Lasse Luecke内部能源和环境 // 能源、商品和环境法律和政策开发 wed20232月15 22:23:41+00 en-US 时钟 一号 Lasse Luecke内部能源和环境 // 32码 32码 欧盟新强制碳信用披露认证规则 // Candido García Molyneux、Lauren Gluzman、Paul Mertenskötter、Rosa Oyarzabal和Lasse Luecke wed20232月15 21:51:28+00 碳市场、政策管理 欧洲能源和气候政策 碳清除 净零 偏移 巴黎协议 可持续性 自愿碳市场 // p对齐=centercenter###p>United United Nations(EU)正接近对使用碳信用的公司采用强制规则这两项监管举措密切相关,实际上,委员会正在考虑通过的ESRS草案要求主体实体披露通过碳信用额供资的温室气体清除和温室气体缓解项目...Continue Reading…

The European Union ("EU") is coming closer to adopting mandatory rules for companies that use carbon credits.

  • First, the European Parliament and Council are considering for adoption a Commission for a Regulation on a Carbon Removal Certification Framework ("CRCF Regulation Proposal").

These two regulatory initiatives are closely tied to each other.  In effect, the draft ESRS that the Commission is considering for adoption require subject entities to disclose GHG removals and GHG mitigation projects financed through carbon credits.

The EU's aim of regulating carbon credits coincides with its push for carbon neutrality by 2050, and a related significant proliferation of companies publicly committing to achieve "net-zero" emissions by mid-century, which has triggered an uptick in strategic purchases of carbon credits in the voluntary carbon market ("VCM").The CRCF Regulation Proposal and the upcoming ESRS will help to expand sustainable and verified carbon removals and encourage investment in technological innovation.   

Companies turning to the VCM to reach their net zero goals, and others active in the generation, trading, and use of carbon credits, will want to follow these initiatives closely.  Opportunities remain for companies to express views that may shape the final contours of these regulations.

We discuss these developments and opportunities for public comment below. 

Regulation for a Carbon Removal Certification Framework

The European Parliament and Council are  currently considering for adoption the CRCF Regulation Proposal that the Commission presented in late November 2022.建议书载有规则监测、报告并验证欧盟/EEA内部发生的碳清除的真实性实际中,拟议方案仅用于EU/EEA中的碳清除。
