| Inside Energy & Environment 能源、商品和环境法律和政策的发展 周一,2022年12月5日17:51:33 +0000 en - us 每小时 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.1.1&lxb_maple_bar_source=lxb_maple_bar_source https://insideenvironmentredesign.covingtonburlingblogs.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/47/2021/06/cropped-cropped-cropped-favicon-3-32x32.png | Inside Energy & Environment 32 32 通货膨胀减少法案概述 //www.ludikid.com/2022/07/overview-of-the-inflation-reduction-act/ Carol Browner, Gary S. Guzy, W. Andrew Jack, Kevin Poloncarz, Martin Levy和Kyle Sweeney 2022年7月29日星期五20:19:31 +0000 拜登管理 环境正义 减少通货膨胀法 重建得更好 清洁能源税收抵免 气候变化 电动汽车 环境正义 绿色能源税 减少温室气体基金 减少甲烷排放计划 供应链 税收抵免 //www.ludikid.com/?p=7808


Late on July 27, Sen. Joe Manchin and Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer announced an agreement on the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA): a reconciliation package that implements prescription drug pricing reform, invests in Affordable Care Act health care subsidies, imposes a corporate minimum tax and improves tax enforcement, and—most relevant for this post—provides $369 billion to support energy production and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

This package presents the opportunity for Congress to finish legislating President Biden’s Build Back Better agenda, completing the story detailed in our series The ABCs of the AJP.  As we left the saga last summer, we noted that the effort to enact that agenda was Not Broken, Simply Unfinished.  Today we are updating that series to detail the following energy related elements of the IRA:

As President Biden noted yesterday, “Sometimes seem like nothing gets done in Washington . . . But the work of the government can be slow and frustrating and sometimes even infuriating.  Then the hard work of hours and days and months from people who refuse to give up pays off.  History is made.  Lives are changed.”  As of this writing, these sentiments may still be premature; one key Democrat—Senator Krysten Sinema from Arizona—has yet to signal her support for the IRA.  Her endorsement will be necessary in an evenly divided Congress on what is expected to be a highly partisan vote. 

Regardless, the coming days will prove decisive for the future of U.S. energy and climate policy and we will continue to update and supplement our coverage as the bill moves through the final stages of the legislative process.

英国政府承诺削减环保税,但天然气和电力供应商的代价是什么? //www.ludikid.com/2014/02/the-uk-government-pledges-to-cut-green-taxes-but-at-what-cost-to-gas-and-electricity-suppliers/ 内部能量 2014年2月7日星期五20:55:50 +0000 欧洲能源与气候政策 石油和天然气政策 CERT 生态 欧盟能源 欧盟 绿色能源税 英国能源 //www.ludikid.com/?p=1053



最近几个月,英国选择"调整" 其环保税,预计每年平均为家庭节省50英镑。这一直是一个高度政治化的问题,国内天然气和电力成本成为英国生活成本上升的主要因素。特别是,政府表示将调整能源公司义务计划(ECO),给大型能源供应商额外两年的时间来达到目标,并将计划的一些目标放宽33%,这取决于能源部的咨询结果。气候变化(DECC)。


In early 2014, the ECO consultation will propose the following diluted scheme, to try to reduce the burden on fuel costs:

  • Reducing the CERO target by 33%. The CSCO and AW targets for 2015 will remain the same.
  • Extending the ECO beyond 2015 to March 2017. The CERO, CSCO and AW targets will be set at 2015 levels giving energy suppliers more time in which to reach their targets.
  • Extending the CSCO element of ECO from the 15% to the 25% lowest income areas and simplifying the qualifying criteria.

This leaves a question about those suppliers who have already invested hard in hitting their targets, just to have these reduced, impacting on their relative competitiveness versus other suppliers.

The proposals will attempt to protect suppliers that have met their targets in three ways: (i) suppliers can carry forward any over-delivery against 2015 targets to count towards their 2017 targets; (ii) suppliers can carry forward their over-performance under the predecessor schemes CERT and CESP; and (iii) suppliers that have delivered substantial early progress against their current CERO target will also benefit from an uplift in scores for the measures delivered (plus, energy suppliers that fall short of their new 2015 targets will have their 2017 targets increased by the same multiple).

Normally, the UK’s big six energy companies are very astute to spot any regulatory change that impacts on them more onerously than on their close competitors. It remains to be seen how each will react to the finalised proposals, and the answer will largely depend on the outcome of the consultation.

The Energy Act 2011 is available at this link.
