Laura Martin内部能源和环境 // 能源、商品和环境法律和政策开发 Tue 2022年10月18日 17:08:50+00 en-US 时钟 一号 Laura Martin内部能源和环境 // 32码 32码 DOE请求资料说明国防生产法如何支持国家安全和网格恢复 // 劳拉马丁 Tue 042022Octo 19:54:01+00 电网 国防生产法 电网 绿色氢 网格现代化 氢气 项目金融 可再生能源 太阳系 // p对齐='Center'###p>能源局发布公众信息请求书(RFI),说明如何最佳使用国防生产法加速关键技术的国内制造部署,加强US电网可靠性部署净能输入帮助DEE设计DAA动作Continue Reading… p对齐="center.g/ps/ps/电网可靠性部署净能帮助DOE设计提升清洁能源并同时降低燃料价格的DA行动。


供应链链DOE可直接提供金融支持以拓展变压器或关键材料输入量的国内制造能力或可承诺购买量变压器向厂家提供需求确定性。 除变压器和电网组件外,RFI还覆盖下列技术:太阳能光电隔热素材电解器、白金类金属和净氢燃料电池东区2022年11月30日 扩展和长期稳定气候和能源税收抵免 // 凯尔斯威尼 马丁列维 劳拉马丁 太阳2022年7月31日 电池回收 拜顿行政 减通货膨胀法 净零能 45Q CCUS语言 清洁能源 清洁能源税抵免 电动汽车电池 电动车辆 燃料电池 水电局 投资税抵免 生产税抵免 太阳系 // p对齐='中心''##/p>2022通缩法2600亿美元清洁能源税抵免IRA扩展了许多现有清洁能源税抵免,如能源生产税抵免和投资税抵免风能和太阳能税抵免,同时它也设置新抵免,包括先进制造和氢生产抵免并自2025年起Continue Reading… schemer-climate-de/IRA扩展了许多现有清洁能源税抵免,如能源生产税抵免和投资税抵免风能和太阳能税抵免,同时它也设置新抵免,包括先进制造和氢生产抵免Additionally, beginning in 2025, taxpayers with zero emissions facilities would have added flexibility to choose between using a new technology neutral production tax credit or investment tax credit.

In addition to the extension of the solar investment tax credit, the IRA renews the previously expired production tax credit for solar energy and extends the credit to include qualifying facilities that begin construction before January 1, 2025.  IRA § 13101.  Taxpayers would also be eligible for a bonus 10% production tax credit if certain "domestic content requirements" are met or if the project is located in an "energy community." [1]  The production tax credit is calculated by multiplying the amount of kilowatt-hours product by 0.3 cents or, if certain wage and apprenticeship requirements are met, 1.5 cents.  Id.

Another key provision is an extension of the energy investment tax credit to include qualifying facilities that begin construction before January 1, 2025, with tax credits for geothermal energy being extended to 2035.13102. 类似于生产税抵免,纳税人有资格额外获得10%投资税抵免,如果满足某些“家庭内容”要求或项目位于“能源社区”。投资税抵免计算法是将设施投入服务成本乘以6%或如果满足某些工资和学徒需求则乘以30%。 Id. IRA包括扩展和修改45Q固碳ARA 1344. 碳捕获45Q信用额定为每公吨合格氧化碳17美元,或如果满足某些工资和学徒需求,则定值85美元。 Id. 45Q信用额也扩展至包括直接航空捕获量,并定值每公吨合格氧化碳36美元,或如果满足某些工资和学徒需求,定值180美元。 Id. IRA还包含高级能源项目信用额扩展至100亿美元,其中40亿美元预留用于 " 能源社区 " 。除其他外,该信用扩展包括水电设施、能源存储系统、重力电机和燃料电池及其相关收费基础设施、关键矿处理、精炼或回收以及用碳捕获存储设备对能源设施进行改换。 Id. em>Id.

它还将包括一个新的净化氢生产税抵免,可达60美分/千克合格净化氢,或,如果满足某些工资和学徒需求,可达3.00美分/秒/秒/秒/秒/秒/秒/秒/秒/秒/秒/秒/秒/秒/秒/秒/秒/秒/秒/秒/秒/秒/秒/秒/秒/秒/秒/秒/秒/秒/秒/秒/秒/秒/秒/秒/秒/秒/秒/秒/秒/秒/秒/秒/秒/秒/秒/秒/秒/秒/秒/秒/秒/秒/秒/秒/秒/秒/秒/秒/秒/秒/秒/秒/秒/秒/秒/秒/秒/秒/秒/秒/秒/秒/秒/秒/秒/秒/秒§ 13204.  "Qualified clean hydrogen" is hydrogen which is produced through a process that results in a lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions rate of not greater than 4 kilograms of CO2e per kilogram of hydrogen.  Id.  The amount of the credit varies based on how clean the hydrogen fuel is, ranging from 20% of the credit amount for hydrogen emitting no greater than 4 kilograms of CO2e per kilogram of hydrogen to 100% for fuels emitting a lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions rate less than 0.45 kilograms of CO2e per kilogram of hydrogen.  Id.

For three of these tax credits, the IRA makes a "direct pay" option available to any taxpayer claiming the clean hydrogen credit, the carbon capture credit, or the advance manufacturing production tax credit.  IRA § 13801.  Direct pay allows taxpayers to receive a refundable tax credit even if they don't otherwise have any tax liability to absorb the credit (e.g., the taxpayer is operating at a loss).  In this way, the credit is particularly beneficial for early-stage companies.  With respect to clean hydrogen and carbon capture facilities, the "direct pay" option is only available in the taxable year in which the facility is placed into service, and the four years following that.  Apart from these three tax credits, the "direct pay" option is also available for a longer list of other energy-related credits, but only if the organization claiming them is a tax-exempt organization, state or local government, tribal government, or the Tennessee Valley Authority.  Id.

The IRA includes a provision that allows taxpayers to transfer certain enumerated clean-energy credits to unrelated taxpayers.[2]  IRA § 6418(a).  Consideration paid for a transferrable credit must be paid in cash, and is not includable in the income of the transferor, nor deductible by the transferee.  Id. § (b).  Excessive transferability payments could result in an addition to tax of the transferee equal to the sum of the excessive payment amount plus a penalty of 20% of the excessive payment amount.  Id. § (g)(2).  This provision is particularly beneficial for taxpayers with low tax liability that cannot otherwise take advantage of the direct pay option for credits other than the three enumerated above, and instead have to turn to the tax equity markets to facilitate use of the credits.IRA创建或扩展多项附加税收抵免,包括:(1)清洁电生产抵免,§13701清洁电投资信用第13702条3)与低收入社区连通的太阳能和风能信用第13103节+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++有大量就业领域提取、处理、运输或存储化石燃料自2000年起关闭煤矿自2009年起煤厂停产或停产的普查段

2022年《减少通货膨胀法环境司法规定 // W.Andrew Jack、Laura Martin和Christopher Callery 卫星2022年7月30日 16:17:29+00 拜顿行政 环境司法 ESG系统 减通货膨胀法 净零能 非分类化 空气污染 清洁能源 气候变化 环境司法 // p对齐='Center'###p>2022通缩法环境司法条款继续拜登政府环境司法承诺该倡议引导40%的气候变化、可持续性和其他投资Continue Reading… p对齐='Center''##p>##################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################This initiative directs 40% of the climate change, sustainability, and other investments in environmental and climate protection to communities that the United States has historically marginalized, underserved, or overburdened with pollution.  EPA is also working to address environmental justice by making improvements to the NEPA process and the White House Council on  Environmental Quality is working on an additional set of NEPA Phase 2 rules designed to promote environmental justice.万博体育app手机登录EPA管理员Regan指令所有EP办公室更新适应计划

The IRA is the latest step in pursuing the Biden Administration's environmental justice goals and it continues to push them forward by funding a variety of projects.  The IRA would inject billions of dollars in funding into environmental justice initiatives and, according to Senator Edward Markey (D-Mass.), represent "…the most significant investment in environmental justice and climate action in American history."  President Biden said that it would make a "real" investment into environmental justice and many environmental groups have rushed to support the bill calling it "an incredible breakthrough."

If passed the IRA would provide major incentives to produce clean energy and reduce pollution in low-income and disadvantaged communities.该法案提供高达3.6千兆瓦的太阳能和风能减税,足以为低收入社区数以百万计的家庭提供电源该法案还分配47.5亿美元给各州减少温室气体排放,重点是弱势社区。该法案还将向全美部落社区分配数亿元。

disadtage社区也将从30多亿美元联邦公路局获得资金获益,用于改善交通接入、重连低收入区到邻接并减少交通枢纽负面影响等项目。 IRA第60501段还将向社区非盈利组织提供30亿美元,以减少污染、解决有毒污染问题、监控局部污染水平并投资环境恢复能力项目IRA第60201条The Department of Housing and Urban Development would also receive $1 billion to improve the climate resilience and electrification projects in public housing.  IRA § 30002.

Multiple e-NGOs have urged passage of the IRA and highlighted the contributions it will make to environmental justice.  For example, The Sierra Club's statement identifies multiple areas of environmental justice impact that will stem from passage of the IRA.  Similarly, WE ACT's statement of support noted, "We acknowledge Members of Congress for returning to the negotiating table and producing an inflation reduction package that has billions of environmental justice funding that can deliver the once-in-a-generation investments needed to make communities of color and areas of low income healthier, cleaner, and economically viable." 

EPA问题三请求信息循环专题与程序输入 // John Mizerak、Laura Martin和Thomas Brugato Thu, 16Jun202215:57:47+00 电池回收 电池组 电池回收 双党基础设施法 消费者垃圾处理 环境保护局 EPA公司 基础设施 回收利用 // p对齐表示scenter###p>环保局发布三份信息请求 关于回收问题,第一步分配资金并完成去年基础设施投资与工作法(通称双党基础建设法)所载任务EPA请求信息程序主要面向改善回收使用Continue Reading… p对齐表示scenterquaEPA请求信息程序主要面向改善消费者垃圾回收:

环境保护局发布三份信息请求 关于回收问题,这是分配资金和执行去年《基础设施投资与就业法》(通称双党基础建设法)所载任务的第一步EPA请求信息程序主要面向改善消费者垃圾回收:

图类高度:自动机abjectivity-left数据对齐>IIJAsec70401bbrbrbrbrbrbr>(2) 建立程序促进电池回收,为电池生产者和消费者开发电池和其他形式的通信材料自愿标签指南,说明电池关键材料的复用和回收IIJAsec70401cabr+++br+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++br信息电池回用和回收通信素材面向电池生产者和消费者EPA在每个类别中列出了一系列关于当前回收实践的具体问题,例如:见 IIJA分会J. 2.75亿澳元赠款,从2022-2026财年开始每年递增5 500万澳元 (2)EPA还必须开发模范回收程序工具箱,供州政府、地方政府和部落政府用于实施回收程序IIJAsec70402(b)(7). 每年1500万美元5年 EPA请求对具体专题发表评论,包括:标准术语住宅回收消费者教育素材测量有效通信and Current Stakeholder Education and Outreach Programs.

The current recycling rate in the United States—about 32 percent—is well below what it could be.  EPA has set a target of 50% by the end of the decade, and last year published the agency's first ever national recycling strategy.  These requests for information focus on some of the most commonly cited reasons for the low rate, including consumer attitudes toward recycling and poor infrastructure in many parts of the country.

The RFIs should be of interest to a broad set of stakeholders.  EPA's desire to better understand battery recycling practices is of particular note, given the prevalence of batteries in modern consumer products, and the importance of energy storage solutions to the Biden Administration's climate goals.  The guidelines developed by EPA could ultimately become the basis for either federal or state mandatory requirements.  Manufacturer take-back programs are also specifically mentioned, suggesting that EPA may eventually consider extended producer responsibility for these products, a trend that is prevalent in a number of states.响应这些请求的书面评论和信息必须在2022年7月25日或之前收到。 EPA资源保护恢复局今年将在全国各地主办虚拟会议。
