内能环境 能源、商品和环境法律和政策开发 2022年10月18日 17:24:09+00 en-US 时钟 一号 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.1.1&lxb_maple_bar_source=lxb_maple_bar_source https://insideenvironmentredesign.covingtonburlingblogs.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/47/2021/06/cropped-cropped-cropped-favicon-3-32x32.png 内能环境 32码 32码 Volkswagen请求最高法院澄清国家在规范制造商售后车辆行为方面的作用 //www.ludikid.com/2021/04/volkswagen-asks-the-supreme-court-to-clarify-the-role-of-states-in-regulating-a-manufacturers-post-sale-vehicle-conduct/ 强米泽拉克 2021年4月21日Wed22:30:21+00 交通策略 清洁空气法 车辆排放 大众汽车 //www.ludikid.com/?p=7421 p对齐=scenterHillsborough县环境保护委员会。 受挑战第九电路决策,如果允许站立,会对联邦机动车排放规则管理以及针对汽车制造商的执法行动产生重大影响。后台程序多自大众公司安装增排Continue Reading…

Briefing for certiorari has recently completed in Volkswagen v.Environmental Protection Commission of Hillsborough County.  The challenged Ninth Circuit decision, if permitted to stand, could have significant effects on federal administration of motor vehicle emissions regulations, and enforcement actions against auto manufacturers.


The suit is one of many stemming from Volkswagen's installation of emissions-increasing software in nearly 600,000 passenger cars sold in the United States.  As relevant here, Volkswagen installed new and updated software after the vehicles were sold and in the hands of customers, effectuated through voluntary recalls and servicing provided when the vehicles were brought in for normal maintenance.  This post-sale conduct implicates the "tampering" prohibitions under the federal Clean Air Act and many similar state laws, both of which generally forbid actions to remove or disable emissions control components after a vehicle has been delivered to the ultimate purchaser.  See, e.g., 42 USC 7522(a)(3)(A).

The United States and the State of California brought suit against Volkswagen, which ended in settlement.  These settlements did not cover claims from other state or local governments however.  Two counties subsequently brought suit against the manufacturer alleging that, inter alia, the post-sale software modifications were violations of state tampering laws.  The Ninth Circuit ruled in favor of the counties, permitting the suits to proceed.

The Dispute

Volkswagen claims that the federal government (and California)[1] have the exclusive right to regulate its post-sale conduct, and that the suits by the counties are therefore preempted.  The mobile source provisions of the Clean Air Act prohibit states from enforcing standards "relating to" emissions controls in "new motor vehicles," but preserves their right to "control, regulate, [and] restrict the use, operation, [and] movement" of vehicles already licensed in commerce.  42 USC § 7543(a), (d).  The Ninth Circuit read these provisions in combination to permit states to enforce tampering violations that occur after the vehicle has been manufactured and is in the hands of customers.  It also concluded that allowing states to bring these suits would not undermine the congressional goal of national uniformity in administration of motor vehicle rules by EPA.

Volkswagen's argument to the contrary, and its emphasis in its request that the Supreme Court hear the case, rests on the fact that the post-sale software modifications were instituted on a fleet wide basis:  That is, all vehicles which were eligible for the modification were expected to receive it, and the modification would affect each vehicle in the same way.  The mobile source preemption provisions were drafted in part in order to prevent manufacturers from having to deal with a patchwork of potentially inconsistent state emissions requirements.  Fleet wide post-sale changes instituted for a 50-state market, Volkswagen argues, should thus also be subject only to a uniform, national standard, administered by EPA.

Despite the potential disruption the ruling could have to EPA's primacy over mobile source regulation, however, the federal government has not offered its views in the suit,[2] previously turning down the opportunity before the Ninth Circuit.


Unless the Supreme Court hears the case, the Ninth Circuit's decision has the potential to affect both regulatory compliance regime for motor vehicles, as well as enforcement cases brought against manufacturers in the future.

With respect to the former, it could open up and introduce uncertainty into a process that has, to date, taken place largely between the manufacturer, EPA, and the California Air Resources Board (CARB).  As Volkswagen and several amici note in their certiorari submissions, manufacturers routinely implement fleet-wide model updates after a vehicle is placed in service to address an issue or improve performance.  Because of the risk that these changes to a vehicle's certified configuration could constitute tampering (even if the intent behind them is to address a legitimate issue), manufacturers sometimes submit these updates, referred to as "running changes" and "field fixes," to EPA and CARB to preview any issues.  If the 49 other states may now enforce their own views on whether the proposed model updates constitute tampering, manufacturers may be forced to change their practices, such as by generating a more defined record to defend any particular change, or seeking assurances from additional regulatory bodies that the proposed changes do not present an issue.  All these have the potential to delay the in-use update process.

The ruling could also expose manufacturers to "copycat" suits going forward.  Given the sophistication of their regulatory programs, EPA and CARB will likely continue to lead enforcement in this area.  But, as occurred in the Volkswagen matter, the resolution of any action is unlikely to include a release that covers other states so long as they are not a party.  States and their subdivisions could bring suit for the same conduct.  Indeed, as Volkswagen points out, one of the county plaintiffs in the Ninth Circuit ruling up for review has filed suit against Daimler in the wake of Daimler's own recent settlement with the U.S.加利福尼亚州关于击败设备控件。

> >#ftnref1name=>#ftn1>>>[1]>/a>承认加利福尼亚州在机动车辆污染控制方面的领先地位,Clean Activity允许加利福尼亚州在EPA放弃优先区时对新机动车实施更严格的标准,EPA只能在有限情况下拒绝实施。§ 7543(b). 加利福尼亚州一旦获准免免责后,任何其他州都可采用相同的标准。 见d.s/em>§7507.s/p
奥巴马政府发布spring规程 //www.ludikid.com/2015/06/obama-administration-releases-spring-regulatory-agenda/ 加里S古济市 2015年6月5日Frii12:30:16+00 非分类化 清洁空气法 清洁电源规划 净水法 臭氧 //www.ludikid.com/?p=1868 springUnityOctive提供更多细节说明总统依赖执行行动执行能源和环境倡议策略日程发布说明政府即将按规程采取的行动Continue Reading… spring统一议程 提供更多细节说明总统依赖执行行动执行能源和环境倡议的战略议程发布说明政府即将按规则采取的行动-即当国会推回政府关于移民与伊朗核会谈等其他热按钮题的活动时实现-ss/www.inside Energyandense.com/2014/01/president-obamas-state-union-contispring议程中包括一系列政治争议规则,拟在夏季和秋季定稿,等待政治进程或司法挑战可能引起的任何修改。

i规程设定州专用二氧化碳排放目标及州守法指南EPA预测,到2030年,根据条例进行的州级改革将使CO2 从2005年水平在全国下降30%79 Fed.瑞格34829,34832(2014年6月18日) 2013年总统备忘录最初要求2015年6月发布日期,但根据议程,规则现将于8月某个日期定稿规则最终发布定在同月完成新电厂、改型电厂和重构电厂的温室气体标准8月综合规范最终定案将同国会夏季休课同时并发 。

Also在空气和辐射战线上,EPA正按期发布经修订的臭氧标准,供公众健康和福利使用EPA自2000年代中期开始逐步修订标准,从0.800分/百万分数下降2008年Columbia巡回上诉法院维护订正公众健康标准0.075ppm,但还押EPA进一步审查相同的修订福利标准EPA正修改初级和二级标准新低值0.065-0.070 ppm,面向儿童、老年人、哮喘和其他肺病患者等“危难者”。79 Fed.瑞格7523375233617,2014年 新标准近期内将增加非实现区数,已经引起立法者注意。俄克拉荷马州参议员Jim Inhofe(R),参院环境与公共工程委员会主席,79 Fed.瑞格590225902330,2014年 与二氧化碳和臭氧规则形成对比的是,租赁程序迄今基本高于政治冲突BLM希望规则能帮助机构“促进负责任的太阳能和风能开发并获取公平市场价值用于开发。”

7月将提出更新数十年标准的建议, 以减少近海水井天然气排空、燃烧和泄漏The proposed rule is expected to "establish requirements and incentives to reduce waste of gas and clarify when royalties apply to lost gas." The final action date is currently set for June 2016.

Other agency actions set for this summer include:

  • A June final rule revising 1983 water quality standards
  • A June notice of proposed rulemaking determining whether greenhouse gas emissions from aircraft contribute to dangerous air pollution
  • A June advanced notice of proposed rulemaking, concurrent with the proposed determination on greenhouse gas emissions from aircraft, which provides an overview of the International Civil Aviation Organization's efforts to establish greenhouse gas emission standards and, if necessitated by a concurrent finding that aircraft emissions contribute to dangerous air pollution, ways in which those standards can be implemented domestically
  • A June notice of proposed rulemaking establishing a second set of greenhouse gas emission standards for post-2018 model medium and heavy-duty vehicles
  • A July final rule establishing new source performance standards and reviewing risk and technology in the petroleum refinery sector
  • July notices of proposed rulemaking regulating hazardous material transportation by rail and pipeline
  • An August notice of proposed rulemaking regulating oil and gas operations within a National Wildlife Refuge System.
  • A September final rule providing new national emission standards for aluminum reduction plants

The flurry of upcoming activity comes on the heels of the finalization of the "Waters of the United States" rule on May 27, 2015.规则定义s/www.insideEnergyandense.com/2014/04/epa-and-acoe-propose-new-ruce-clarity-the-term-waters/反对者辩称,这有违国会和最高法院设置的限制规则最终定案可能是春季议程中首个政治争议性行动,但不是最后行动 。

adm Margulies办公室和耶鲁法学院学生