Michael Rebuck内部能源和环境 //www.ludikid.com/author/mrebuck/ 能源、商品和环境法律和政策开发 2018年8月7日 en-US 时钟 一号 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.1.1&lxb_maple_bar_source=lxb_maple_bar_source https://insideenvironmentredesign.covingtonburlingblogs.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/47/2021/06/cropped-cropped-cropped-favicon-3-32x32.png Michael Rebuck内部能源和环境 //www.ludikid.com/author/mrebuck/ 32码 32码 电动车辆充电基础设施国家投资 //www.ludikid.com/2018/06/state-investments-in-electric-vehicle-charging-infrastructure/ Michael Rebuck公司 2018年6月23日sat12:12:58+00 非分类化 电工 运输 //www.ludikid.com/?p=6877 p对齐='center'###/p>各种研究表明,全面缺乏收费基础设施会阻碍电动车辆的广泛使用通向交通电气化路经数大州投资后正式开工5月底 最大单州级EV收费基础Continue Reading… p对齐='center's'##p/p>

各种研究表明,全面缺乏收费基础设施会阻碍电动车辆的广泛使用通向交通电气化的道路正正式建设中 数大州投资 5月底时 加利福尼亚公共事业委员会批准了超过7.6亿美元的交通电气化项目CPUCss.cpuc.ca.gov/PublishedDocs/Published/G000/M215/K3803804.24.PDF目标='blank'reFD还批准回扣San DigoGas & Elective客房客户在家中安装多达60 000 240伏充电站并授权PG&E建设234DC快速收费站 。

除委员会行动表示的总开支和由此产生的排减量外,拟议决策还值得注意它所推进的政策优先级 。例如,它明确地优先为加利福尼亚弱势社区创建电气化相关福利 。 (授权立法SB350发现,“扩展交通电气化需要增加弱势社区访问量 。..并增加使用这些社区..to enhance air quality, lower greenhouse gases emissions, and promote overall benefits to those communities" § 740.12(a)(1)(C) (De Leon)).  Accordingly, the CPUC focused on promoting construction of charging infrastructure in DACs.   For example, the PG&E fast charging program will target construction in DACs by providing up to $25,000 per DC fast charger in rebates to cover a portion of the charger cost for sites located in DACs.

The CPUC also prioritizes the survival of non-utility charging competition.  For example, the Proposed Decision eliminates utility ownership of the charging infrastructure on the customer side of the meter in the SDG&E residential charging program.此外,PG&E和SCE中重程序公共事业将拥有准备基础设施,但不拥有电车供应设备公共事业局则允许客户选择自己的EVSE模型、EVSE安装商和网络服务提供商。

CPUC注意到允许公共事业局拥有电气化基础设施直到EVSE stub点的若干好处。首先,委员会发现,“收费基础局的实用所有权比替代所有制模型大增成本。” 相反,限制公共事业局控股设备允许以相同(或较低)收费支付者成本建设更多收费基础局第二,它允许私人方竞争和创新,这将提高收费技术并降低成本非实用性竞赛解决了“分块成本”恐惧问题,因为私人方将承担新生收费技术的风险。




On the federal level, energy-related projects could be eligible for the $20 billion "Transformative Projects Program" announced by the Trump administration in February.  However, President Trump recently remarked that his infrastructure plan will likely have to wait until after this year's midterm elections.  In the meantime, states have shown that they are more than willing to take the lead in investing in transportation electrification infrastructure.  (In related news this week, Colorado's decision to move toward adopting California's greenhouse gas emissions standards for light-duty vehicles represents a parallel and noteworthy development, further indicating leadership and action from states focused on developing advanced vehicle technology.)  It's also notable that in addition to utility commission activity, states are also expressing support for advanced vehicle technology While the states have certainly taken a lead, their investments also complement significant action in the private sector, including the recent effort to stand up the Transportation Electrification Accord.  See our recent post on that subject, and continue to follow Inside Energy and Environment for continued updates on this subject.
