内能环境 能源、商品和环境法律和政策开发 2022年12月5日Mon:55:45+00 en-US 时钟 一号 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.1.1&lxb_maple_bar_source=lxb_maple_bar_source https://insideenvironmentredesign.covingtonburlingblogs.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/47/2021/06/cropped-cropped-cropped-favicon-3-32x32.png 内能环境 32码 32码 持续高社会成本诉讼强调碳对拜顿政府气候议程的重要性 //www.ludikid.com/2022/03/continued-litigation-over-social-cost-of-carbon-emphasizes-its-importance-to-the-biden-administrations-climate-agenda/ Martin Levy和JohnMizerak Tue2022年3月29日 17:42:12+00 拜顿行政 碳市场、政策管理 碳定价 气候变化 社会成本碳 //www.ludikid.com/?p=7722 sc辅助成本效益分析监管行动并深入了解气候变化和温室气体排放减少的影响Continue Reading…

The Fifth Circuit recently allowed the federal government to resume use of the "social cost of carbon" (SCC), after a district court enjoined reliance on the metric earlier this year.  The SCC aids cost-benefit analysis of regulatory actions and can provide insights into the impacts of climate change and greenhouse gas emissions reductions.  The continued legal back and forth over the SCC demonstrates that it is a highly contested and important concept, supporting much of President Biden's climate agenda and with potential spillover effects for corporate carbon pricing.


The legal battles directly stem from an Executive Order President Biden issued on his first day in office, but continue a dispute that began in the last two presidential administrations.Executive Order 13990 re-established an Interagency Working Group (IWG)!指令发布SCC临时估计sCC使用并指令IWG继续开发SCC定值,原定于今年1月发布。 SCC定序部分本身响应Trump政府的行动,解散IWG并指令使用SCC估计值远低于Obama政府In February 2021, the Biden IWG issued the interim SCC, which returned to the Obama-era estimates as follows:

Source: Interagency Working Group on Social Cost of Greenhouse Gases

Litigation over the Biden SCC estimates and effects on the Federal Government

A host of state attorneys general immediately challenged the interim SCC in two separate lawsuits in Louisiana and Missouri.  Among other claims, these suits alleged the interim SCC failed to comply with the Administrative Procedure Act's notice-and-comment requirements, was arbitrary and capricious, and otherwise was enacted without statutory authorization.[1]  In February, a District Court Judge in the Western District of Louisiana hearing one of these challenges issued a preliminary injunction, prohibiting agencies from "adopting, employing, treating as binding, or relying upon" any SCC estimates that depart from those used in the Trump Administration.

This opinion immediately reverberated across the federal government.  In a motion to stay the injunction pending further appeal, the Justice Department wrote:

The consequences of the injunction are dramatic.  Pending rule-makings in separate agencies throughout the government—none of which were actually challenged here—will now be delayed.  Other agency actions may now be abandoned due to an inability to redo related environmental analyses in time to meet mandatory deadlines.[2]

In light of this injunction, a host of federal rulemakings, grants, and agency processes were delayed, including federal oil and gas leasing and grants made under a $2.3 billion program for capital-intensive transportation projects.  In court filings, the Justice Department further catalogued how the injunction was derailing federal operations dealing with climate change.  A declaration filed by a high ranking Office of Management and Budget (OMB) official documented disruptions to at least 21 rulemakings by the Department of Energy, 5 by Environmental Protection Agency, 9 by the Department of Transportation, and 3 by the Department of the Interior.[3]  The injunction would have forced the Transportation and Interior Departments to redo 60 and 27 environmental impact analyses, respectively.

Apart from its impact on agency rulemaking, the injunction threatened to implicate the White House's international climate efforts.  For instance, the United States engages in regular conversations with the Canadian government to align SCC measurements across borders.[4]  Multilateral discussions with the Asian Development Bank may also be affected, as its energy policy reviews often incorporate references to SCC measures.[5]  The Justice Department argued the injunction would impede this international cooperation.

On March 16th, the Fifth Circuit stayed the injunction pending appeal.  The Court primarily rested its decision on Plaintiff's lack of standing, noting the states' injuries are "merely hypothetical."[6]  Even if an agency did consider the SCC, it would only be one factor agencies consider "in determining when, what, and how to regulate or take agency action"[7]  The Fifth Circuit also considered the breadth of the impacts on government activities caused by the lower court's sweeping injunction.[8]

The SCC moving forward

The IWG will now continue its work as litigation challenging the SCC continues.  This includes the Louisiana proceeding and the Fifth Circuit's stay, as well as a pending 8th Circuit appeal of a Missouri district court decision, [9] which dismissed another challenge to the interim SCC for lack of both standing and ripeness.[10]

The IWG must still promulgate updated "final" SCC figures, which are expected to be higher than the interim ones based on President Obama's IWG.  It is unclear when this might occur: neither the White House nor OMB has issued an official update.  Prior to the injunction, however, OMB had already solicited and received detailed public comment on how to incorporate the latest peer reviewed science and economics literature into the new SCC measure.[11]  Since, technical experts across federal agencies had been synthesizing and summarizing this input, with the "goal of providing updated estimates in the next couple of months."[12]  Given delays caused by the litigation, it's uncertain if the Government intends to honor this timeline.  Additionally, the IWG had intended to subject their updated estimates to a peer review process and, to this end, EPA had published a request to nominate experts on January 25th.[13]

The IWG's work and the final SCC will be closely watched, both by the federal government and the private sector.  Under the SEC's recently proposed climate-disclosure rule, publicly registered companies that use an internal carbon price—i.e., an "estimated cost of carbon emissions used internally within an organization"—would be required to disclose the price per metric ton of carbon dioxide equivalent used, and the company's rationale for selecting that price.[14]  While not bound to do so, in setting internal carbon prices some companies may reference or even adopt the IWG's estimate of the SCC.  However, with the fate of the interim SCC unclear, and an array of carbon markets around the globe setting other prices on carbon, many companies may be less inclined to adopt the IWG's SCC in their internal carbon pricing.

[1] See, e.g., Complaint, Louisiana et al., v Biden et al., 21-CV-01074 (W.D.La提交日期为2021年4月22日ECF No.unfref2名称SUPDefs运动留置mm.,21-CV-01074公元前LA,2022年2月19日ECF编号103-1. > iat1920.

,22-30087,5th电路,3月16日2022,文件#005162341iden , 21-03013(8th电路)。

,21-CV-287,312021ECF Nogref12命名为'ftn12'
十二点知识即将到来欧盟碳边界调整机制 //www.ludikid.com/2021/06/twelve-things-to-know-about-the-upcoming-eu-carbon-border-adjustment-mechanism/ Candido García Molyneux、Peter Balás和Paul Mertenskötter 元2021年6月14日 21:40:04+00 碳市场、政策管理 ESG系统 欧洲能源和气候政策 碳边框调整机制 碳定价 排出泄漏 Europe绿色交易 世贸 //www.ludikid.com/?p=7539 p对齐表示'center'center'##p>欧盟委员会目前正在讨论一份有关碳边界调整机制规则的提案草案,预计将于2021年7月14日提交。Continue Reading…

The European Commission is currently discussing a draft of a proposal for a Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism ("CBAM") Regulation that it is expected to present on July 14, 2021.  A CBAM was already announced in the European Commission's Communication for a Green Deal  and is intended to protect the EU's domestic industry that is at risk of carbon leakage—to create a level playing field—and to serve as a policy tool to encourage third countries to reduce their greenhouse gas ("GHG") emissions.

The CBAM draft proposal is subject to intense negotiations among the different Directorates-General of the European Commission, and it is likely that it will be amended several times before the Commission finally presents it on July 14.  Nevertheless, the draft already suggests that the CBAM proposal will require importers of covered goods into the EU to purchase and surrender a number of CBAM certificates that reflect the goods' embedded emissions.依据欧洲议会s/www.europara.eu/doceo/document/TA-9-2021-0071_EN.html>决议 ,CBAM建议可能包含以下元素:

Produce: 此外,CBAM覆盖电量欧盟委员会将拥有增减覆盖区的权力,例如,它后可能包括纸张、玻璃和化学物,因为欧洲议会s/www.europa.eu/doceo/document/TA-9-2021-0071_EN.htmlCBAM管理局将保留所有授权声明者及其持有的CBAM证书部分公开注册表。 CBAM声明和证书:>/strong>每年5月31日前,授权声明者需向CBAM管理局提交CBAM声明,反映上个日历年所进口物品所嵌入的排放量和CBAM证书数与声明者交出进口物品所嵌总排放量相对应CBAM证书匹配一吨COsub>2 或等效温室气体排放嵌入经授权声明者进口的货物中。总则是CBAM证书数必须等于输入货物总嵌入式排放量。所申报的嵌入式排放必须由经CBAM管理局认证的独立验证者验证 。 Product碳脚本法: CBAM声明必须包含日历年所输入总量,以兆瓦时表示电量,用公吨表示其他货物乘以嵌入式排放The embedded emissions include direct and indirect (electricity) emissions released during the production of a goods.  They would also include the emissions of input products within the system boundaries that the Commission would define.  Neither the methodology nor other elements of the CBAM seem to take into account the different levels of development of countries across the globe, particularly in the developing world.  Depending on how this issue is ultimately addressed, the CBAM may raise questions of compliance with WTO law.
  • Emission Reduction Efforts in Third Countries: The draft CBAM proposal tries to take into account the emission reduction efforts of third countries where the imported goods are manufactured.Authorized declarants may claim a reduction in the number of CBAM certificates that they must surrender corresponding to the carbon price paid in the goods' country of origin.  This carbon price would be the amount paid in the third county in the form of a tax or emissions allowances under a GHG emissions trading system, which would have to be proved and certified.  The EU may conclude agreements with third countries in order to take into account their carbon pricing mechanisms.   The draft proposal does not seem to allow for taking into account measures other than taxes or cap-and trade systems to reduce emissions in third counties.
  • Continuation of Free Allowances for EU Sectors at Risk of Carbon Leakage and Adjustments to the CBAM Declaration: The draft CBAM proposal foresees that during an initial period to be specified, EU installations at risk of carbon leakage would continue to receive free allowances under the EU ETS.在此期间,授权声明者必须上交的CBAM证书将减少以反映继续向欧盟国内产业分配免费津贴的程度有必要作此调整,以确保CBAM符合WTO法律。
  • pricesCBAM证书: CBAM证书价格将反映EUETS准值价格The CBAM Authority would be empowered to sell CBAM certificates to authorized declarants at a price reflecting the average weekly closing price of all auctions of the EU ETS allowances.  Arguably, authorized declarants would be able to purchase the CBAM certificates any time before the surrendering date, but the CBAM authority would only be required to repurchase the declarant's excess certificates to a maximum of 10% of all the certificates purchased by the declarant during the prior year.  All other certificates in excess of 10% would be canceled each year at the end of the reporting year.  The wording of the draft proposal seems to suggest that authorized declarants would not be able to sell their CBAM certificates to other authorized declarants or third parties.
  • Penalties: Authorized declarants that fail to surrender by May 31 of each year a number of CBAM certificates corresponding to the embedded emissions in their imported goods or that submit false information would be liable to a penalty equivalent to three times the prior year's average price of CBAM certificates that the declarant failed to surrender.
  • Transitional Period: The draft CBAM proposal also foresees an initial transitional period of three years.During this period, customs authorities of the Member States would have to ensure that declarants of covered imported goods and electricity pay a CBAM price.  This CBAM price would reflect the average weekly price of the EU ETS allowance, multiplied by the embedded emissions of the imported goods, which would be calculated on the basis of the default values that reflect the average (rather than the worst 10%) emissions of the EU-based production of similar goods, unless the third country can demonstrate that the average emission intensity of a product in the third country is lower.
  • Not a Tax: The European Commission seems determined to ensure that the CBAM is not a tax under EU law, in order to facilitate the European Parliament's and Council's adoption of the CBAM Regulation through the ordinary legislative procedure without the need for unanimity among the Member States.  The CBAM Regulation would be based on Article 192(1) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (e., the clause to adopt EU environmental legislation), which also raises a question about the extent to which Member States could create their own CBAMs to cover additional industrial sectors.
  • Ordinary Legislative Procedure: As indicated above, once the Commission presents its proposed CBAM Regulation, the proposal would have to go through the ordinary legislative procedure in the Parliament and Council.  This process is likely to take at least one year (and on overage it would take over 18 months) and will provide Member States and Members of the European Parliament with the opportunities to introduce significant changes.  This procedure will also provide industry, trade associations, and third countries with opportunities to influence the wording of the CBAM Regulation that the EU finally adopts.
  • In addition to the details of the CBAM Regulation yet to be concluded by the EU, it also remains to be seen how the EU's pending efforts to adopt the CBAM will affect other international carbon pricing and climate mitigation efforts.  However, the timing of the EU's movement on the CBAM is significant in the context of the G7 Communiqué from the Cornwall meeting, which "acknowledge[s] the risk of carbon leakage" and "recognise[s] the potential of high integrity carbon markets and carbon pricing to foster cost-efficient reductions in emissions levels, drive innovation and enable a transformation to net zero."  These actions provide important fodder for the prospect of a more significant international agreement on carbon pricing as momentum continues to build toward the Glasgow COP 26 in November.

    开绿灯碳定价:加拿大最高法院支持《温室气体污染定价法》 //www.ludikid.com/2021/03/canada-given-green-light-to-carbon-pricing-the-supreme-court-of-canada-upholds-the-greenhouse-gas-pollution-pricing-act/ 凯文波隆卡兹和泰勒威廉斯 2021年3月30日14:23:40+00 碳市场、政策管理 开关交易 碳定价 气候变化 ESG系统 可持续性 //www.ludikid.com/?p=7411 p对齐='Center'###p>2021年3月25日,加拿大最高法院维护《温室气体污染定价法》(《GGPPA法》),该法为温室气体排放设定了国家标定基准参考温室气体污染定价法,案例号38663、38781和39116数省对法律提出质疑,认为违宪并强制实施Continue Reading… s/laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/G1155/scc-csc/scc-csc/en/item/18781/index.do几个省对法律提出质疑,认为违宪并非法课税维护加拿大联邦物价方案合宪性的决定有力地确认有必要对跨辖区碳排放规定统一价位,并对美国企业和决策者产生一些重要的“超拍”效果。 TruedLaw :根据GPPA,加拿大各省必须各自选择实施明确的碳价位,到2022年至少提高到50C$或参加帽间交易程序由化石燃料税和基于输出的工业设施定价系统组成省方案达不到碳物价基准时, 联邦支持站会补充或顶点省系统 。



    Jeffation :在6-3裁决中,最高法院判定GGPPA合宪性,裁定建立国家温室气体定价底线是联邦权限处理气候变化问题的必要行使。

    它还指出,温室气体排放就其性质而言,对省际协调构成具体挑战。The Court observed that, absent a federal pricing floor, any province's failure to implement a sufficiently stringent pricing mechanism could undermine the efficacy of GHG pricing everywhere due to the risk of carbon "leakage," i.e., that emissions reductions occurring in any given province would be offset, as emissions and business activity migrate to provinces implementing weaker programs.

    Responding to arguments that the GGPPA amounted to federal infringement upon traditional provincial arenas, including a province's control over its natural resources, the Court emphasized the law's design as a "backstop." It noted that the GHG pricing floor is not imposed on provinces with established, "sufficiently stringent GHG pricing system[s]." By virtue of this design, the GGPPA affords provinces "the flexibility to design their own policies to meet emissions reductions targets." Moreover, to the extent the GGPPA infringes upon traditional provincial arenas, the majority viewed this "limited constitutional impact" as "justified" in light of the irreversible harms posed by climate change, which will be "borne disproportionality by vulnerable communities and regions."

    Finally, the Court held that the GGPPA's fuel and excess emission charges are "constitutionally valid regulatory charges," not taxes.3位持异见法官均对GGPPA造成政府内部不平衡表示担忧。科泰大法官同意多数人的意见,即气候变化构成国家关注问题,但认为议会-非行政部门-应负责处理该问题。布朗大法官与罗大法官同意省政府GPA构成联邦超量他们解释说,法律威胁加拿大联邦体系结构,允许国家政府做出更宜留待各省作决定。

    pem>Upshot :美国企业和决策者注意到这项决定有几个原因:

    • First为联邦基准开脱,并部分侵入省政府对脆弱社区,包括土著人民将法院裁决环境司法置于应对气候变化努力中心In this respect, it affirms the stature that the Biden-Harris Administration has accorded environmental justice as a critical component of its climate strategy, including in its Day One executive order and initial efforts to re-establish the social cost of carbon pollution.
    • Second, in holding that the risk of carbon leakage warrants a minimum national price, the Court recognizes the fundamental dilemma for any jurisdiction embarking on carbon pricing in the absence of assurances that its neighbors won't undercut its competitiveness.加拿大支持解决碳渗漏问题,同时尊重省政府实验不同碳定价机制,并在此方面可提供实用模式供联邦政策框架使用,既适应又支持已经推进某种形式的碳定价的州的努力。
    • 第三批,认为联邦基准不是一种税,而是一种旨在减少排放的合法监管收费,多数法院的裁决与一个重要的最后,裁决可能重新聚焦于可能对美国出口应用碳边界调整总统气候问题特使John Kerry最近敦促欧洲联盟(EU)延缓拟议的碳边界调整机制,cap-and-tradebase FERC碳定价会议集 //www.ludikid.com/2020/06/ferc-carbon-pricing-conference-set/ 内部能源 Thu, 18 Jun 2020 18:15:58+00 碳市场、政策管理 电网 碳定价 电商市场 FERC //www.ludikid.com/?p=7269 p对齐='Center'##p>联邦能源监管委员会(FERC)计划于2020年9月30日召开一次会议讨论有组织批发电市场碳定价问题。根据会议通知,会议的目的是讨论“考虑州采用机制向FERC司法批发电市场支付二氧化碳排放物价.”。会议应该是.Continue Reading…

      The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has scheduled a conference on September 30, 2020 regarding carbon pricing in organized wholesale electricity markets.  According to the conference notice, the purpose is to discuss "considerations related to state adoption of mechanisms to price carbon dioxide emissions…in regions with FERC-jurisdictional organized wholesale electricity markets."  This conference should be of significant interest to a wide range of market participants and their investors, plus consumers of electricity, state policymakers and other diverse interests.

      Although not mentioned in FERC's notice, a diverse group of stakeholders filed a request with FERC in April to convene a conference to discuss "integrating state, regional, and national carbon pricing in organized regional wholesale electric energy markets."  As discussed in an earlier post to this blog, the group did not ask FERC to direct carbon pricing but instead to gather a wide range of stakeholders to discuss the technical and implementation issues raised by incorporating carbon pricing policies into those markets.

      Wholesale electricity markets operators are grappling with how to reconcile wholesale markets with state carbon reduction policies without interfering with competitive market price signals.  Carbon pricing could alter the economic dispatch of resources to prioritize less carbon-intensive resources and displace more carbon-intensive resources.  This has a bearing on FERC's jurisdictional scope, such as how wholesale markets function and their prices.

      The FERC conference will be held either in-person or electronically.  An agenda for the conference was not included in FERC's notice.  Supplemental notices will be issued prior to the conference.

      FERC碳定价会议 //www.ludikid.com/2020/04/ferc-carbon-pricing-conference-urged/ 内部能源 Mon,20Apr202016:05:21+00 电网 碳定价 FERC 区域传输组织 //www.ludikid.com/?p=7208 p对齐='Center'###p>多利害相关方集团向联邦能源监管委员会提交请求,请求召集公共大会讨论将碳定价纳入美国组织化区域批发电商市场集团表示它不是要求FERC直接碳定价,而是集合广大利害相关方Continue Reading… p对齐='Center's'#p/p>a多利害相关方集团向联邦能源监管委员会提交请求,请求召集公共大会讨论将碳定价纳入美国spani=More-7208++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++能源策略倡导者环境倡导者以及天然气供应商贸易集团 。 广大市场参与者及其投资者,加上电商、州决策员和其他各种利益集团,应该对这项请求有极大兴趣 。

      Advocates of the conference expect that carbon pricing could alter the economic dispatch of resources to prioritize less carbon-intensive resources and displace more carbon-intensive resources.  This has a bearing on FERC's jurisdictional scope, such as how wholesale markets function and their prices.

      The request says that the unique features of organized wholesale electricity markets present an opportunity for integrating policies that directly price carbon emissions into energy market operation.  Carbon pricing in those markets could further state policies while preserving the benefits of market-based approaches to electric energy markets.

      The aim of the conference would be to start a dialogue among a broad range of stakeholders and interested parties regarding the opportunities and challenges associated with integrating carbon pricing into the organized wholesale markets.

      Among the broad issues suggested to be addressed at the technical conference are:

      • The mechanisms for pricing carbon on a state, regional, or national level.
      • How the costs of carbon emissions and other pollutants are already incorporated into wholesale markets, and how these experiences inform ways to integrate a carbon price into the markets and achieve efficient market operation.
      • The potential for carbon pricing to create regulatory certainty and incentives for financing resources that further state environmental goals as well as maintain reliability and cost effective customer service.
      • The relative merits, practical issues and obstacles to incorporating carbon prices into the wholesale markets.

      The request for technical conference includes a suggested detailed conference agenda organized around stakeholder-specific panels for the following groups: (1) state and regional greenhouse gas initiative officials, (2) RTO representatives, (3) stakeholders and experts representing load, generation, renewable and advanced technologies, environmental and other interests, and (4) states.

      There is no deadline for FERC to act on the request and no requirement that it act on the request at all.
