Laura Kim内部能源和环境 // 能源、商品和环境法律和政策开发 Frii2023014448+00 en-US 时钟 一号 Laura Kim内部能源和环境 // 32码 32码 FC启动绿指南评审 60天注释周期20232 // Laura Kim、Lindsay Brewer和Alexandra Remick Thu,2022年12月15日 ESG系统 广告保护 绿向导 绿清洗 // 2022年12月14日,联邦贸易委员会一致投票发布联邦注册局通知,请求对绿指南效果作出评论。初始注释请求求取关于保留、修改或撤销指南的投入。通知发布于12月下旬Continue Reading… 万博体育app手机登录

On December 14, 2022, during an open Commission meeting, the Federal Trade Commission voted unanimously to issue a Federal Register notice requesting comments on the efficacy of the Green Guides.  The initial request for comments seeks input on whether to retain, modify, or rescind the Guides.  The notice was published in late December, marking the beginning of a 60-day comment period that ends on February 21, 2023.

As a part of its regulatory review, the Commission's request for public comment seeks information about the costs of complying with the Guides, evidence of the degree of industry compliance with the Guides, and whether guidance is no longer needed for particular claims.万博体育app手机登录The Commission is also soliciting comments on whether additional or more specific guidance is needed for a variety of claims currently covered in the Guides, including compostable, degradable, recycled content, and recyclable claims.  In her separate statement, Chair Khan referenced recent reports that recycled plastics often end up in landfills, and questioned whether recyclability claims should reflect the realities of how products are processed rather than whether they are picked up from a recycling bin.

In addition to requesting input on whether to update existing claim-specific guidance to reflect new technology and market realities, the Commission will consider public comments about possible expansions to the Guides, as well as the possibility of launching a rulemaking.  The Commission requests input on whether to augment existing guidance on carbon offset claims by offering views on other claims related to climate change such as "net zero," "carbon neutral," "low carbon," and "carbon negative."  Noting the "proliferation of environmental benefit claims includes claims not currently addressed in the Guides," the Commission is also seeking input on whether to add to the Green Guides guidance on energy use or energy efficiency claims as well as "organic" and "sustainable" claims, two claims on which the Commission previously declined to issue guidance.

During the open Commission meeting, members of the public offered input on the Green Guides review, including the need to consider environmental justice concerns, market changes since the last regulatory review such as the increase in online shopping, and the utility of tracking mechanisms such as mass balance chain of custody to inspire trust in environmental marketing claims.

The 60-day comment period is the first major step in the Commission's multi-year effort to review the Green Guides. 

公司对误导环境请求和非标准可持续性报告大审查 // 加里S古兹市Andrew Jack、Laura Kim和Lindsay Brewer 2018年11月19日Mon:20:58+00 非分类化 守法度 绿清洗 // p对齐='center'##p>更多公司确认增强可持续性报告的价值并宣传其产品和服务的积极环境特征时,它们也应关注公众对'绿色'索赔的更大监督。 从事绿化-夸大、误报或非物质环境索赔-的公司越来越多地暴露于名声损害和法律Continue Reading… p对齐表示“中心 ” /p>

s更多公司确认增强可持续性报告的价值并宣传其产品和服务积极的环境特征,他们也应该关注公众对绿化主张的更多监督。 参与绿化-夸大、误报或非物质环境主张-的公司越来越多地接触名声损害和法律大战,监管者、投资人和民间社会行为方投入更多资源审查环境主张公司还面临来自投资者越来越大的压力,要求发布标准化严格可持续性信息,允许跨行业基准化。 /span/p> advancedserfs/联邦贸易委员会继续通过执法行动控制环境营销空间,最突出的是它s/短短五年内,环境、社会治理投资策略下管理的资产s/响应>Ernst&Young 调查,68%的机构投资者回答说非金融性能常或偶而在前一年决策中起关键作用。
