Shara Aranoff内部能源和环境 // 能源、商品和环境法律和政策开发 Tue 2022年10月18日 17:16:24+00 en-US 时钟 一号 Shara Aranoff内部能源和环境 // 32码 32码 总统法案禁止东南亚太阳能电池模块输入关税 // Shara Aranoff、Alexander Chinoy、William IsasiAndrew Jack和Jay Smith Thu, 09Jun2022 00:01:22+00 拜顿行政 中国 国际贸易和供应链 太阳系 AD/CVD 反倾销 规避 反补贴税 宣布紧急 国防生产法 商务部 导入 东南亚 收费 // p对齐表示"中心点"++/p太阳能工业近几个月来 美国太阳产业一直处在生存危机中,这是威胁对很大一部分美国征收回溯未来关税所触发的导入物危机始于2022年4月1日 商业部Continue Reading… p对齐=scenter太阳能工业

太阳产业一直处在生存危机中,这是威胁对很大一部分美国征收回溯未来关税所触发的导入物2022年4月1日启动危机时商务部启动调查以确定柬埔寨、马来西亚、泰国和越南的太阳能电池和模块是否绕过中国太阳能电池的反倾销税这些国家的太阳能电池大都占美国约80%2020年太阳模块导入量 。>#ftref1>[1] AD/CVD关税威胁触发东南亚太阳能电池和模块进口锐减并引起部分美国span>总统响应 2022年6月6日发布紧急声明§1318,并发布根据1950年国防生产法第303节修正(50 U.S.C.§4533 (Deptismation) >[5]声明发现紧急事件“威胁充足发电能力”,授权商务部暂停对柬埔寨、马来西亚、泰国和越南的太阳能电池模块收费24个月,而DCP确定旨在24个月中扩展太阳能电池的国内生产能力”。声明本身并不妨碍对东南亚国家进口太阳能电池和模块征收关税,而是授权商务大臣“采取适当行动”,允许免关税输入太阳能电池和模块24个月318(a)节表示:

blockque=wp-blockqute..商务部秘书..允许,根据诸如秘书等条例..may prescribe, the importation free of duty of food, clothing, and medical, surgical, and other supplies for use in emergency relief work.[7]

While rarely invoked, section 318(a) was recently used by President Trump to reduce certain burdens on the importation of personal protective equipment during the COVID-19 pandemic.[8] There are other examples of prior Administrations suspending imports tariffs under this provision.[9]

In addition to issuing the Declaration, President Biden invoked the Defense Production Act for solar cells and modules, as well as for: insulation, electric heat pumps, transformers (and electric grid components), electrolyzers, fuel cells, and platinum group metals.The White House indicated that the DPA Determination is intended to: accelerate domestic production of clean energy technologies, including solar panel parts and put the full power of federal procurement to work spurring additional domestic solar manufacturing capacity by directing the development of master supply agreements, including "super preference" status.[10]

The President's emergency action does not impact existing AD/CVD tariffs on imports of solar cells and modules from mainland China and Taiwan including such modules assembled in jurisdictions other than mainland China or Taiwan using cells from mainland China or Taiwan.

What Can We Expect from Commerce?

On the same day the Declaration was issued, Commerce issued a press release in which Secretary Raimondo indicated that Commerce "will issue regulations to temporarily permit for up to 24 months duty-free access to solar cells and modules from Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam." The Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Enforcement and Compliance, Lisa Wang, who is responsible for AD/CVD determinations, similarly stated: "no solar cells or modules imported from Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam will be subject to new antidumping or countervailing duties during the period of the emergency."[11]

Commerce is expected to formalize the moratorium on these AD/CVD tariffs through a regulation.鉴于这一行动的紧急性质,商业界很可能在2022年8月29日初步判定日期前数日或数周发布这项条例而不通知和评论。




在24个月紧急状态到期后进口关税水平方面比较不确定(或总统似乎不太可能结束紧急状态时更快)。商业发现规避后,从柬埔寨、马来西亚、泰国和越南等地对太阳能电池模块立即实施关税,目前尚不清楚该点可适用什么率。通常,外国出口商和生产者能够参加对AD/CVD指令的行政审查,以建立自己的公司特有收费率,而不是支付全局AD/CVD通用收费率,根据中国指令,总收费率约为250%(合并计算)。尚不清楚商务是否会允许东南亚国家出口商/生产商在紧急情况下参加评审,因为预计它们的商品在进口时不受关税约束。2024年中 假设紧急端太阳能产业发现极高AD/CVD收费威胁再次锐减美国太阳能电池和模块的供应市场

理解总统或商务对太阳能电池或对太阳能电池模块导入的潜在关税风险对贵公司很重要,Covington完全有条件提供帮助manbext网页版We have a group of attorneys who are well versed in these trade laws and have decades of experience helping clients navigate the tariff risks created by AD/CVD orders.

*           *           *

If you have any questions concerning the material discussed, please contact the following members of our International Trade and Energy practices: Shara Aranoff, Alexander Chinoy, William Isasi, Andy Jack, and Jay Smith.

[1] Letter from Sen.海因里希森Lujan RepStansbury和Repfernández呼叫Biden总统(5月9日2022日)。

BloombergKeith Goldberg,服务表示太阳关税检验延迟煤闭合 ,Law360(5月4日2022日)unem>N.M国会民主党传讯拜顿总统加速关税调查工作,新墨西哥投资 , (5月13日2022年).

>[3]Evan Halper,白屋Spur太阳产业步骤 WashPost (June 6, 2022), ("Several Democratic senators expressed alarm on a call with top White House officials late last month, during which they pressured the White House to intervene.").

[4] White House, Declaration of Emergency and Authorization for Temporary Extensions of Time and Duty-Free Importation of Solar Cells and Modules from Southeast Asia (June 6, 2022).

[5] White House, Memorandum on Presidential Determination Pursuant to Section 303 of the Defense Production Act of 1950, as amended, on Solar Photovoltaic Modules and Module Components (June 6, 2022).

[6] White House, Memorandum on Presidential Determination Pursuant to Section 303 of the Defense Production Act of 1950, as amended, on Solar Photovoltaic Modules and Module Components (June 6, 2022) ("the Secretary shall consider taking appropriate action under section 1318(a) of title 19, United States Code . . . .").

[7] (empahsis added)  While the text of this provision references the "Secretary of the Treasury," the notes clarify that the provision today applies to the Secretary of Commerce who is the official that administers U.S.AD/CVD法例.

>[8] 白屋公告13, 2020.)

公告2545, 自由输入错误比夫美利坚合众国总统:公告 7Fed瑞格2611年4月7,1942号总统罗斯福发布公告授权免关税向波多黎各输入自来牛肉以避免波多黎各饥荒)。

商务部关于拜顿总统太阳电池和模块公告 的声明(6月6日2022),

Suniva请求为美国提供全球保障太阳能产业第201节 // Shara Aranoff和John K维罗内乌 2017年5月16日17:16:07+00 净零能 太阳系 // s基础太阳能制造商Suniva公司2017年4月26日向美国提交全球保障请求国际贸易委员会Suniva特别请求对太阳能电池收费,并为输入美国的太阳模块确定最低价请求提交Continue Reading… p对齐=suniva公司请求全局保障使用U.S国际贸易委员会 Suniva特别请求对太阳能电池收费,并为输入美国的太阳模块确定最低价请求书依据1974年贸易法第201节提交在整个过程期间,受影响方将拥有多重机会,不仅向ITC提交观点,而且还向Trump政府提交观点,后者将对ITC建议的任何救济有最后决定权。

sunivaRetocte suniva提交第201节请愿书具体地说 ITC和美国商务部先前对中国和台湾的太阳能电池和模块强制征收反倾销反补贴税,这些关税仍然有效 。


关于持续时间,Suniva请求ITC建议总统强制实施四年全球保障-最长法定时间请求减免是进口太阳能电池初始税率4.0瓦特,以及太阳能模块初始最小价0.78瓦特初步收费率在拟议的四年时间表中略微下降Reports suggest that under current market conditions, the price of imported solar modules would roughly double if Suniva's request were granted.

Section 201 Investigations

In a Section 201 investigation, the ITC must determine whether an article is being imported "in such increased quantities as to be a substantial cause of serious injury, or the threat thereof, to the domestic industry producing an article like or directly competitive with the imported article." If the ITC issues an affirmative injury determination, it recommends a remedy to the President, who ultimately decides what remedy, if any, will be imposed.

The ITC is currently reviewing Suniva's petition to determine whether it was "properly filed" in accordance with its rules.依据法规,请求书必须包含具体的辅助信息,包括导入数据、国内生产数据以及显示所称伤害的数据初始审查完成后,ITC将决定是否启动调查并发布决定通知Federal注册 .

/p>在审议对国内产业的伤害(或威胁伤害)期间,以及在随后任何补救阶段,都举行公开听证会。相关方和消费者, 包括代表消费者权益的任何协会, 都可出席、提交证据并交叉质询其他演讲者。

伤害阶段必须在提交申请后120天内结束,万一确定为肯定伤害,ITC在补救阶段结束时向总统提交一份报告,其中载有调查结果和建议。报表必须在请愿提交后180天内提交 。

经济安全利益以及其他成文因素此外,跨行业集团必须向总统建议应采取的行动跨机构小组-由美国主持Trade Representative and including the Secretaries of Commerce, State, Agriculture, Labor, and the Treasury—will request public comments following an affirmative injury determination by the ITC.

*           *           *

In his recently released 2017 Trade Policy Agenda, President Trump emphasized that the "safeguard" provisions of Section 201 "can be a vital tool for industries needing temporary relief from imports to become more competitive." While it remains to be seen what actions the Administration may take in response to the results of the ITC's Section 201 investigation, Suniva's petition appears designed to capitalize upon the Administration's stated interest in strictly enforcing U.S.贸易补救法, 增强国家制造基础, 保护家庭工作免损失视结果而定,受益者不仅可以包括Suniva,还可以包括与太阳能行业竞争的传统能源部门。
