门户尚未建立 EPA问题直接最终规则修订2013年Cellulosic生物燃料再生燃料标准 //www.ludikid.com/2014/04/epa-issues-direct-final-rule-to-revise-2013-cellulosic-biofuel-renewable-fuel-standard/ Covington和BurlingLLP Thu,2014年4月24日14:06:50+00 生物燃料 细胞型生物燃料 可再生燃料标准 //www.ludikid.com/?p=1220 p对齐='Center'###p>4月22日,EPA发布直接最后规则修改2013年eellosic生物燃料可再生能源标准(“RFS”),该规则原创于2013年8月15日发布Continue Reading… services/documents/2013-cellosic-dfr-04-22-14.pdf细胞型生物燃料定义为EPA管理员判定“至少比基准生命周期温室气体排放低60%”。 42 U.S.C§7545(o)(1)(E)EPA已批准为细胞型生物燃料燃料,该燃料主要来自院子和食品垃圾中的残留物、树残留物、开关草和细胞类组件。



    DOE问题草案请求为清洁能源技术提供四十亿美元财政援助 //www.ludikid.com/2014/04/doe-issues-draft-solicitation-to-provide-4-billion-in-financial-assistance-for-clean-energy-technology/ 斯科特A弗林 弗里2014年4月18日02:09:36+00 生物燃料 能源效率 清洁能源 能源部 贷款担保 //www.ludikid.com/?p=1175 p对齐='中心''##p>能源局昨天发布新可再生能源和节能项目担保程序招标草案。一旦最终确定,方案预计将提供多达40亿美元的贷款保证,供目前非商业用途的创新清洁能源技术项目使用。基于DOE.Continue Reading…

    The Department of Energy ("DOE") issued a draft solicitation yesterday for a new Renewable Energy and Energy Efficient Projects Loan Guarantee Program.  Once finalized, the Program is expected to make as much as $4 billion in loan guarantees available to innovative clean energy technology projects that are not currently in commercial use.  Based on DOE's previous practices, we expect the final solicitation to be issued later this year.

    Established in support of the Administration's "all-of-the-above" energy strategy, the Program represents yet another opportunity to obtain financial assistance for innovative clean energy technology projects, in addition to the previously announced Advanced Fossil Energy Project solicitation.  In announcing yesterday's draft solicitation, Secretary Ernest Moniz noted that DOE's existing renewable energy loan guarantees "helped launch the U.S.utility-scale solar industry and other clean energy technologies that are now contributing to our clean energy portfolio."  Secretary Moniz further explained that DOE wants "to replicate that success by focusing on technologies that are on the edge of commercial-scale deployment today."

    In the draft solicitation, DOE identifies five areas of technology that it hopes will benefit from the Program, including advanced grid integration and storage, drop-in biofuels, waste-to-energy, enhancement of existing facilities, and efficiency improvements.  Specific examples of eligible projects include technology that:

    • improves renewable energy distribution systems;
    • provides bio-based substitutes for crude oil, gasoline, diesel fuel, and jet fuel;
    • harnesses energy from landfill methane and segregated waste;
    • enhances or extend the lifetime of an energy generating asset;
    • reduces commercial or residential energy usage!or
    • recovers dispatch or waste energy.

    DOE will look favorably on projects that have a catalytic effect, replicating or extending new or significantly improved technologies once established in the commercial marketplace.

    Upon issuance of the final solicitation, DOE plans to review applications in a two-step process.  After making an initial eligibility determination, DOE will subject applicants to a more complete process, including underwriting and further negotiation upon DOE's conditional commitment to provide a guarantee.  The draft solicitation indicates that projects must be market ready, and applicants for financial assistance must be prepared to provide an equity contribution.  In addition, the draft solicitation indicates that DOE plans to give preference to projects that cannot be fully financed by commercial means.

    DOE is accepting comments on the draft solicitation for a thirty-day period.  Additional details and a schedule for public meetings being held to discuss the draft solicitation can be found here.
