HannahEdmonds-Camara内部能源和环境 //www.ludikid.com/author/hedmonds/ 能源、商品和环境法律和政策开发 Tue 2022年10月18日 17:16:03+00 en-US 时钟 一号 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.1.1&lxb_maple_bar_source=lxb_maple_bar_source https://insideenvironmentredesign.covingtonburlingblogs.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/47/2021/06/cropped-cropped-cropped-favicon-3-32x32.png HannahEdmonds-Camara内部能源和环境 //www.ludikid.com/author/hedmonds/ 32码 32码 UK:新的“世界引导型”森林砍伐和生态系统供应链法 //www.ludikid.com/2020/09/uk-new-world-leading-deforestation-and-ecosystem-supply-chain-law/ Sinéad Oryszczuk、Hannah Edmonds-Camara、Atli Stannard、Paul Mertenskötter和Summreen Mahween Thu, 17Sep 2020 5:30:06+00 国际贸易和供应链 非分类化 森林砍伐 英国立法 //www.ludikid.com/?p=7341 p对齐='中心'###p政府最近宣布,它正在制定立法,规定大型企业使用某些未按本地法律生产的商品为违法,并要求内检公司克尽职责确保其供应链不受非法采伐Continue Reading… s/www.gov.uk/news/news/new-leading-new-law-不遵守可能导致巨额罚款(精确罚款水平待定)。 QQ/spanQQ/p>



  • deferation占全球温室气体排放量的11%;
  • 估计80%森林砍伐由农产品生产产生并
  • 大森林清除生产这些商品不被视为合法 。

博客文章中, 我们考虑拟议立法的范围和范围对企业内可能意味着什么, 并提供广义GRI建议和国际可持续性尽职驱动程序上的一些上下文.





  • 应有的注意义务应同时涵盖侵犯人权和环境风险和影响,这些风险和影响需要仔细和清晰地定义and
  • obligations for companies should be commensurate with the size of the organisation, their impact and ability to influence change;
  • the financial sector should also be covered by a similar mandatory due diligence obligation, undertaking due diligence in order to avoid their lending and investment activities funding deforestation.

The extent to which any eventual legislation will incorporate these suggestions is currently unclear.

The GRI also recommended the introduction of a legally binding target to end deforestation within UK agriculture and forestry supply chains as soon as practicable, by no later than 2030.

Next steps: consultation

The UK Government — in particular, the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs ("Defra")  — has launched an online consultation on the draft legislation to solicit views from the UK and international stakeholders (closing on 5 October 2020).Feedback to the consultation will inform the Government's response to the GRI's due diligence recommendation, and assist in weighing the potential impacts of the proposed legislation on businesses and other interests.

If the Government decides to legislate, the intention currently seems to be to that the legal framework will be established in primary legislation, followed by more detailed secondary legislation, and subject to further consultation.

Wider context: the proliferation of due diligence obligations

Following the UN's adoption of the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights ("UNGPs"), there has been an increasing trend of national and regional regulatory initiatives, including human rights and environmental due diligence and reporting requirements.

One such significant initiative is in motion an at EU level.On 29 April 2020, the EU announced that it would introduce legislation in 2021 to make human rights and environmental due diligence mandatory for EU companies (see our May 2020 blog post here).欧洲议会目前正在编写关于这个问题的立法倡议报告,我们期望委员会在今后数月内进行协商。欧盟司法和消费者事务专员最近确认,委员会将将该条例列入2021年委员会下一个正式工作方案(预期于2020年10月发布)。These efforts are taking place in the context of the EU's wide suite of regulatory initiatives that are part of the "European Green Deal" (see an overview webinar here).

The UK Government considers that by introducing a mandatory deforestation and ecosystem supply chain law, it will provide businesses with some legal certainty by setting a "floor" and minimum standards to meet.  However, against a backdrop of a rapidly evolving patchwork of due diligence requirements — including the more comprehensive, potential EU human rights and environmental due diligence regulation — it is possible that, for in-scope businesses, the UK's introduction of further issue-specific due diligence obligations will exasperate the compliance challenges caused by a piecemeal approach.

规划面向仲裁-投资者重要考量 //www.ludikid.com/2014/12/planning-ahead-to-arbitration-important-considerations-for-investors/ HannahEdmonds-Camara和Jeremy Wilson Tue,2014年12月23日 非洲 仲裁 //www.ludikid.com/?p=1591 p对齐=centercenter###p> 外国对撒哈拉以南非洲的投资继续增长, 商业方之间产生争议的风险也不可避免地增加仲裁解决商业争议的潜在好处,包括程序灵活性和中立性,众所周知(从ICC这里阅读更多内容)。提供仲裁对投资者关联性简介Continue Reading… s/0b92ba22-df2e-11e3-86a4-00144feabdc0.html#axzz3LakX9PQ仲裁解决商业争议的潜在好处,包括程序灵活性和中立性,众所周知(更多取自 ICC 介绍消除仲裁潜在挑战策略






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