内能环境 能源、商品和环境法律和政策开发 Thu,2022年10月13日20:43:14+00 en-US 时钟 一号 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.1.1&lxb_maple_bar_source=lxb_maple_bar_source https://insideenvironmentredesign.covingtonburlingblogs.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/47/2021/06/cropped-cropped-cropped-favicon-3-32x32.png 内能环境 32码 32码 EU紧急能源行动 //www.ludikid.com/2022/10/eu-emergency-action-on-energy/ Carole Maczkovics、Graham Vinter、Thomas Reilly、Candido García Molyneux和Bart Szewczyk 弗里2022年10月7日 22:04:47+00 欧洲能源和气候政策 效率标准 电工 欧洲联盟委员会 欧洲联盟 天然气 可再生能源 //www.ludikid.com/?p=7948 p对齐='Center'###p>2022年10月6日,欧洲联盟理事会通过了应急干预规则解决高能源价格问题(“规程”)。该规则发布于10月7日《欧洲联盟公报》规程有三大元素:峰值电耗减少5%的要求Continue Reading… s/eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/规程有三大元素 :

a要求峰值时电耗减少5% ; a度量将能源公司超额收入或利润返还单个成员国and
  • The allocation of proceeds to customers to alleviate retail electricity prices and an extension to Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) of the categories of beneficiaries of a possible Member State intervention in the retail price.
  • The Regulation's market intervention is exceptional (albeit in response to an extraordinary geopolitical market disruption).  It will have widespread positive and negative impacts for energy market sellers and buyers.  These circumstances may provoke a range of disputes, transaction (re)structurings or additional compliance obligations that will require expert advice and understanding of the details of the Regulation.

    Reduction in electricity consumption

    EU Member States will endeavour to reach an overall 10% reduction in electricity consumption by all consumers.  The benchmark against which that reduction will be measured is the average of gross electricity consumption in the corresponding months of the reference period, i.e.11月1日至前5年3月31日,自2017年开始此外,为降低零售价并增强供应安全,成员国有义务在峰值时将电耗减少5%(定义为日头批发电价预期最高日间时数!总电耗预期最高或可再生能源以外的源电总耗量预期最高)。自2022年12月1日至2023年3月31日适用这些措施。

    参数中包括防止违反欧盟绿色目标的保障措施成员国只能为未按预期耗电提供经济补偿市场运营商除收入外所支付的财政补偿金额必须通过竞争过程确定。 非加气/硬煤电厂剩余收入Cap


    UnlikeIberian半岛 < ahrfs='chrome-extension/feaidnbnibcpclefmkaj/https/ec.eu/competice/state_aid/cass1/20225/SA_102454_407781-00-C327-A344-3EC9A772C4AF_72_1.pdf>成员国必须使用封顶剩余收入支持终端电客。

    剩余拥塞收入来自跨区容量分配,由传输系统操作符累积正常市场环境下,相关TEO可自由决定是否使用欧盟 剩余收入分配(包括拥塞收入)给最终客户 or

  • promoting investment into decarbonisation technologies, renewables and energy efficiency measures.
  • The Regulation also contains a provision to redistribute the surplus revenues between net importing and exporting countries, to ensure that all Member States have the resources needed to support their final customers.

    Retail price regulation of electricity

    The Regulation allows SMEs to benefit temporarily from State intervention in setting the retail electricity price.  This provision foresees the possibility that the end price could even be set below cost, provided that such an intervention does not distort demand reduction and that suppliers are both compensated and not discriminated against.

    Since State intervention in electricity pricing is generally considered to create market distortions, it is normally only permitted in specific and limited circumstances – as set out in the Electricity Directive – through the entrustment of a Public Service Obligation (PSO).委判定当前状况满足这些条件,因此监管授权偏离欧盟


    支持公司ssssssss虽然由能源部门供资,但这种支持在给予公司时可能相当于国家援助europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/10月6日,委员会启动一个会员国咨询 以延长并修正TCF所审议修正侧重于多个领域,包括:

    验证援助量并简化标准支持受高能源价格影响的公司,按当前版本TCF规定提供; 便利能源公司从成员国获取流动性支持以覆盖金融抵押;澄清成员国可如何重构能源公司资本


    节能标准静默成功 //www.ludikid.com/2015/01/energy-efficiency-standards-a-quiet-success/ Tue, 2015年1月27日 能源效率 能源部 效率标准 //www.ludikid.com/?p=1666 p对齐='Center'###p>电耗近些年来普遍下降,部分原因是数项节能标准静默成功。 比方说2013年,美国家庭平均用电量下降至2001年水平,尽管消费者使用更多需要电的产品发扬光大成功 美国Continue Reading… p对齐值="Centerss.com/html/busictechnology20264182-Eglictiesdropsxml.html'Department of Energy (DOE) announced at various times throughout 2014 several new energy efficiency standards for consumer and commercial products.  Most recently, DOE issued pre-publication final rules setting new efficiency standards for both general service fluorescent lamps (GSFLs) and automatic commercial ice makers (ACIMs).  GSFLS, fluorescent tubes that feature pins at one or both ends for installation, are generally used to light homes, offices, and industrial sites.  DOE estimates that the new standards will reduce CO2 emissions by 90 million metric tons and save more than $15 billion in electricity bills through 2030.DOE estimates that its updated energy standards for ACIMs–which now include machines that produce "flake" or "nugget" ice–will reduce CO2 emissions by 4 million metric tons and save nearly $600 million in electricity costs through 2030.

    These two rules, which go into effect in 2018, are DOE's ninth and tenth energy efficiency standards finalized in 2014.  Their announcement marks DOE achieving its goal of finalizing ten energy efficiency standards in 2014 as part of the White House's Climate Action Plan.  The DOE estimates that the ten standards–which apply to dishwashers, water heaters, and other products–will collectively reduce CO2 emissions by over 435 million metric tons and save $78 billion in electricity bills through 2030.

    Additionally, 2014 saw the final phase-out stage of certain types of light bulbs.  Originally a bipartisan success story, one aspect of the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 established increased minimum energy efficiency standards for various types of light bulbs that were to be phased in from 2012 through 2014.  The DOE was poised to begin enforcing the new rules, which effectively ban certain types of incandescent light bulbs, but recent appropriations bills have effectively blocked DOE from enforcing the rules.  Light bulb manufacturers, however, have already begun complying with the standards.

    Older efficiency standards have also been quietly succeeding.  For instance, a new refrigerator meeting the current federal energy efficiency standards would use roughly a quarter of the energy of a refrigerator from 1973, despite offering more storage space and costing significantly less.


    Source: Appliance Standards Awareness Project
