内能环境 能源、商品和环境法律和政策开发 Tue 2022年10月18日 17:25+00 en-US 时钟 一号 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.1.1&lxb_maple_bar_source=lxb_maple_bar_source https://insideenvironmentredesign.covingtonburlingblogs.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/47/2021/06/cropped-cropped-cropped-favicon-3-32x32.png 内能环境 32码 32码 万博体育app手机登录IOT更新:DOT引入第四轮自动化车辆指南 万博体育app手机登录//www.ludikid.com/2020/01/iot-update-dot-introduces-fourth-round-of-automated-vehicles-guidance-av-4-0/ 内部能源 Tue 2020年1月21日 19:43:17+00 交通策略 非分类化 自主移动 自主车辆 //www.ludikid.com/?p=7161 p对齐=center+#p交通秘书Elaine Chao在美国消费者电子秀揭幕万博体育app手机登录交通部预期四轮自动车辆指南AV4.0正式命名AV4.0万博体育app手机登录Continue Reading… p对齐=scenter交通秘书Elaine Chao在美国消费者电子秀揭幕万博体育app手机登录Department of Transportation's ("DOT") long-anticipated fourth round of automated vehicles guidance, "AV 4.0."  Formally entitled, "Ensuring American Leadership in Automated Vehicle Technologies," AV 4.0 is less regulatory guidance and more regulatory aggregator.  The document lists in great detail the various Administration efforts—across 38 federal departments and agencies—geared toward promoting, supporting, and providing accountability for users and communities with respect to autonomous mobility.

Federal Efforts to Drive Autonomous Mobility

AV 4.0 arrived in a broader Washington context for autonomous mobility: the states remain the leading jurisdictions for action on autonomous vehicle regulation.  As Congress continues to slowly consider bipartisan, bicameral autonomous vehicles legislation, the states have added to their codes and regulations.  California, for example, recently incorporated autonomous delivery vehicles into its autonomous vehicle permitting regime at the state's Department of Motor Vehicles.  And other states, notably Arizona, Florida, and Nevada, continue to make efforts to facilitate private sector innovation and operations within their jurisdictions by creating relatively lightweight permitting and testing regimes, which shift the onus for ensuring safety toward companies and the insurance markets, rather than state regulators.

AV 4.0, therefore, was anticipated perhaps to include slightly more formal regulatory guidance than its predecessor, AV 3.0, which sought to define the federal government's role as one to facilitate rather than regulate.But AV 4.0 maintained the DOT's hands-off approach to autonomous vehicles.

AV 4.0's Promises and Principles

AV 4.0 reiterates AV 3.0's promise to "modernize or eliminate outdated regulations that unnecessarily impede the development of AVs—or that do not address critical safety, mobility, and accessibility needs—to encourage a consistent regulatory and operational environment."  And it continues to promote "consistency" among sub-national jurisdictions, and international law to encourage a "seamless" national and international industry.  For example, AV 4.0 discusses the U.S.'s participation in seeking "voluntary consensus standards" that can help to harmonize technical standards and regulatory policies with "international partners."  However, AV 4.0 does not specify how the standards should be developed, or what they might say.

Similarly, the document lays out a set of principles to represent the U.S.提供统一姿势指导工作这些原则力求优先安全性、强调网络安全性、确保隐私和数据安全性、增强运动性以及通过保留技术中立性与现代化规则促进高效市场。

万博体育app手机登录举例说,DOT机构(/em>、Federal汽车运输安全管理局、FederalTerver管理局和FederalTea外加DOT 美国卫生与公众服务部内务局和美国司法部都拥有无障碍权限,AV4.0强调这些部门通过部署自主车辆提高机动性的承诺最近DOT发布https://www.transportation.gov/horplement/us-dement-transport-releases-%E2.809C兼容设计-challenge%E2.809D-requen-Information>>能源局 联邦通信委员会 美国Department of Homeland Security, and the National Institute of Standards and Technology, among others, which all play critical roles in the facilitation of infrastructure, access to spectrum and connectivity, and security and cybersecurity standards.

Although AV 4.0 provides an informative overview of the landscape DOT seeks to shape with its list of unifying principles, the document does not go into great detail as to how each principle will be accomplished.

Convergences with the Transportation Sector's Energy Footprint

Notably, AV 4.0 does detail the many convergences between autonomous mobility and the transportation sector's energy footprint.  As the document notes, transportation accounts for nearly one-third of the energy used in the United States, and autonomous vehicles hold the promise to "reduce energy use associated with driving."  AV 4.0 highlights a number of government efforts aimed at addressing transportation efficiency alongside autonomous technology development.举例说,DOE通过高级研发项目局启动sem>NEXTCAR /em>程序,目的是使用连通自动化联机车电技术AV技术提高车级燃油效率。报告同样描述DOE支持8级卡车挂图作为实现重载卡车节能的一种手段。局正在建模土地使用变换并汇总各种数据集以创建对基础设施收费需求(并因此电网需要和约束)更全局化视图Sandia国家实验室正与联邦国家安全机构合作,进行与车辆对网收费和连通应用相联的网络安全风险评估。
